Desde 2016, GRI Club LATAM conecta líderes del mercado inmobiliario nacional en entornos exclusivos para networking, intercambio de experiencias y generación de nuevos negocios.
La participación está restringida a tomadores de decisión de sus empresas y está sujeta a validación del Approval Council.
Empresas participantes
+506 2520-6100
San Jose | Costa Rica
•Cuestamoras Urbanismo para crear alternativas sustentables de buen vivir mediante el desarrollo de comunidades urbanas integradas, orgánicas y vibrantes que sean relevantes a su contexto económico, cultural y ambiental.
+52 55 5093 2770
Ciudad de Mexico | Mexico
The global RE investment business of Prudential Financial has professionals in 18 cities & gross assets under mgmt of $62.6 billion (Sept 30 2015)
+52 55 4624 4808
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
CINUK (virtuous cycle in Latin) was founded in 2017 and is a vertically integrated real estate platform (fund raising, land purchase, conceptualization, development, construction management, commercialization and operations) focused in urban development in Mexico and the United States.
+52 55 5284 0000
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Real Estate Consultancy specialized in providing solutions to investors developers occupiers and owners in all business lines.

Madrid | Spain
Agartha Capital is a premium real estate asset and investment management company. It was created to act as manager of the REIT, Agartha Real Estate SOCIMI, a pioneer in the creation of collaborative professional and living environments. The company is active in the Spanish market and intent on taking advantage of new expansion opportunities in other markets such as Portugal, France, Italy, Germany and United Kingdom.
+52 55 4170 7070
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
We are the first and largest Fibra (the Mexican equivalent of a REIT) in Mexico. At FUNO we focus on generating sustainable value for our investors through the operation, acquisition, sale and development of properties for commercial use. FUNO's business philosophy is based on an extensive and deep knowledge, as well as a decision process focused 100% on real estate.
+52 55 5081 0800
Mexico City | Mexico
Prologis provides efficient logistics real estate solutions to the world. In partnership with top manufacturing and distribution companies.
+52 55 9171 2012
Mexico City | MEX | Mexico
VINTE is a publicly traded, Mexican land developer & homebuilder with a shared value business approach. On August 2019, Vinte was selected to Fortune’s 2019 “Change the World” List that recognizes the companies that have had a positive social impact.
502 2208 1111
Guatemala city | Guatemala | Guatemala
Spectrum is a Guatemalan company that is dedicated to the development, commercialization and operation of innovative real estate projects in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Colombia.
+56 2 234 5420
Santiago | Chile
Empresas Socovesa es uno de los desarrolladores inmobiliarios más importantes en Chile. Con 48 años en el mercado y producto del constante estudio de las necesidades de las personas ha entregado soluciones habitacionales en todos los segmentos de la población y en más de 20 ciudades del país a través de sus marcas Socovesa, Almagro y Pilares. Cuenta con 103 proyectos en desarrollo que van desde las UF710 hasta las UF59.000. Ha construido más de 4.880.000 mts2 en todo Chile, logrando una cobertura territorial desde Antofagasta hasta Punta Arenas.
+52 55 5242 8809
Hines is a global real estate investment firm founded in 1957 with a presence in 201 cities in 24 countries. Has $111 billion of AUM. The firm has 108 developments currently underway around the world. Hines has developed or acquired 1,295 properties.

Monterrey | Mexico
Fibra Inn is a Mexican trust formed primarily to acquire, develop and rent a broad range of hotel properties in Mexico aimed at the traveler. The company has signed franchise and license agreements with international hotel chains to use their brands. These hotels enjoy some of the industry’s top loyalty programs. Fibra Inn trades its Real Estate Certificates (Certificados Bursátiles Fiduciarios Inmobiliarios or “CBFIs”) on the Mexican Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “FINN13”.
+52 55 9150 1023
Mexico City | CMX | Mexico
MIRA Companies, is a fully-integrated real estate investment and development platform focused on commercial and residential assets in Mexico.
