LOGAN Valuation
LOGAN is a commercial real estate appraisal, and consulting company for institutional clients in Latin America with offices in:
- Colombia
- Peru
- Mexico
- Costa Rica
Differentiators include:
• Credentials (2 MAI certified appraisers and 3 RICS designations, RICS Regulated firm [4th Latin America], local designations)
• Confidentiality (No conflicts of interest or confidentiality limitations associated with brokerage)
• Customer Service (One point of contact, - standard)
Office number
+57 1 467-4717 | +51-1-314-7780
Mobile phone
+52 55 1328-1771| +506 401-00565
55 NE 5th Ave, Suite 501. Boca Raton, FL / USA. 33432.