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Infra Latam GRI 2021

The key annual conference where global infrastructure and energy leaders get together
to network and discuss planning, financing, legal framework, and project development in the region.

289 people are attending
Moisés Cona
Moisés Cona
Moisés Cona
Partner, Global Infrastructure
GRI Club
+55 (11) 96695-6107

The key annual conference for global infrastructure and energy leaders in Latin America

After five successful editions of Infra Latin America GRI, GRI Club Infra hosts its sixth edition in 2021 in New York (USA). 

Aiming at generating productive and insightful discussions, searching solutions to promote the infrastructure development in Latin America, this time, we will reach out addressing questions and relevant topics into actions in the new elected governments.

The meeting in New York aims to:

  • Discuss themes in an informal format, in which everyone can participate and interact;
  • Share solutions to the most common challenges of the emerging markets;
  • Build new business opportunities with global investors;
  • Debate strategic topics to define the future of the infrastructure sectors;
  • Connect yourself with peers and meet new partners.

Infra Latam GRI 2021 will gather over 300 executives, including government authorities, investors, concession operators and specialists in the infrastructure and energy sector, from markets such as Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, USA, India, Mexico, Panama, Peru, United Kingdom, Uruguay, and others.


Networking Lunch - 17th November, 12:00 - 13:30

GRI Women in Infrastructure Committee Meeting & Networking Lunch

Opening Keynote - 17th November, 13:30 - 14:30

A New Vision for Latin America's Infrastructure

How to fund and develop infrastructure in a recovering world?

Simultaneous Discussions - 17th November, 14:50 - 15:50

Climate Resilient Infrastructure

What are the key factors to detonate sustainable projects in the region?

César Rodríguez ParraBrigard Urrutia Moderator
Julia AmbrosanoClimate Bonds Initiative
Laura CorreaOdinsa
Rose HofmannCâmara dos Deputados
Valeria TravagliniEgis

Higher Governance & Compliance

What's new in a post-COVID world? 

Kyle SheahenKing & Spalding Moderator
Daniel GettingsMarsh & McLennan Companies

Climate Resilient Infrastructure

What are the key factors to detonate sustainable projects in the region?

César Rodríguez Parra
Brigard Urrutia
Julia Ambrosano
LAC Market Development Manager
Climate Bonds Initiative
Laura Correa
Directora de Sostenibilidad
Rose Hofmann
Câmara dos Deputados
Valeria Travaglini
Concession Director
César Rodríguez Parra
César Rodríguez Parra
Brigard Urrutia
Julia Ambrosano
Julia Ambrosano
LAC Market Development ManagerClimate Bonds Initiative
Sustainable development consultant, currently working within the sustainable finance universe, where her main role is leading Climate Bonds Initiative Green Resilient Infrastructure Programme in Brazil, while supporting the efforts and projects in the wider Latin American market.
Laura Correa
Laura Correa
Directora de SostenibilidadOdinsa
Rose Hofmann
Rose Hofmann
PartnerCâmara dos Deputados
Legislative Consultant of the Chamber of Deputies since 2015, working in the area of ​​environment and environmental law, territorial organization, urban and regional development. She has also held the position of Ibama Director of Environmental Licensing, Regulatory Specialist at Antaq and environmental analyst at Ibama and Copel. Academic background: Technologist in Environmental Chemistry from Cefet / PR; specialist in Environmental Management and Engineering at UFPR; Specialist in Public Services Regulation by FGV and Master's student in Legislative Power.
Valeria Travaglini
Valeria Travaglini
Concession DirectorEgis

Higher Governance & Compliance

What's new in a post-COVID world? 

Kyle Sheahen
King & Spalding
Daniel Gettings
Managing Director
Marsh & McLennan Companies
Kyle Sheahen
Kyle Sheahen
PartnerKing & Spalding
Kyle Sheahen is a partner in the Special Matters and Investigations practice in King & Spalding’s New York office. Kyle’s practice focuses on white collar criminal defense litigation, federal and state government investigations, corporate internal investigations, and advice concerning corporate compliance programs. Kyle’s experience includes investigations by the Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the New York State Department of Financial Services, the New York County District Attorney’s Office, the United States Senate, the Federal Reserve, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority.
Daniel Gettings
Daniel Gettings
Managing DirectorMarsh & McLennan Companies
Practice Leader for the Latin America region of Marsh’s Private Equity M&A and Infrastructure practice, a dedicated group supporting financial sponsors; strategic investors; and M&A advisors. His team performs insurance and risk management due diligence; designs insurance procurement strategies for portfolio assets; and develops insurance solutions for M&A. Formerly an Associate Partner in the Manufacturing, Transportation, and Energy practice in Oliver Wyman’s NY Office. Graduated from Georgetown University with a degree in finance. He is a native English speaker and fluent in Portuguese. Formerly Series 7 and 63 certified.
Simultaneous Discussions - 17th November, 16:10 - 17:10

Multimodal Colombia

What are the new shining stars in Colombia's transport sector?

María Juliana MoraBancolombia Moderator
Dorothée PeuzéCrédit Agricole
Paola LarrahondoGómez-Pinzón

Mexico Outlook

Rethinking the way of developing infrastructure amid uncertain moments?

Manuel Rodríguez ArreguiAinda Energia & Infraestructura Moderator
Federico FiscalBanco Sabadell
Luis de la PeñaROADIS Mexico
Mónica DelgadoSecretaría de Economía

Brazil’s Energy Market

Will renewables be decisive in disrupting the energy matrix?

