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Some of the Companies
+55 11 3047 2900
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
ACCIONA is a leader in providing sustainable solutions for infrastructure and renewable energy projects across the world. Its offer covers the whole value chain, from design and construction to operation and maintenance. With a presence in more than 30 countries, the Group develops its business activities based on the desire to contribute to economic and social development in the communities in which it operates.
+55 11 3514 1600
Sao Paulo | Brazil
Fundo soberano de Cingapura, classificado como um dos maiores do mundo. Possui cerca de US$ 100 bilhões em ativos em mais de 40 países.
+55 11 3048 6396
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
CCR Group is one of the major infrastructure concession companies in Latin America. Divided into four business units, CCR Highways SP, CCR Highways BR, CCR Mobility and CCR Airports, the company operates in the main transportation modes in the region. In the road segment, it controls 3,265 kilometres of highways in four Brazilian states where the highest concentration of GDP passes through. In the transportation of passengers, it holds the concessions of lines 4 and recently won the auction to manage lines 5 and 17 of the São Paulo metro system. In addition, it is responsible for the boat system and the VLT in Rio de Janeiro and the subway operation in the capital of Bahia, Salvador. In airport concessions, the company operates in the airports of Quito (Ecuador), San José (Costa Rica), Curaçao and Belo Horizonte (Brazil). Besides, the CCR Group also has expertise in high-capacity data transmission and airport services in the United States.
0 11 35272000
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Maersk is an integrated transport and logistics company based in Copenhagen. The company currently operates in 130 countries, with 720 vessels, transporting around 17% of all containers worldwide, and employing 100,000 people. APM Terminals operates one of the world’s most comprehensive port networks. We’re uniquely positioned to help both shipping line and landside customers grow their business. Our team is focused on delivering the operational excellence and solutions, which our 10,000 customers require to reach their potential. The 67 terminals in our global network are operated exclusively by APM Terminals or together with a joint venture partner. In Brazil, we operate in regular international container transportation through Maersk, in cabotage (navigation within Brazilian waters) and in national multimodal transportation through Aliança, in port terminal operations through APM Terminals and its subsidiaries, and in towing services through Svitzer.
+1 202 623 1000
Washington | USA
IDB Invest is a multilateral development bank committed to promoting the economic development of its 26 member countries in Latin America and the Caribbean across a broad range of industry sectors.
+55 11 5185-6888
São Paulo | Brazil
+55 11 2844 8036
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
IG4 Capital is an alternative asset manager focused on Latin America. With a team of 52 people and presence in Brazil, Peru, Colombia and Chile, it manages ~USD 1.2 billion in infrastructure assets in the following sectors: water and sanitation, transportation and logistics, urban mobility, social infrastructure, and energy and telecom. IG4 current portfolio generates more than USD1.5 billion of turnover per year, employs more than 20 thousand people and serves more than 15 million clients.

Lima | Lima | Peru
Infracorp hace parte del holding de infraestructuras del Grupo Romero, grupo en el sector infraestructura a través del desarrollo de inversiones de forma directa o de coinversiones, tanto en el Perú como en la región.
+57 1 650 1919
Bogotá | Colombia
Odinsa, a Colombian company, a subsidiary of Grupo Argos, is an organization dedicated to the structuring, management and development of infrastructure projects for highway and airport concessions.
+1 (416) 228-5900
Toronto | Ontario | Canada
Ontario Teachers Pension Plan is Canada's largest single-profession pension plan with $175.6 billion in net assets.
+55 71 3025-9800
Salvador | BA | Brazil
ROADIS is a reference company in the development, operation and management of highway concessions with 1,644 kilometers of roads throughout the world.
+ 55 11 21 988 850
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Sacyr’s international expansion enables the company to operate in 29 countries on five continents. Most of the group’s overseas activities are in Latin America, though it also boasts a considerable presence in Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania.