+52 55 52 62 32 00
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Banco Sabadell es el cuarto grupo bancario privado español, integrado por diferentes bancos, marcas, sociedades filiales y sociedades participadas que abarcan todos los ámbitos del negocio financiero bajo un denominador común: profesionalidad y calidad. Un equipo dotado de los recursos tecnológicos y comerciales más modernos, y una organización multimarca y multicanal enfocada al cliente permiten a Banco Sabadell ocupar una destacada posición en el mercado en banca personal y de empresas.
+(506) 2208-8890
Escazú | Costa Rica
Caribe Hospitality es una compañía nacida del objetivo de desarrollar hoteles para ser manejados por hoteleros experimentados y respetados. La estrategia comienza seleccionando ubicaciones clave y construyendo instalaciones que son diseñadas y ajustadas para alcanzar las necesidades del viajero de esparcimiento y negocios. Alcanzamos nuestra misión de ser el desarrollador regional líder de las mejores y más prestigiosas marcas de hoteles a través de la eficiencia, compromiso, trabajo en equipo y responsabilidad, todos componentes clave de relaciones a largo plazo con nuestros socios de negocio.
+54 11 5236-1010
Buenos Aires | Argentina
Plaza Logística es una empresa líder en el desarrollo y operación de Parques Logísticos "Triple A". El modelo de desarrollo de la compañía es de vanguardia a nivel internacional tanto por la calidad constructiva como por los servicios de los parques y el cumplimiento de los estándares más rigurosos de seguridad de incendio, seguridad laboral y mitigación del impacto medioambiental. Plaza Logística es la primera compañía del sector de logística en Latinoamérica en haber obtenido financiamiento directo por parte del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y del Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC).
+54 11 4893 2000
Punta del este | Uruguay
GNV Group es una empresa dedicada al desarrollo y comercialización de proyectos inmobiliarios, presidida por Alejandro Ginevra, quien ha liderado diversos proyectos en el mercado local, resumiendo décadas de experiencia y continuando una extensa tradición familiar en el sector. Madero Harbour es su emprendimiento de usos mixtos que sintetiza más de 30 años de experiencia en el sector inmobiliario, y posiciona a GNV Group como una de las desarrolladoras más importantes de Argentina.
+506 2284-4000 +506 2522-3840
San José | Costa Rica
Improsa SAFI es una subsidiaria del Grupo Financiero Improsa que inicia operaciones en el 2000. Se dedica a administrar fondos de inversión especializados en el área inmobiliaria. Actualmente gestiona cinco fondos de inversión.
+503 2500-9000
San Salvador | El Salvador
We are a business group whose main focus is to develop and operate hotels and commercial real estate projects in Latin America.
+1 713.535.9512
Mc Lean | VA | USA
Back in 1993, when Founder, Chairman, and CEO Bob Faith set out to build Greystar, he saw a highly fragmented multifamily industry that was more focused on assets than people. He envisioned the need for an industry leader, a blue-chip company that operated with the highest integrity and character in delivering world-class services to residents, property owners and investors in multifamily real estate. He said, “Why not us? Let’s go be that company.” With a winning strategy and a focus on people, Greystar set out to meet that need -- guided by the mission of enriching the lives of those we touch by doing things the right way. Greystar has learned what’s important to people when it comes to a place to call home and the services that enhance the living experience. And that’s why we put our heart and soul into providing beautiful living environments.
(+562) 22990777
Santiago | Chile
We develop and manage multi-format real estate assets, mainly for commercial use, orientated towards differentiated socio-economic sectors in Chile, Peru and Colombia.
+57 313 6628338
Bogotá | Distrito Capital de Bogotá | Colombia
We are the External Manager of the Visum Rentas Inmobiliarias Real Estate Collective Investment Fund. We represent a transformational business for the Colombian market by articulating two of the most important real estate managers in Colombia: Inverlink and BTG Pactual.
+57 601 5803300
Bogotá | Colombia
Yellowstone is a pioneering Pan-American Colombia and US-based private equity real estate firm with USD 500 million of capital under management. YCP’s investment strategy is focused on purchasing land, developing, and operating mixed-use and large-scale residential projects targeting Colombia’s emerging working and middle-class. Through its US venture, Yellowstone seeks to invest in real estate housing opportunities all across the US.
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