Ana Carolina BarrettoVeirano Advogados Moderator
Luiz Fernando Leone ViannaGrupo Delta Energia
Mauro BattistiBR Partners
Rose HofmannCâmara dos Deputados

Multimodal Colombia

What are the new shining stars in Colombia's transport sector?

María Juliana Mora
Vice President, Infrastructure & Natural Resources
Dorothée Peuzé
Managing Director, Head of Project Finance - Energy & Infrastructure Group Latin America
Crédit Agricole
Paola Larrahondo
Partner, Infrastructure
María Juliana Mora
María Juliana Mora
Vice President, Infrastructure & Natural ResourcesBancolombia
Dorothée Peuzé
Dorothée Peuzé
Managing Director, Head of Project Finance - Energy & Infrastructure Group Latin AmericaCrédit Agricole
Dorothée has over 17 years experience in Structured Finance, across a variety of regions. Prior to joining the Energy and Infrastructure Group Latam team in NY in 2016 as a Managing Director, she was based in Paris/London and led a number of relevant infrastructure projects in Continental Europe, the UK and Middle East, including advising and structuring of public-private parnerships and concessions contracts. She is now responsible for origination and execution of project finance transactions in the infrastructure, P&U and natural resources sectors, across Latin America. She is graduated with ESCP Europe Business school (France), and is fluent in French, Spanish and English.
Paola Larrahondo
Paola Larrahondo
Partner, InfrastructureGómez-Pinzón
Lawyer of Los Andes University admitted to practice in 2007, Specialist in Public Management and Administrative Institutions, and Master in Law and Economics (Universita di Bologna/Aix-Marseille Université -EMLE European Master in Law & Economics). Recipient of the Colfuturo scholarship (2014). Paola is a member of the Administrative, Constitutional and Infrastructure Team. Prior to joining our law firm, she was working as a legal advisor of the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and has experience as public server in national and local institutions as a Legal Chief or Legal advisor. Her practice focuses on administrative procedures, in constitutional and contentious administrative lawsuits, public policy design, public affairs.

Mexico Outlook

Rethinking the way of developing infrastructure amid uncertain moments?

Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Director General
Ainda Energia & Infraestructura
Federico Fiscal
Executive Director of Corporate Banking
Banco Sabadell
Luis de la Peña
Mónica Delgado
Titular de la Unidad de Inteligencia Económica Global
Secretaría de Economía
Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Director GeneralAinda Energia & Infraestructura
Licenciado en Economía por el MIT, cuenta con una Maestría en Administración Pública por la Universidad de Harvard. Ha ocupado cargos públicos y privados relacionados con el sector de infraestructura, entre los que destacan: Director General de Estudios de la Secretaría de Agricultura y Recursos Hidráulicos (1993–1994), socio fundador de Análisis y Desarrollo de Proyectos (ADP), Subsecretario de Transportes de la SCT (2006–2008), Jefe de la Unidad de Cambio Estructural de la SCT (2008–2009), Oficial Mayor de la Secretaría de Gobernación (2009–2010), Director General de GBM Infraestructura (2010–2015), Presidente del Consejo de Administración de Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares (ASA) y Miembro Suplente del Consejo de PEMEX (2006-2007).
Federico Fiscal
Federico Fiscal
Executive Director of Corporate BankingBanco Sabadell
Actualmente, es Director Ejecutivo de la Banca Corporativa de Sabadell. Es Director General de Sabcapital, SA de CV SOFOM ER, vehículo de Sabadell donde se registra la actividad de Banca Corporativa y estructuración de Sabadell en México. Es Presidente del Comité Técnico de Energía del Instituto Mexicano de Ejecutivos de Finanzas (IMEF). Miembro fundador de la Comisión de Energía de la Cámara Española de Comercio. Ha sido banquero corporativo por 20 años consecutivos. Trabajó en Banco Nacional de México (Banamex) - Citigroup desde Julio de 1998 hasta Julio de 2014. Contador Público del ITAM y cuenta con MBA por la Universidad de Carnegie Mellon en Pittsburgh Pennsylvania (Class 2002).
Luis de la Peña
Luis de la Peña
Luis has a degree in Economics from Monterrey's Instituto Tecnologia y de Estudios Superiores, as well as a Master in Finance from EGADE Business School, both in Mexico. For the past 15 year, he has gained relevant experience in the financial sector in different corporations such as Fitch Ratings, BBA and JP Morgan, and he is now CFO at ROADIS Mexico. Luis has expressive experience in Corporate Financing, Debt Markets, Securitization in different active classes. He also keeps constant relations with banks, regulatory bodies, rating agencies, multilateral organizations and institutional investors.
Mónica Delgado
Mónica Delgado
Titular de la Unidad de Inteligencia Económica GlobalSecretaría de Economía

Brazil’s Energy Market

Will renewables be decisive in disrupting the energy matrix?