São Paulo | SP | Brazil
UBS is committed to providing private, institutional and corporate clients worldwide, as well as retail clients in Switzerland, with superior financial advice and solutions. Its strategy centers on its Wealth Management and Wealth Management Americas businesses and its leading universal bank in Switzerland, complemented by its Asset Management business and its Investment Bank. These businesses share three key characteristics: they benefit from a strong competitive position in their targeted markets, are capital-efficient, and offer a superior structural growth and profitability outlook. UBS’s strategy builds on the strengths of all of its businesses and focuses its efforts on areas in which it excels, while seeking to capitalize on the compelling growth prospects in the businesses and regions in which it operates. In Brazil, UBS offers wealth management services to private investors and broker dealer and corporate client solutions to institutional clients.
+57 1 6 17 12 23
Bogotá | Colombia
Operating in 15 countries around the world, VINCI Highways is a leading concessions company and provider of road transport services. Working with local partners, VINCI Highways designs, finances, builds and operates more than 4,000 km of roads to the highest international safety and quality standards.
+55 21 2159 6000
Rio De Janeiro | Brazil
Vinci is one of Brazil’s largest alternative investment firms, with over R$ 60bi of AUM. The Real Estate area represents more than R$5,0bi of this AUM with investments across different asset classes and strategies.
Rio de Janeiro | Brazil
Located in Brazil, Zurich Airport Latin America Ltd is the regional representative office of Flughafen Zürich AG (Zurich Airport) in the region responsible for the management of the investments in Brazil (Belo Horizonte, Florianópolis, Vitória, Macaé, and Natal) , Chile (Iquique and Antofagasta), Colombia (Bogotá) and Curaçao; as for business development in Brazil and Latin America.
Santiago | Chile
Enel Américas and its subsidiaries generate, transport and distribute energy in four South American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Peru. Is it Latin America’s largest privately owned energy company.
+55 21 2528-3112
Rio De Janeiro | RJ | Brazil
A Eletrobras é a companhia de energia elétrica líder em geração e transmissão de energia limpa no Brasil, atuando também nos segmentos de eficiência energética e comercialização. Com 98 usinas em operação, é responsável por 22% da capacidade nacional e opera mais de 73 mil quilômetros de linhas de transmissão.
+55 11 3818-8150
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Aegea manage sanitation assets through its dealerships in several states of the country. The company acts as manager of public concessions operating in all processes of the full cycle of water – supply, collection and sewage treatment. Currently, Aegea is represented in ten Brazilian states and supplies more than 21 million people in 153 municipalities. Its shareholders are Grupo Equipav, GIC and Itaúsa.
+52 55 5255 5250
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Founded in 2018, Aleatica was created with the mission of offering safe and sustainable mobility solutions supported by cutting-edge technology that anticipate customer needs.
We are a pure transport infrastructure operator, which allows us to focus exclusively on the design and operation of highways and other mobility assets in 6 countries of Europe and Latin America.
+55 11 3513 9099
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
O Grupo atua tanto nos setores de utilidade pública quanto de micro e mini geração de energia renovável
+51 1 313-2000
Lima | Peru
Somos el banco peruano que desde hace más de 130 años viene liderando el sistema financiero a nivel nacional. A lo largo de todo este tiempo hemos contribuido con el desarrollo económico de nuestro país, transformando planes en realidad.
Todo esto es posible gracias al equipo de profesionales de primer nivel que forman parte de nuestro equipo y que se caracterizan por su pasión por metas y resultados y capacidad de innovar y buscar siempre ser los mejores.
Nuestra diversidad de negocios y áreas nos permite ofrecer múltiples experiencias de trabajo, en muchas especialidades que requieren diferentes competencias y habilidades. Por ello, estamos en permanente búsqueda de profesionales talentosos y dispuestos a afrontar nuevos retos, con capacidad para innovar y con ganas de desafiarse en grande para impactar en grande.
