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Infra Mexico GRI 2021

La principal cumbre de altos ejecutivos en el mercado mexicano de infraestructura y energía.

50 people are attending
Moisés Cona
Moisés Cona
Moisés Cona
Partner, Global Infrastructure
GRI Club
+55 (11) 96695-6107

La principal cumbre de altos ejecutivos en el mercado mexicano de infraestructura y energía.

La 4ª edición de Infra Mexico GRI reunirá a más de 150 líderes del sector infraestructura y energía mexicano, el cual acontecerá en Octubre de 2021 en la Ciudad de México.

Estarán presentes autoridades gubernamentales, inversores, operadores de concesiones y especialistas en el sector de infraestructura para debatir los principales retos de la industria y también presentar la cartera de proyectos del país en un formato informal y participativo.

Opening Talkshow, 09:30 - 10:30

Mexico Economic Outlook

¿Qué esperar para el 2022?

Master Session, 10:50 - 11:50

Iniciativa Privada y Seguridad Jurídica

¿Qué factores los proponentes de los nuevos proyectos de inversión deben considerar?

RubénAleatica México Moderator
Jacobo Garcia VillarrealOCDE
José María ZertucheBlackRock
Juan Gonzalo FloresIFC
Manuel Rodríguez ArreguiAinda Energia & Infraestructura

Iniciativa Privada y Seguridad Jurídica

¿Qué factores los proponentes de los nuevos proyectos de inversión deben considerar?

Director General
Aleatica México
Jacobo Garcia Villarreal
Especialista Senior en Integridad y Politicas Públicas
José María Zertuche
Managing Director, Infrastructure
Juan Gonzalo Flores
Country Manager
Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Director General
Ainda Energia & Infraestructura
Director GeneralAleatica México
Rubén López Barrera studied the Degree in Civil Engineering at the Universidad Iberoamericana; Master of Science in Management of the Master’s Program from Stanford University; Master of Business Administration from the joint program of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. He has more than 20 years of experience in the structuring of infrastructure projects, holding various positions within ICA as Executive Director and Director of Human, Legal and Communication Resources of Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte (OMA)and as Director of Business Development and Director of Project Financing of ICA. From 2006 to 2009 he was General Director of OMA
Jacobo Garcia Villarreal
Jacobo Garcia Villarreal
Especialista Senior en Integridad y Politicas PúblicasOCDE
José María Zertuche
José María Zertuche
Managing Director, InfrastructureBlackRock
Mr. Zertuche has over 16 years of experience investing in Mexican real assets. He is former Vice-President of I2, the leading infrastructure investment manager in Mexico acquired by BlackRock in October, 2015. His prior experience is in investment banking, including M&A, debt and equity capital markets transactions, asset management, strategy and operations. Mr. Zertuche was a founder of Infraestructura Institucional ("I2") in 2010, and served as Chief Financial and Investment Officer since its inception in 2010. Prior to founding Infraestructura Institucional, Mr. Zertuche served as Chief Investment and Control Officer of Mexico Retail Properties ("MRP Group"), which he co-founded in October 2002.
Juan Gonzalo Flores
Juan Gonzalo Flores
Country ManagerIFC
Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Director GeneralAinda Energia & Infraestructura
Licenciado en Economía por el MIT, cuenta con una Maestría en Administración Pública por la Universidad de Harvard. Ha ocupado cargos públicos y privados relacionados con el sector de infraestructura, entre los que destacan: Director General de Estudios de la Secretaría de Agricultura y Recursos Hidráulicos (1993–1994), socio fundador de Análisis y Desarrollo de Proyectos (ADP), Subsecretario de Transportes de la SCT (2006–2008), Jefe de la Unidad de Cambio Estructural de la SCT (2008–2009), Oficial Mayor de la Secretaría de Gobernación (2009–2010), Director General de GBM Infraestructura (2010–2015), Presidente del Consejo de Administración de Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares (ASA) y Miembro Suplente del Consejo de PEMEX (2006-2007).
Master Session, 12:10 - 13:10

Gobiernos Subnacionales

¿Una apuesta real para detonar la inversión en infraestructura regional?