Ana Carolina Barretto
Veirano Advogados
Luiz Fernando Leone Vianna
VP of Institutional and Regulatory
Grupo Delta Energia
Mauro Battisti
Managing Director
BR Partners
Rose Hofmann
Câmara dos Deputados
Ana Carolina Barretto
Ana Carolina Barretto
PartnerVeirano Advogados
Luiz Fernando Leone Vianna
Luiz Fernando Leone Vianna
VP of Institutional and RegulatoryGrupo Delta Energia
Mauro Battisti
Mauro Battisti
Managing DirectorBR Partners
Mauro has more than 22 years of experience in the Power & Utilities and O&G sectors, having completed more than 160 transactions in M&A, Project Finance and ECM in LatAm and Europe. Prior to joining BNP Paribas, he worked for 7 years and a half on BTG Pactual's Investment Banking. He also worked in London for Dresdner Kleinwort and HSBC Investment Bank, always focused on covering the energy chain. He began his career at Itaú BBA, at the Project Finance team for the energy segment. He holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of São Paulo (FEA-USP), MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and Masters in International Studies from the same University, with emphasis on finance, public and energy policies.
Rose Hofmann
Rose Hofmann
PartnerCâmara dos Deputados
Legislative Consultant of the Chamber of Deputies since 2015, working in the area of ​​environment and environmental law, territorial organization, urban and regional development. She has also held the position of Ibama Director of Environmental Licensing, Regulatory Specialist at Antaq and environmental analyst at Ibama and Copel. Academic background: Technologist in Environmental Chemistry from Cefet / PR; specialist in Environmental Management and Engineering at UFPR; Specialist in Public Services Regulation by FGV and Master's student in Legislative Power.
Simultaneous Discussions - 17th November, 17:30 - 18:30

ESG Responsible Infrastructure Committee Meeting: Maximizing ESG 

How are infrastructure projects being structured in Latam?

Manuel Rodríguez ArreguiAinda Energia & Infraestructura Moderator
Colin CurveyIFC Asset Management Company
Laura CorreaOdinsa
María José Cortés LoretoAtlas Renewable Energy
Pedro Bruno SouzaGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Rose HofmannCâmara dos Deputados

Risk Management

What are the key factors to assess amid COVID pandemic in Latam?

Agathe VigneIndigo - Brasil Moderator
Kyle SheahenKing & Spalding Moderator
Antonio Rodriguez CanalesCurrently Unaffiliated
Cristina Pardo de Vera PosadaR&Q Concesiones e Infraestructura
Valeria TravagliniEgis

ESG Responsible Infrastructure Committee Meeting: Maximizing ESG 

How are infrastructure projects being structured in Latam?

Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Director General
Ainda Energia & Infraestructura
Colin Curvey
Head - IFC African Latin American & Caribbean Fund
IFC Asset Management Company
Laura Correa
Directora de Sostenibilidad
María José Cortés Loreto
Head of ESG & HS
Atlas Renewable Energy
Pedro Bruno Souza
Secretário de Infraestrutura e Mobilidade
Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais
Rose Hofmann
Câmara dos Deputados
Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Director GeneralAinda Energia & Infraestructura
Licenciado en Economía por el MIT, cuenta con una Maestría en Administración Pública por la Universidad de Harvard. Ha ocupado cargos públicos y privados relacionados con el sector de infraestructura, entre los que destacan: Director General de Estudios de la Secretaría de Agricultura y Recursos Hidráulicos (1993–1994), socio fundador de Análisis y Desarrollo de Proyectos (ADP), Subsecretario de Transportes de la SCT (2006–2008), Jefe de la Unidad de Cambio Estructural de la SCT (2008–2009), Oficial Mayor de la Secretaría de Gobernación (2009–2010), Director General de GBM Infraestructura (2010–2015), Presidente del Consejo de Administración de Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares (ASA) y Miembro Suplente del Consejo de PEMEX (2006-2007).
Colin Curvey
Colin Curvey
Head - IFC African Latin American & Caribbean FundIFC Asset Management Company
Laura Correa
Laura Correa
Directora de SostenibilidadOdinsa
María José Cortés Loreto
María José Cortés Loreto
Head of ESG & HSAtlas Renewable Energy
María José is the Head of ESG For Atlas Renewable Energy. She leads the Environmental & Social Governance aspects of Atlas’s projects across Latin America, as well as the approach to responsible investment. She recently worked for Engie Mexico, leading and supervising compliance with IFC Performance Standards and Equator Principles for their Renewable Generation portfolio and Oil & Gas assets. In her previous role, she oversaw the design and implementation of both the Stakeholder Engagement and Social Impact Investment strategies for an 854 km natural gas pipeline owned by a PEMEX Holding (Mexican state-owned petroleum company). María holds a Sociology degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
Pedro Bruno Souza
Pedro Bruno Souza
Secretário de Infraestrutura e MobilidadeGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Pedro was superintendent of the Project Structuring area of ​​BNDES for 10 years, whose objective was the development of infrastructure projects in the Concession and PPP modalities, and was responsible for conducting privatization processes. Education: MSc in International Securities, Investment and Banking, Reading University, UK; MSc in Administration, COPPEAD / UFRJ; Graduated in Engineering / UFRJ.
Rose Hofmann
Rose Hofmann
PartnerCâmara dos Deputados
Legislative Consultant of the Chamber of Deputies since 2015, working in the area of ​​environment and environmental law, territorial organization, urban and regional development. She has also held the position of Ibama Director of Environmental Licensing, Regulatory Specialist at Antaq and environmental analyst at Ibama and Copel. Academic background: Technologist in Environmental Chemistry from Cefet / PR; specialist in Environmental Management and Engineering at UFPR; Specialist in Public Services Regulation by FGV and Master's student in Legislative Power.

Risk Management

What are the key factors to assess amid COVID pandemic in Latam?

