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Crescer Incorporadora e Construtora
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Founded in August 2020 by Cid Maciel Monteiro de Oliveira, professional with over 20 years of experience in the financial and real estate markets. He worked in banks (HSBC and ING), asset managers (XP Investimentos) and in the real estate developer Inter Incorporadora e Construtora S.A. BXD Investimentos Imobiliários originate, structure, develop and invest in real estate ventures and businesses with strong value creation profile and that at the same time promote the well-being of the people
Office number
(32) 3215-7226
Mobile phone
+55 (11) 9 8400 6910
Av. Barão do Rio Branco 3053 | 1503 Centro. Juiz de Fora, MG /  Brazil. 36010-012.
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