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GRI Taskforces - Aeroportos

O objetivo deste taskforce é monitorar continuamente as ações e regulamentações propostas pelas agências reguladoras, assegurando que os membros do GRI Club estejam sempre informados e preparados para mudanças no setor aeroportuário, além de representar e promover suas perspectivas junto às autoridades competentes, garantindo que suas vozes sejam ouvidas na formulação de políticas que afetam o setor.

Imagem Fabio Cruz
Fabio Cruz
Head of Institutional Relations & Legal Affairs
Zurich Airport

Alguns temas abordados neste taskforce:

Relicitações e Renegociação dos contratos.
Impactos da Judicialização predatória no setor aéreo.
Alternativas de combustível (ESG).
Integração entre modais de transporte.
Faça parte  deste taskforce


Fabio Cruz
Head of Institutional Relations & Legal Affairs
Zurich Airport Latin America
Fabio Cruz
Rio de Janeiro | Brazil
Located in Brazil, Zurich Airport Latin America Ltd is the regional representative office of Flughafen Zürich AG (Zurich Airport) in the region responsible for the management of the investments in Brazil (Belo Horizonte, Florianópolis, Vitória, Macaé, and Natal) , Chile (Iquique and Antofagasta), Colombia (Bogotá) and Curaçao; as for business development in Brazil and Latin America.
Fabio Cruz
Fabio Cruz
Head of Institutional Relations & Legal AffairsZurich Airport Latin America
Fábio Cruz leads institutional relations and legal operations at Zurich Airport Latin America, the regional office of the Swiss airport operator Flughafen Zürich AG in Latin America. He specializes in M&A and holds a postgraduate degree in Corporate Law from Insper. He is currently an International Executive MBA candidate at FIA Business School. Also oversees the interface with other shareholders of the JVs companies established for the shared management of two of the airports in the Latin American portfolio. His role encompasses institutional and investor relations to facilitate business intermediation and asset management. Furthermore, Fábio serves as the Alternate Member and Secretary of the Board of Directors at BH Airport.

GRI Taskforces Manager

Vitor Campos
Vitor Campos
GRI Club
Faça parte deste Taskforce

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