Agathe Vigne
LATAM Concessions Director
Indigo - Brasil
Kyle Sheahen
King & Spalding
Antonio Rodriguez Canales
Business Development Director
Currently Unaffiliated
Cristina Pardo de Vera Posada
R&Q Concesiones e Infraestructura
Valeria Travaglini
Concession Director
Agathe Vigne
Agathe Vigne
LATAM Concessions DirectorIndigo - Brasil
Agathe Vigne is Egis' LATAM Concessions Director. She has a Master’s degree from Lyon’s Institute of Political studies and the Faculty of Economics of Lyon II, with a specialization in Latin American Energy Policy. After various research projects on Mexico’s national oil company Pemex, she occupied several positions in the French Embassy’s trade and investment office, in Madrid and Mexico. Her current activities aim at developing partnerships with both public and private actors in Mexico in the infrastructure sector, more specifically to implement new technologies and know-how in road operation and maintenance.
Kyle Sheahen
Kyle Sheahen
PartnerKing & Spalding
Kyle Sheahen is a partner in the Special Matters and Investigations practice in King & Spalding’s New York office. Kyle’s practice focuses on white collar criminal defense litigation, federal and state government investigations, corporate internal investigations, and advice concerning corporate compliance programs. Kyle’s experience includes investigations by the Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the New York State Department of Financial Services, the New York County District Attorney’s Office, the United States Senate, the Federal Reserve, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority.
Antonio Rodriguez Canales
Antonio Rodriguez Canales
Business Development DirectorCurrently Unaffiliated
Born in 1963 in Lima Peru, married with Cecilia Burmester, currently living in Bogota, Colombia. With more than thirty five years of experience as a manager and as a board member in three countries, Peru, Chile and Colombia worked more than 20 years in Graña & Montero GROUP, Studied at The Birmingham Business School (UK), MBA International Banking & Finance, ESAN (Postgraduate School - Peru). MA Magister in Administration, Lima University (Peru), Public Accountant
Cristina Pardo de Vera Posada
Cristina Pardo de Vera Posada
CEOR&Q Concesiones e Infraestructura
Cristina joined R&Q in 2015 as a Head of PPP Investment. She holds an Economy degree from the University of Santiago de Compostela and a Master´s degree in Infrastructure Management from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Prior to joining R&Q Cristina worked in several countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and America as CEO of multinational engineering companies and advised Banks, IFIs and Investors in infrastructure projects, with a remarkable specialization in PPP structures. Cristina also served as Strategic Director for Ayesa in Spain and now is part of the Commercial Board of R&Q Group in Chile. Today Cristina manages a portfolio of infrastructure investment of more than USD 1,000 Mill in Chile.
Valeria Travaglini
Valeria Travaglini
Concession DirectorEgis
Opening Talkshow - 18th November, 09:00 - 10:00

Latin America Outlook 2022

How does the political-economic landscape affect the overall Latin America’s sovereign credit?

Discussion - 18th November, 10:30 - 11:30

Capital Markets

Are the instruments mature enough to fund infrastructure post-COVID?

Guilherme BarbosaXP Investimentos Moderator
Manuel Rodríguez ArreguiAinda Energia & Infraestructura

Capital Markets

Are the instruments mature enough to fund infrastructure post-COVID?

Guilherme Barbosa
Partner - Head of Infrastructure and Energy Coverage
XP Investimentos
Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Director General
Ainda Energia & Infraestructura
Guilherme Barbosa
Guilherme Barbosa
Partner - Head of Infrastructure and Energy CoverageXP Investimentos
Guilherme Barbosa is the Partner of XP Investimentos’ Investment Banking division and is responsible for Infrastructure and Utilities coverage. Prior to XP, Guilherme was active in the Investment Banking division of BTG Pactual as responsible for opening opportunities in all sectors of the economy for Debt Capital Markets, Equity Capital Markets and M&A products – prior to that, he worked at Macquarie and Barclays Capital. Guilherme holds a degree in Economics from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV).
Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Director GeneralAinda Energia & Infraestructura
Licenciado en Economía por el MIT, cuenta con una Maestría en Administración Pública por la Universidad de Harvard. Ha ocupado cargos públicos y privados relacionados con el sector de infraestructura, entre los que destacan: Director General de Estudios de la Secretaría de Agricultura y Recursos Hidráulicos (1993–1994), socio fundador de Análisis y Desarrollo de Proyectos (ADP), Subsecretario de Transportes de la SCT (2006–2008), Jefe de la Unidad de Cambio Estructural de la SCT (2008–2009), Oficial Mayor de la Secretaría de Gobernación (2009–2010), Director General de GBM Infraestructura (2010–2015), Presidente del Consejo de Administración de Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares (ASA) y Miembro Suplente del Consejo de PEMEX (2006-2007).
Simultaneous Discussions - 18th November, 12:00 - 13:00

Andean Energy

What new projects will stand out in the region?

Aldo Reggiardo DenegriCuatrecasas - Peru Moderator
Alejandro SolarteBancolombia
Carlos BarreraAtlas Renewable Energy
Jean-Valery PatinBNP Paribas
Saverio MinerviniFitch Ratings

Airport Investments

What are the routes to move forward and overcome the crisis?

Ana CândidaBMA Advogados Moderator
Andrés OrtegaOdinsa
David-Olivier TaracGroupe ADP
Edson EngelhartCuraçao Airport Holding
Kenneth CurrieSkylark Consulting Group
Xabier IglesiasALG Transport & Infrastructure

Andean Energy

What new projects will stand out in the region?