Juan Gonzalo FloresIFC Moderator
Ana Cecilia Rodríguez GonzálezGobierno del Estado de Morelos
Carlos Alberto Garcia GonzalezGobierno del Estado de Tamaulipas
Carlos Alberto Salazar EstradaChiapas State Government
Fadlala AkabaniMexico City Government
Federico Garcia MallitzTabasco State Government
Misael López VergaraAMSDE - Asociación Mexicana de Secretarios de Desarrollo Económico

Gobiernos Subnacionales

¿Una apuesta real para detonar la inversión en infraestructura regional?

Juan Gonzalo Flores
Country Manager
Ana Cecilia Rodríguez González
Secretaria de Desarrollo Económico y del Trabajo
Gobierno del Estado de Morelos
Carlos Alberto Garcia Gonzalez
Secretario de Desarrollo Económico
Gobierno del Estado de Tamaulipas
Carlos Alberto Salazar Estrada
Secretário de Economía y Trabajo
Chiapas State Government
Fadlala Akabani
Secretário de Desarrollo Económico
Mexico City Government
Federico Garcia Mallitz
Secretario para el Desarrollo Económico y para la Competitividad
Tabasco State Government
Misael López Vergara
Director General
AMSDE - Asociación Mexicana de Secretarios de Desarrollo Económico
Juan Gonzalo Flores
Juan Gonzalo Flores
Country ManagerIFC
Ana Cecilia Rodríguez González
Ana Cecilia Rodríguez González
Secretaria de Desarrollo Económico y del TrabajoGobierno del Estado de Morelos
Carlos Alberto Garcia Gonzalez
Carlos Alberto Garcia Gonzalez
Secretario de Desarrollo EconómicoGobierno del Estado de Tamaulipas
Carlos Alberto Salazar Estrada
Carlos Alberto Salazar Estrada
Secretário de Economía y TrabajoChiapas State Government
Fadlala Akabani
Fadlala Akabani
Secretário de Desarrollo EconómicoMexico City Government
Federico Garcia Mallitz
Federico Garcia Mallitz
Secretario para el Desarrollo Económico y para la CompetitividadTabasco State Government
Misael López Vergara
Misael López Vergara
Director GeneralAMSDE - Asociación Mexicana de Secretarios de Desarrollo Económico
Discusiones Simultáneas, 14:10 - 15:10

Autopistas y Transporte

¿Cómo buscar restablecer el equilibrio económico de las concesiones?

Diana MuñozcanoGrupo Indi Moderator
Alberto Angulo LaraSAASCAEM - Sistema de Autopistas, Aeropuertos, Servicios Conexos y Auxiliares
Ignacio García GonzálezSacyr
José María ZertucheBlackRock
José ÁlvarezEgis
RubénAleatica México

Transición Energética

¿Cuáles son los caminos para lidiar con los distintos perfiles de riesgo en la inversión?

Benjamín Torres-BarrónBaker McKenzie Moderator
Flavio Di DomenicoEnel Green Power - Mexico
Gustavo Martinez BacaBanco Sabadell
Javier OkhuysenGlobal Infrastructure Partners
José Alberto Valdés PalaciosMexico City Government
Rosa Torres OrtizCENAGAS

Autopistas y Transporte

¿Cómo buscar restablecer el equilibrio económico de las concesiones?

Diana Muñozcano
Grupo Indi
Alberto Angulo Lara
Director General
SAASCAEM - Sistema de Autopistas, Aeropuertos, Servicios Conexos y Auxiliares
Ignacio García González
Director General
José María Zertuche
Managing Director, Infrastructure
José Álvarez
Country Manager
Director General
Aleatica México
Diana Muñozcano
Diana Muñozcano
CIOGrupo Indi
Alberto Angulo Lara
Alberto Angulo Lara
Director GeneralSAASCAEM - Sistema de Autopistas, Aeropuertos, Servicios Conexos y Auxiliares
Ignacio García González
Ignacio García González
Director GeneralSacyr
José María Zertuche
José María Zertuche
Managing Director, InfrastructureBlackRock
Mr. Zertuche has over 16 years of experience investing in Mexican real assets. He is former Vice-President of I2, the leading infrastructure investment manager in Mexico acquired by BlackRock in October, 2015. His prior experience is in investment banking, including M&A, debt and equity capital markets transactions, asset management, strategy and operations. Mr. Zertuche was a founder of Infraestructura Institucional ("I2") in 2010, and served as Chief Financial and Investment Officer since its inception in 2010. Prior to founding Infraestructura Institucional, Mr. Zertuche served as Chief Investment and Control Officer of Mexico Retail Properties ("MRP Group"), which he co-founded in October 2002.
José Álvarez
José Álvarez
Country ManagerEgis
Master in Engineering and Master in business (MBA) professional with fourteen years of experience as international company executive and working for technology driven companies, in several Industries: renewable energy, infrastructure design&construction, transportation, telecommunications and mission-critical IT for utilities.
Director GeneralAleatica México
Rubén López Barrera studied the Degree in Civil Engineering at the Universidad Iberoamericana; Master of Science in Management of the Master’s Program from Stanford University; Master of Business Administration from the joint program of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. He has more than 20 years of experience in the structuring of infrastructure projects, holding various positions within ICA as Executive Director and Director of Human, Legal and Communication Resources of Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte (OMA)and as Director of Business Development and Director of Project Financing of ICA. From 2006 to 2009 he was General Director of OMA

