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GRI Taskforces - Geração e Mercado de Energia

O objetivo deste taskforce é monitorar as ações regulatórias propostas pelas agências governamentais que afetam o setor de Geração e Mercado de Energia Elétrica, e apresentar a visão dos membros do GRI Club, propondo soluções e melhorias em consultas públicas e reuniões com as autoridades competentes.

Este é um momento crucial para o setor, que enfrenta desafios como a transição energética, a modernização do mercado de energia, a segurança do suprimento e a sustentabilidade tarifária. Por isso, é fundamental que o GRI Club esteja atento e participativo nas discussões regulatórias, defendendo os interesses e as demandas dos seus membros.

Imagem Matheus Penido
Matheus Penido

Alguns temas abordados neste taskforce:

Inserção do hidrogênio como fonte de energia no Brasil.
Adequações regulatórias para inserção de sistemas de armazenamento no SIN.
Micro e minigeração distribuída.
Serviços Ancilares.
Modernização do Setor Elétrico.
Faça parte  deste taskforce


Matheus Penido
Vice President
Grupo Serveng
Matheus Penido
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Ana Carolina Calil
Cescon Barrieu Advogados
Ana Carolina Calil
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Cescon Barrieu is one of Brazil’s leading law firms. Our lawyers stand out for their strong commitment to the representation of our clients’ interests and for their work in highly sophisticated, groundbreaking matters. We have a first class practice in development of infrastructure projects across all its sectors, such as energy, telecom, oil and gas, water and wastewater, ports and navigation, airports, railways, mining and toll roads. We provide advice in all phases of a project, from its conception to its financing, assisting companies in structuring projects, participating in bidding procedures and in claims with the regulatory agencies and granting authorities. We have a multidisciplinary team specialized in drafting and negotiating project contracts, such as EPC contracts, offtake contracts and O&M agreements as well as in EPC Contract management, assisting clients with managing claims during the construction.
Andre Dorf
Andre Dorf
+55 11 4573 0289
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Diego Hernandez Barrios
Business Development Manager | Brasil
Fernando Pereira
Head Water Solutions
Grupo Ambipar
Gabriel Esteca
Partner Co-Founder
Bocaina Capital
Gabriel Esteca
+55 (11) 3085 6459
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Guilherme Sassi
Infrastructure Investment Manager
Guilherme Sassi
+55 21 3590-2410
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Navi is an investment firm focused on Brazilian public equities, infrastructure, and real estate assets, totaling USD 1.8bn of AuM. With a track record of over a decade, we serve leading banks, family offices, pension funds, and sovereign wealth funds.
Gustavo Dantas
Diretor Executivo Desenvolvimento de Negócios
Concremat Engenharia
Gustavo Dantas
Rio de Janeiro | RJ | Brazil
Concremat Engineering and Technology leads the ranking of the engineering consultancy companies in Brazil. With 65 years of experience, Concremat has its headquarters in Rio de Janeiro and strategically sited branches in nine different Brazilian state capitals – São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Vitória, Brasília, Fortaleza, Salvador, Manaus and Porto Alegre. Our approximately 2,800 employees are proud to contribute to the development of Brazil through their work. It is through the work that we participate, in partnership with our customers, that we help reinforcing the important role of engineering as an agent for transformation of a country. In 2017, Concremat started to be part of the China Communications Construction Company – CCCC group. Ranked #3 in the international ranking of the Engineering News-Record, CCCC is one of the world leaders in the segments of infrastructure projects and construction, with over 100 years of experience.
Luiz Vianna
Thymos Energia
Mauro de Freitas
Diretor de Energia
Grupo Serveng
Mauro de Freitas
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Sofia Caccuri
Portfolio Manager Infrastructure and ESG Investments
Valora Investimentos
Sofia Caccuri