Aldo Reggiardo Denegri
Cuatrecasas - Peru
Alejandro Solarte
Vice Presidente, Structured Business
Carlos Barrera
Atlas Renewable Energy
Jean-Valery Patin
Co-Head of Energy, Resources & Infra for the Americas
BNP Paribas
Saverio Minervini
Senior Director
Fitch Ratings
Aldo Reggiardo Denegri
Aldo Reggiardo Denegri
SocioCuatrecasas - Peru
Alejandro Solarte
Alejandro Solarte
Vice Presidente, Structured BusinessBancolombia
Carlos Barrera
Carlos Barrera
CEOAtlas Renewable Energy
Carlos Barrera (Ucho) is currently CEO of Atlas Renewable Energy. Before joining Atlas Renewable Energy, Ucho worked at SunEdison for six years, as Managing Director & VP for Latin America where he grew the business from scratch to invest $1bn in a span of 4 years, and develop 500MW+ of projects financed and constructed. Prior to that time, Ucho was at BP in multiple executive roles across Oil & Gas, Cleantech Venture Capital, and Alternative Energy in London, Australia, China and Madrid. Ucho holds an Engineering degree from Lehigh University, a PLD certificate from Harvard University, and an Executive MBA from Kellogg, Northwestern University.
Jean-Valery Patin
Jean-Valery Patin
Co-Head of Energy, Resources & Infra for the AmericasBNP Paribas
Jean-Valery is Managing Director and Head of Power, Infrastructure & Project Finance Latin America, a team of 19 individuals in New York and Sao Paulo focused on debt/bid advisory, arranging and project bonds in the context of greenfield, brownfield, acquisition or refinancing of projects or holding companies / portfolio of projects. He holds a degree in finance & economics from HEC, France’s leading business school and a Master degree in management from the CEMS (Community of European Management Schools). He graduated in September 2007 with the academic honors from a part-time executive program in Finance at Columbia University, NY. Jean-Valery is fluent in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and German and has intermediate Italian level
Saverio Minervini
Saverio Minervini
Senior DirectorFitch Ratings

Airport Investments

What are the routes to move forward and overcome the crisis?

Ana Cândida
BMA Advogados
Andrés Ortega
VP Airport Concessions
David-Olivier Tarac
Managing Director, Americas
Groupe ADP
Edson Engelhart
Development Manager
Curaçao Airport Holding
Kenneth Currie
Founder & Managing Director
Skylark Consulting Group
Xabier Iglesias
ALG Transport & Infrastructure
Ana Cândida
Ana Cândida
PartnerBMA Advogados
Ana Cândida experience involves various Administrative Law matters: public procurement and government agreements, concession of public services, public-private partnerships, public companies, administrative corruption, accountability and fiscal responsibility, corporate social investment, regulated sectors, administrative proceedings with public and controlling entities (Audit Courts and Comptrollers).She participated in relevant infrastructure projects related to airport, port,railway and water and sewage sectors. She is internationally referenced in relevant legal guides, such as Chambers & Partners Latin America and The Legal 500. She is also CP³P-F certified, that’s granted by the APGM Public–Private Partnerships Certification Program.
Andrés Ortega
Andrés Ortega
VP Airport ConcessionsOdinsa
David-Olivier Tarac
David-Olivier Tarac
Managing Director, AmericasGroupe ADP
David-Olivier Tarac has been working for more than 17 years in the infrastructure sector. He had successively positions at PWC Corporate Finance, at the French State Public Holdings Agency in charge of airports, at the Boston Consulting Group. He joined Groupe ADP 12 years ago successively as Director of Financial Operations and Investments, deputy CEO of TAV airports and was appointed recently as the managing director of ADP International Americas.
Edson Engelhart
Edson Engelhart
Development ManagerCuraçao Airport Holding
Kenneth Currie
Kenneth Currie
Founder & Managing DirectorSkylark Consulting Group
Ken heads Skylark's Americas operations. Having successfully managed projects throughout Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East, and North and South America, Ken is an expert in activity forecasting and business plan development. He focuses on legal and economic analysis of commercial and airport issues, with particular emphasis on operating economics, the regulatory system, and the international competitive framework of the industry. He also has a wealth of experience in the use of aviation statistics to forecast aviation activity, air service development, and airline and airport revenue and cost issues.
Xabier Iglesias
Xabier Iglesias
ManagerALG Transport & Infrastructure
Simultaneous Discussions - 18th November, 14:15 - 15:15

Brazil's Roads Expansion

New models or more of the same? 

Pedro PascoalXP Investimentos Moderator
Agathe VigneIndigo - Brasil
Renato SucupiraBF Capital

Pacific Alliance

How will integration boost infrastructure investment?

Cristina Pardo de Vera PosadaR&Q Concesiones e Infraestructura Moderator
Alessia AbelloAbello Galvis Abogados
Luis de la PeñaROADIS Mexico

Ports Development & Modernization

Can Latam take a leading role in the world's trade post-COVID?

Mauro PenteadoMachado Meyer Advogados Moderator
Gabriel SánchezPosse Herrera Ruiz - RE
Marcelo FelbergDP World Americas

Brazil's Roads Expansion

New models or more of the same? 

