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O Impacto das Eleições Americanas no Agronegócio Brasileiro

11th December
10:00 - 11:30 | Brasilia Time (GMT-3)
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33 pessoas estão participando
Credit: GRI Club
Leonardo Di Mauro
Leonardo Di Mauro
Leonardo Di Mauro
Partner | Head of Real Estate LatAm
GRI Club
+55 19 9 9369 6733
+55 19 9 9369 6733
Leonardo Di Mauro é Sócio e Head do setor de Real Estate para LATAM, respondendo pela atuação do GRI Club em toda região. Começou sua carreira no CPqD onde atuou por quinze anos, finalizando sua trajetória nesta empresa como diretor comercial do setor de telecomunicações com forte atuação em países como Argentina, Brasil, Colômbia, Chile, México e Uruguai. É graduado em Engenharia Civil pela Escola de Engenharia de Lins, com MBA Executivo pela FGV e pós-graduado em Gestão de Projetos pela Universidade São Francisco.
Luiz Santos
Luiz Santos
Director of Agribusiness | BrazilGRI Club
I'm currently the Director of Agribusiness for the Brazilian market at GRI Club. Learning is a must and having the opportunity to experience different challenges every day is something I appreciate the most. Chemistry Technician and BS in Civil Engineering, besides having a passion for learning new skills and languages, interleaved with some astronomy and politics. My goal is to progressively build my career, keeping in mind the following rule: doing everything with commitment, seriousness, and love.

As eleições americanas têm repercussões significativas no agronegócio brasileiro, influenciando políticas comerciais, cadeias globais de suprimentos e a dinâmica dos mercados agrícolas. Como um dos principais exportadores de commodities agrícolas para os Estados Unidos, o Brasil observa atentamente as mudanças de governo e suas implicações em áreas como tarifas, acordos bilaterais e regulamentações ambientais.

A postura do novo governo dos EUA em relação ao comércio internacional pode impactar diretamente setores estratégicos como soja, carne bovina e biocombustíveis, pilares da balança comercial brasileira. Além disso, a agenda ambiental e climática adotada pelos americanos é crucial, especialmente diante das crescentes pressões por práticas sustentáveis e rastreabilidade no mercado global.

Neste contexto, é fundamental que executivos do agronegócio, analistas de mercado e representantes do poder público se antecipem às tendências e articulem estratégias para mitigar riscos e aproveitar oportunidades. Como as relações Brasil-EUA podem ser fortalecidas ou desafiadas? Quais são os cenários possíveis para a competitividade do agronegócio brasileiro?

A reunião, promovida pelo GRI Club, será um espaço para análise e debate com especialistas sobre os impactos do cenário político dos EUA no futuro do agronegócio brasileiro. Participe e contribua para a construção de estratégias que garantam a liderança do Brasil nos mercados globais.

Discussão Online I 11 de dezembro I 10:00 - 11:30

O Impacto das Eleições Americanas no Agro Brasileiro

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Club Partners
+55 21 2052 7447
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) is one of the largest development banks in the world and today the Federal Government's main instrument for long-term financing and investment in all segments of the Brazilian economy.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Cescon Barrieu is one of Brazil’s leading law firms. Our lawyers stand out for their strong commitment to the representation of our clients’ interests and for their work in highly sophisticated, groundbreaking matters. We have a first class practice in development of infrastructure projects across all its sectors, such as energy, telecom, oil and gas, water and wastewater, ports and navigation, airports, railways, mining and toll roads. We provide advice in all phases of a project, from its conception to its financing, assisting companies in structuring projects, participating in bidding procedures and in claims with the regulatory agencies and granting authorities. We have a multidisciplinary team specialized in drafting and negotiating project contracts, such as EPC contracts, offtake contracts and O&M agreements as well as in EPC Contract management, assisting clients with managing claims during the construction.
New York | NY | USA
Fitch Ratings is a leading provider of credit ratings, commentary, and research. Dedicated to providing value beyond the rating through independent and prospective credit opinions, Fitch Ratings offers global perspectives shaped by strong local market experience and credit market expertise. The additional context, perspective, and insights we provide help investors to make important credit judgments with confidence. Fitch Group is a global leader in financial information services with operations in more than 30 countries. Fitch Group is comprised of: Fitch Ratings, a global leader in credit ratings and research; Fitch Solutions, a leading provider of credit market data, analytical tools and risk services; and Fitch Learning, a preeminent training and professional development firm. With dual headquarters in London and New York, Fitch Group is owned by Hearst. For additional information, please visit
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Promoting an ethical environment in business and investing in training people are two of the great challenges of our time. An increasingly integrated world, with ever more advanced technologies, requires that any organization stand for transparency, tolerance for diversity, and respect for differences, companies, and people. Madrona Advogados was launched with that spirit. With a focus on corporate law, M&A, capital markets, financial law, and infrastructure, in addition to a strong performance in tax, real estate, civil litigation, and labor law, our motivation is to understand our time, invest in people, and work so that our clients reach their goals, always with ethics and responsibility. With a team of more than ninety legal professionals with great experience and recommended by several national and international publications, the members of Madrona Advogados are aligned with the principles and objectives that we set out to achieve.

Participantes Confirmados

Adnam Robles
Adnam Robles
Land DirectorAgro Basso
Luiz Eduardo Magalhães | BA | Brazil
Bruno Vedovatte
Bruno Vedovatte
Gerente de Risco de MercadoBelagrícola
Colin Butterfield
Colin Butterfield
Managing Partner and CEOSolum Partners
Eça Correia
Eça Correia
Sócio-fundadorFunchal Investimentos
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Fábio Nedel
Fábio Nedel
Flávio Galvão
Flávio Galvão
Diretor-administrativoGTech Engineering
+55 11 982146118
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Este evento é exclusivo para membros do GRI.
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