+52 55 52 62 32 00
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Banco Sabadell es el cuarto grupo bancario privado español, integrado por diferentes bancos, marcas, sociedades filiales y sociedades participadas que abarcan todos los ámbitos del negocio financiero bajo un denominador común: profesionalidad y calidad. Un equipo dotado de los recursos tecnológicos y comerciales más modernos, y una organización multimarca y multicanal enfocada al cliente permiten a Banco Sabadell ocupar una destacada posición en el mercado en banca personal y de empresas.
+55 11 3553 3203
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
O Banco Santander (SAN SM, STD US, BNC LN) é um banco comercial fundado em 1857 com sede em Espanha. Tem uma presença relevante em 10 mercados fulcrais nas regiões da Europa, América do Norte e América do Sul e é um dos maiores bancos do mundo em termos de capitalização bolsista. O Sa ... ver mais
+57 1 3192598
Bogota | Colombia
BlackRock is trusted to manage more money than any other investment firm. Our business is investing on behalf of our clients - from large institutions to parents and grandparents, teachers, nurses, doctors and people from all walks of life.
+55 21 2052 7447
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) is one of the largest development banks in the world and today the Federal Government's main instrument for long-term financing and investment in all segments of the Brazilian economy.
+55 61 2191-8600
Brasília | DF | Brazil
O Banco de Desenvolvimento da América Latina - CAF foi criado em 1970 e e? de propriedade de 19 países (17 de América Latina e Caribe, além de Espanha e Portugal) e 14 bancos privados na região. Sua missão é promover o desenvolvimento sustentável e a integração regional por meio de projetos de nanciamento em setores públicos e privados, fornecendo cooperação técnica e outros serviços especializados. No Brasil, no setor público, tem uma capilaridade ímpar e consegue chegar aos mais diversos estados e municípios com seus produtos e serviços. Já para o setor privado, o foco está em promover a transformação produtiva através de intervenções nos setores de infraestrutura, energia, água e saneamento, e agroindustrial. Além disso, está desenvolvendo produtos inovadores em gestão de fundos de investimentos para infraestrutura.
+55 11 4632 0190
Sao Paulo | SP | Brazil
Canadian long-term institutional investor, CDPQ has been a major infrastructure investor for more than 15 years.
+507 320 8000
Panama City | Panamá | Panama
Non-bank financial institution, provides advice and financing for infrastructure and energy projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.
+55 11 3896 6300
Cerqueira Cesar | SP | Brazil
Crédit Agricole CIB offers its clients a large range of products and services in capital markets, investment banking, structured finance and corporate banking, through its network in major countries in Europe, America, Asia Pacific and the Middle East.
Guaymallén | Mendoza | Argentina
Argentine Company of Electric Power Transmission by Cuyo Trunk Distribution
+55 11 3787-2667
São Paulo | Brazil
EcoRodovias is the operator with the most extensive road network in Brazil. The Company, a subsidiary of the ASTM Group, currently manages ten highway concessions covering more than 4,000 kilometers in eight states and a port terminal.
+55 (11) 4615 4380
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Consulting and engineering services, management and supervision of works, road and airport operations.
+971 2 413 0000
Abu Dhabi | United Arab Emirates
We create value by leveraging our talent, our shareholder, our diverse portfolio, and our global presence and partnerships. As a responsible investor, we serve a wider social and economic development purpose through a principled work culture and by inspiring our businesses to make a positive and lasting impact on the communities in which they operate.
Mubadala is a $302 billion (AED 1,111 billion) business that spans six continents with interests across multiple sectors and asset classes. Headquartered in Abu Dhabi, Mubadala also has offices in London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, San Francisco and Beijing. At Mubadala we continue to look towards the future, with aspirations to double the size of our portfolio in the coming decade.
Our environment thrives on inspiration, partnerships, and continuous evolution and is tailored for those who aspire to not only reach new heights in their careers but also contribute to sustainable, long-term investments that shape future industries.
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