Pedro Pascoal
Partner - Investment Banking - Transport Infrastructure & Sanitation
XP Investimentos
Agathe Vigne
LATAM Concessions Director
Indigo - Brasil
Renato Sucupira
BF Capital
Pedro Pascoal
Pedro Pascoal
Partner - Investment Banking - Transport Infrastructure & SanitationXP Investimentos
Pedro Pascoal is the partner responsible for the coverage of infrastructure and sanitation at XP Investimentos. Prior to that, he worked for 4 years at J.P. Morgan, covering LatAm transportation names in the Equity Research team. Pedro has also a previous experience at Terrafirma, a specialized transport infrastructure consulting firm. Pascoal has a Bachelor degree in Naval and Maritime engineering from Escola Politécnica, USP.
Agathe Vigne
Agathe Vigne
LATAM Concessions DirectorIndigo - Brasil
Agathe Vigne is Egis' LATAM Concessions Director. She has a Master’s degree from Lyon’s Institute of Political studies and the Faculty of Economics of Lyon II, with a specialization in Latin American Energy Policy. After various research projects on Mexico’s national oil company Pemex, she occupied several positions in the French Embassy’s trade and investment office, in Madrid and Mexico. Her current activities aim at developing partnerships with both public and private actors in Mexico in the infrastructure sector, more specifically to implement new technologies and know-how in road operation and maintenance.
Renato Sucupira
Renato Sucupira
PresidentBF Capital
Civil Engineer from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and MBA in Corporate Finance from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV-RJ). Renato worked at BNDES between 1986 and 2004, with its main role being Director of BNDES-EXIM. Over the past seven years he has led an independent financial advisory company, BF CAPITAL, with operations surpassing R$ 20 billion in project financing.

Pacific Alliance

How will integration boost infrastructure investment?

Cristina Pardo de Vera Posada
R&Q Concesiones e Infraestructura
Alessia Abello
Abello Galvis Abogados
Luis de la Peña
Cristina Pardo de Vera Posada
Cristina Pardo de Vera Posada
CEOR&Q Concesiones e Infraestructura
Cristina joined R&Q in 2015 as a Head of PPP Investment. She holds an Economy degree from the University of Santiago de Compostela and a Master´s degree in Infrastructure Management from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Prior to joining R&Q Cristina worked in several countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and America as CEO of multinational engineering companies and advised Banks, IFIs and Investors in infrastructure projects, with a remarkable specialization in PPP structures. Cristina also served as Strategic Director for Ayesa in Spain and now is part of the Commercial Board of R&Q Group in Chile. Today Cristina manages a portfolio of infrastructure investment of more than USD 1,000 Mill in Chile.
Alessia Abello
Alessia Abello
PartnerAbello Galvis Abogados
Luis de la Peña
Luis de la Peña
Luis has a degree in Economics from Monterrey's Instituto Tecnologia y de Estudios Superiores, as well as a Master in Finance from EGADE Business School, both in Mexico. For the past 15 year, he has gained relevant experience in the financial sector in different corporations such as Fitch Ratings, BBA and JP Morgan, and he is now CFO at ROADIS Mexico. Luis has expressive experience in Corporate Financing, Debt Markets, Securitization in different active classes. He also keeps constant relations with banks, regulatory bodies, rating agencies, multilateral organizations and institutional investors.

Ports Development & Modernization

Can Latam take a leading role in the world's trade post-COVID?

Mauro Penteado
Machado Meyer Advogados
Gabriel Sánchez
Posse Herrera Ruiz - RE
Marcelo Felberg
CFO Americas
DP World Americas
Mauro Penteado
Mauro Penteado
PartnerMachado Meyer Advogados
Mauro advises domestic and international clients in a broad range of matters involving Infrastructure & Energy, including mergers, acquisitions, project finance, PPP, public and regulatory issues. Mauro has significant experience in the ports, transportation, power and oil & gas sectors. He also has extensive experience representing companies in structuring complex PPPs arrangements, and mergers and acquisitions of regulated sectors.
Gabriel Sánchez
Gabriel Sánchez
PartnerPosse Herrera Ruiz - RE
Marcelo Felberg
Marcelo Felberg
CFO AmericasDP World Americas
CFO of DP World Americas since 2018. Prior to DP World Americas, was acting CEO (2017) and CFO of Odebrecht Transport S.A. (from 2010 to 2018) and CFO of Rede Energia (2008). Before that had worked for almost 20 years in wholesale and investment banking holding several senior and executive positions at Unibanco, HSBC, BBM, BofA and Chase Manhattan both in Brazil and the United Kingdom. Board member of several companies in Argentina, Peru, Chile, Brazil and the Dominican Republica. Holds a degree in Economics from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro and Executive MBA from Fundação Getúlio Vargas Sao Paulo.
Simultaneous Discussions - 18th November, 15:45 - 17:00

M&A Wave

What impact may elections have on deal flows?

Jose Alejandro TorresPosse Herrera Ruiz Moderator
Guilherme BarbosaXP Investimentos


What has changed in Latam from a lending perspective?

Alejandro Aguilar VargasBancolombia Moderator
Dorothée PeuzéCrédit Agricole
Federico FiscalBanco Sabadell
Jean-Valery PatinBNP Paribas

M&A Wave

What impact may elections have on deal flows?