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Somos uma Gestora independente especializada nos mercados de Renda Fixa Crédito Privado, RF Estruturados, Imobiliário e Participações. Desenvolvemos soluções customizadas para empresas na captação de recursos e otimização de sua gestão financeira. Nosso foco é propor alternativas para levantar recursos que serão utilizados no core business sem mobilizar capital de giro ou aumentar passivos carregados em balanço. O diferencial da Valora é o know-how da Gestão em produtos estruturados, o conservadorismo nos modelos utilizados na análise de crédito e a experiência dos sócios no mercado empresarial. A Valora em todas em suas áreas de negócio preza por investimentos de médio e longo prazo e são ancorados pela análise fundamentalista dos ativos, acompanhamento contínuo dos investimentos e retorno consistente para os investidores.
Matheus Penido
Matheus Penido
Vice PresidentGrupo Serveng
He is a member of the third generation of the owner and founder family. Matheus returned to the Group in April/2021, after 4 years in the United States where he obtained an MBA from Columbia University and worked as Chief Operations Officer of a footwear company. Previously, he worked for 19 years in several units of the company and studied Civil Engineering at Poli/USP.
Ana Carolina Calil
Ana Carolina Calil
PartnerCescon Barrieu Advogados
Andre Dorf
Andre Dorf
He holds a bachelor degree in Business from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). CEO of Arteris since February, 2019. Prior to that, he was CEO of CPFL Energia Group (2016-2019) and CEO of CPFL Renováveis (2013-2016). Before, he held senior positions at the Suzano Group, as well as several positions in investment banks, such as Chase Manhattan Bank and JP Morgan (São Paulo and New York) and Banco Patrimônio/Salomon Brothers.
Diego Hernandez Barrios
Diego Hernandez Barrios
Business Development Manager | BrasilX-Elio
Fernando Pereira
Fernando Pereira
Head Water SolutionsGrupo Ambipar
Possui 17 anos de experiência no setor de saneamento, atualmente exercendo a função de CEO na General Water S.A., empresa na qual construí minha carreira, iniciando como trainee em 2006. Graduado em engenharia civil pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, com especialização em gerenciamento de risco e decisões estratégicas pela Stanford University, além de diversos cursos de extensão. Atualmente estou cursando o Certificate in Business Excellence da Columbia Business School, com previsão de conclusão em 2022.
Gabriel Esteca
Gabriel Esteca
Partner Co-FounderBocaina Capital
Gabriel holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo and is a certified CVM (Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil) and Anbima (Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets Association) manager (CGA). He has 15 years of experience in the infrastructure sector in Brazil. Before joining Bocaina, he structured and led the infrastructure investment practice at Santander Asset Management, launching two infrastructure debt investment funds. He also served as Senior VP in the Project Finance team at Banco Santander, covering a wide range of sectors and projects, and leading advisory and structuring services for Brazil's most relevant infrastructure projects.
Guilherme Sassi
Guilherme Sassi
Infrastructure Investment ManagerNavi
Gustavo Dantas
Gustavo Dantas
Diretor Executivo Desenvolvimento de NegóciosConcremat Engenharia
Luiz Vianna
Luiz Vianna
COOThymos Energia
Graduated as a business administrator at Tuiuti University of Paraná, with specialization in Challenges of Leadership in Teams by MIT. Started his carried at LACTEC in 1999, as a trainee. Fifteen years later, became the president of the institute, position he occupies up to the moment. He is a member of the Supervisory Board of IPD Eletron, Thematic Council of Industrial Policies, Innovation and Design of FIEP, and of Superior Council of the Araucaria Foundation. He was the president of the Abipti and actively participated, as a member, of the Consulting Council and of the Thematic Group about FINEP, the Gas and Oil Sector, Administration Council of the CGEE and of the Technical Scientific Committee of ANP.
Mauro de Freitas
Mauro de Freitas
Diretor de EnergiaGrupo Serveng
Experiência desde 2008 em papéis chave nos setores de infraestrutura e imobiliário no Brasil, incluindo geração e distribuição de energia, concessões rodoviárias, transporte urbano e facilities industriais. Especialista em desenvolvimento de empreendimentos greenfield e M&A, com foco em estudos de viabilidade, operação e gestão. Expertise em financiamento de projetos de infraestrutura com instituições como BNB, BNDES e SUDENE. Negociou mais de R$ 1,5 bilhão em empréstimos e gerenciou parques eólicos e hidrelétricos com receitas anuais superiores a R$ 130 milhões. Conhecimento sólido do marco regulatório energético brasileiro e ampla rede de contatos.
Sofia Caccuri
Sofia Caccuri
Portfolio Manager Infrastructure and ESG InvestmentsValora Investimentos

GRI Taskforces Manager

Vitor Campos
GRI Club
Faça parte deste Taskforce

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