Jose Alejandro Torres
Partner, Head of the Infrastructure Area
Posse Herrera Ruiz
Guilherme Barbosa
Partner - Head of Infrastructure and Energy Coverage
XP Investimentos
Jose Alejandro Torres
Jose Alejandro Torres
Partner, Head of the Infrastructure AreaPosse Herrera Ruiz
He is the head of the Infrastructure and Public Law area. His practice focuses on Infrastructure and Public Law as well as Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Law, Real Estate Structures and Compliance. He has experience representing several local and international clients in corporate, mergers and acquisitions, financial structures and foreign investment matters. He has specific experience in the design, structuring and development of real estate projects including shipping centers, hotels and resorts, agricultural projects and housing developments, among others. Furthermore he has advised clients in the design, writing and implementation of corporate compliance manuals and policies and conducting internal investigations for clients.
Guilherme Barbosa
Guilherme Barbosa
Partner - Head of Infrastructure and Energy CoverageXP Investimentos
Guilherme Barbosa is the Partner of XP Investimentos’ Investment Banking division and is responsible for Infrastructure and Utilities coverage. Prior to XP, Guilherme was active in the Investment Banking division of BTG Pactual as responsible for opening opportunities in all sectors of the economy for Debt Capital Markets, Equity Capital Markets and M&A products – prior to that, he worked at Macquarie and Barclays Capital. Guilherme holds a degree in Economics from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV).


What has changed in Latam from a lending perspective?

Alejandro Aguilar Vargas
Director, Infrastructure & Real Estate
Dorothée Peuzé
Managing Director, Head of Project Finance - Energy & Infrastructure Group Latin America
Crédit Agricole
Federico Fiscal
Executive Director of Corporate Banking
Banco Sabadell
Jean-Valery Patin
Co-Head of Energy, Resources & Infra for the Americas
BNP Paribas
Alejandro Aguilar Vargas
Alejandro Aguilar Vargas
Director, Infrastructure & Real EstateBancolombia
Experienced leader with a demonstrated history of working in the investment banking industry. Skilled in Investments, Distressed Assets, Strategic Management, Project Management, and Team Leadership. Strong finance professional graduated from University of Antioquia with MBA from University of Leicester and specialized programs from institutons such as: University of Medellin, University of Berkeley and University of Oxford - Said Business School.
Dorothée Peuzé
Dorothée Peuzé
Managing Director, Head of Project Finance - Energy & Infrastructure Group Latin AmericaCrédit Agricole
Dorothée has over 17 years experience in Structured Finance, across a variety of regions. Prior to joining the Energy and Infrastructure Group Latam team in NY in 2016 as a Managing Director, she was based in Paris/London and led a number of relevant infrastructure projects in Continental Europe, the UK and Middle East, including advising and structuring of public-private parnerships and concessions contracts. She is now responsible for origination and execution of project finance transactions in the infrastructure, P&U and natural resources sectors, across Latin America. She is graduated with ESCP Europe Business school (France), and is fluent in French, Spanish and English.
Federico Fiscal
Federico Fiscal
Executive Director of Corporate BankingBanco Sabadell
Actualmente, es Director Ejecutivo de la Banca Corporativa de Sabadell. Es Director General de Sabcapital, SA de CV SOFOM ER, vehículo de Sabadell donde se registra la actividad de Banca Corporativa y estructuración de Sabadell en México. Es Presidente del Comité Técnico de Energía del Instituto Mexicano de Ejecutivos de Finanzas (IMEF). Miembro fundador de la Comisión de Energía de la Cámara Española de Comercio. Ha sido banquero corporativo por 20 años consecutivos. Trabajó en Banco Nacional de México (Banamex) - Citigroup desde Julio de 1998 hasta Julio de 2014. Contador Público del ITAM y cuenta con MBA por la Universidad de Carnegie Mellon en Pittsburgh Pennsylvania (Class 2002).
Jean-Valery Patin
Jean-Valery Patin
Co-Head of Energy, Resources & Infra for the AmericasBNP Paribas
Jean-Valery is Managing Director and Head of Power, Infrastructure & Project Finance Latin America, a team of 19 individuals in New York and Sao Paulo focused on debt/bid advisory, arranging and project bonds in the context of greenfield, brownfield, acquisition or refinancing of projects or holding companies / portfolio of projects. He holds a degree in finance & economics from HEC, France’s leading business school and a Master degree in management from the CEMS (Community of European Management Schools). He graduated in September 2007 with the academic honors from a part-time executive program in Finance at Columbia University, NY. Jean-Valery is fluent in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and German and has intermediate Italian level


1) All guests attending meetings in the hotel’s event space must be vaccinated and must show proof of vaccination.
The hotel will handle checking the guests before entering the event floors. A security company will not allow any guests to enter without it.
2) All guests wanting to use restaurants, bars, health clubs in the hotel or outside in NYC must show proof of vaccination as well.
3) Proof of a negative Covid test is NOT valid and won’t be accepted for entry into any of the event spaces, restaurants, bars, or health clubs. A proof of vaccination is the only way to have access.
4) If you are not vaccinated, you must wear a mask when entering the hotel.
You can still use the sleeping rooms, also use the hotel Starbucks in the lobby.
5) Vaccinated guests entering the hotel can wear or not a mask. This is up to you.
During the event, the following safety measures will be implemented:

The use of a face mask is mandatory at all times, except when consuming food and beverages
Participants must sanitize their hands regularly (antibacterial hand sanitizer available at the hotel)
Avoid handshakes
Maintain the assigned distance between seats

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Much like a conversation in your own living room, the dynamic environment allows you to engage with your peers in an informal and collegial setting.

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Club Partners Latam
Club Partners Brazil
Sectoral Club Partners Latam
Sectoral Club Partner Andean Countries
Program Sponsor
+52 55 52 62 32 00
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Banco Sabadell es el cuarto grupo bancario privado español, integrado por diferentes bancos, marcas, sociedades filiales y sociedades participadas que abarcan todos los ámbitos del negocio financiero bajo un denominador común: profesionalidad y calidad. Un equipo dotado de los recursos tecnológicos y comerciales más modernos, y una organización multimarca y multicanal enfocada al cliente permiten a Banco Sabadell ocupar una destacada posición en el mercado en banca personal y de empresas.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
CCR Group is one of the major infrastructure concession companies in Latin America. Divided into four business units, CCR Highways SP, CCR Highways BR, CCR Mobility and CCR Airports, the company operates in the main transportation modes in the region. In the road segment, it controls 3,265 kilometres of highways in four Brazilian states where the highest concentration of GDP passes through. In the transportation of passengers, it holds the concessions of lines 4 and recently won the auction to manage lines 5 and 17 of the São Paulo metro system. In addition, it is responsible for the boat system and the VLT in Rio de Janeiro and the subway operation in the capital of Bahia, Salvador. In airport concessions, the company operates in the airports of Quito (Ecuador), San José (Costa Rica), Curaçao and Belo Horizonte (Brazil). Besides, the CCR Group also has expertise in high-capacity data transmission and airport services in the United States.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
A Accenture é uma empresa líder global em serviços profissionais, com ampla atuação e oferta de soluções em estratégia de negócios, consultoria, digital, tecnologia e operações. Combinando experiência ímpar e competências especializadas em mais de 40 indústrias e todas as funções corporativas – e fortalecida pela maior rede de prestação de serviços no mundo –, a Accenture trabalha na interseção de negócio e tecnologia para ajudar companhias a melhorar seu desempenho e criar valor sustentável para seus stakeholders. Com cerca de 442.000 profissionais atendendo a clientes em mais de 120 países, a Accenture impulsiona a inovação para aprimorar a maneira como o mundo vive e trabalha. Visite
Com mais de 20 anos de experiência, somos uma consultoria especializada em potencializar os resultados das empresas dos mercados imobiliário e de infraestrutura. Atuamos com soluções 360º nas áreas de gestão de pessoas e de estruturação de processos organizacionais.
São Paulo | Brazil
The law firm Manesco, Ramires, Perez, Azevedo Marques provides legal advice on public and regulatory law to private and public sectors. Cases and projects are related to infrastructure, regulation, complex contracts and innovation. Manesco has participated in the most relevant infrastructure projects in Brazil, since its foundation in 1991. It has performed an important role during the institutional changes that have occurred in the Country, since the Constitution came into force in 1988.
New York | USA
Baker McKenzie is recognized worldwide for its best-in-class client service, practices and for carrying out the most deals year-after-year through our unmatched global platform across 77 offices and 47 emerging and developed countries. Companies based in or with operations in Latin America, routinely rely on our leading cross-border and Latin America energy, mining & infrastructure attorneys for their most important transactional and disputes matters. As the largest law firm in Latin America with over 850 attorneys, we offer clients 60+ years of on-the-ground presence in the region, unique coverage in Latin America across our 15 offices and 7 countries*, and from major finance centers globally. *Through a cooperation agreement with Trench Rossi Watanabe, a Brazilian law firm
Bogotá | Distrito Capital de Bogotá | Colombia
New York | NY | USA
Fitch Ratings is a leading provider of credit ratings, commentary, and research. Dedicated to providing value beyond the rating through independent and prospective credit opinions, Fitch Ratings offers global perspectives shaped by strong local market experience and credit market expertise. The additional context, perspective, and insights we provide help investors to make important credit judgments with confidence. Fitch Group is a global leader in financial information services with operations in more than 30 countries. Fitch Group is comprised of: Fitch Ratings, a global leader in credit ratings and research; Fitch Solutions, a leading provider of credit market data, analytical tools and risk services; and Fitch Learning, a preeminent training and professional development firm. With dual headquarters in London and New York, Fitch Group is owned by Hearst. For additional information, please visit
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Marsh is the world’s leading insurance broker and risk advisor. In more than 130 countries, our experts in every facet of risk and across industries help clients to anticipate, quantify, and more fully understand the range of risks they face. In today’s increasingly uncertain global business environment, Marsh helps clients to thrive and survive. We work with clients of all sizes to define, design, and deliver innovative solutions to better quantify and manage risk. To every client interaction we bring an unmatched combination of deep intellectual capital, industry-specific expertise, global experience, and collaboration. We offer risk management, risk consulting, insurance broking, alternative risk financing, and insurance program management services to businesses, government entities, organizations, and individuals around the world.
Lima | Peru
Somos una empresa integrada de gestión de infraestructura con alcance regional. Damos vida a la infraestructura que conecta, energiza y da bienestar a tu vida, creando juntos nuevas oportunidades, desarrollo sostenible y cultura ciudadana.
New York | NY | USA
King & Spalding LLP helps leading companies advance complex business interests in more than 160 countries. Working across a highly integrated platform of more than 1,000 lawyers in 20 offices globally, we deliver tailored commercial solutions through world-class offerings and an uncompromising approach to quality and service.
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