Transición Energética

¿Cuáles son los caminos para lidiar con los distintos perfiles de riesgo en la inversión?

Benjamín Torres-Barrón
Baker McKenzie
Flavio Di Domenico
Country Manager
Enel Green Power - Mexico
Gustavo Martinez Baca
Executive Director Corporate Banking
Banco Sabadell
Javier Okhuysen
Principal, Mexico Representative
Global Infrastructure Partners
José Alberto Valdés Palacios
Director General de Desarrollo y Sustentabilidad Energética
Mexico City Government
Rosa Torres Ortiz
Jefa de la Unidad de Gestión Técnica y Planeación
Benjamín Torres-Barrón
Benjamín Torres-Barrón
PartnerBaker McKenzie
Benjamín Torres-Barrón leads Baker McKenzie's Energy, Mining & Infrastructure Practice Group in Mexico. He handles all legal matters related to the development of real estate, mining, infrastructure and major projects, and advises clients on the development of projects relating to electricity, oil, gas, fuels, water, waste, LPG, LNG, biofuels, energy efficiency and public bids called by Mexican government agencies. Benjamín also represents clients before the regulatory authorities and agencies in matters regarding permitting for energy projects, and advises clients on maritime and navigation matters, due diligence, contracts and financing, as well as regulatory issues.
Flavio Di Domenico
Flavio Di Domenico
Country ManagerEnel Green Power - Mexico
Gustavo Martinez Baca
Gustavo Martinez Baca
Executive Director Corporate BankingBanco Sabadell
Javier Okhuysen
Javier Okhuysen
Principal, Mexico RepresentativeGlobal Infrastructure Partners
José Alberto Valdés Palacios
José Alberto Valdés Palacios
Director General de Desarrollo y Sustentabilidad EnergéticaMexico City Government
Rosa Torres Ortiz
Rosa Torres Ortiz
Jefa de la Unidad de Gestión Técnica y PlaneaciónCENAGAS
Discusiones Simultáneas, 15:30 - 16:30

Desarrollo Multimodal

¿Cuáles modernizaciones se requieren en la infraestructura portuaria y logística post-COVID?

Jorge YarzaDeloitte Moderator
Alejandro VarelaFONATUR
Herman EspinoCorredor Interoceánico del Istmo de Tehuantepec
Rafael Marín MollinedoCorredor Interoceánico del Istmo de Tehuantepec

Agenda ESG

¿Cuáles son las prioridades para el avance de esta agenda en México?

Vanessa SilveyraAleatica México Moderator
Alberto MerinoBanco Sabadell
Eddaly CuestaAtlas Renewable Energy
Manuel Rodríguez ArreguiAinda Energia & Infraestructura

Desarrollo Multimodal

¿Cuáles modernizaciones se requieren en la infraestructura portuaria y logística post-COVID?

Jorge Yarza
Socio de Asesoría Financiera Bienes Raíces & Transacciones de Inversión Inmobiliaria
Alejandro Varela
Director Jurídico
Herman Espino
Head of Infrastructure
Corredor Interoceánico del Istmo de Tehuantepec
Rafael Marín Mollinedo
Director General
Corredor Interoceánico del Istmo de Tehuantepec
Jorge Yarza
Jorge Yarza
Socio de Asesoría Financiera Bienes Raíces & Transacciones de Inversión InmobiliariaDeloitte
Jorge es Doctor en Ingeniería por parte de la Universidad de Manchester (UMIST) , UK. Se incorporó como socio del área de Bienes Raíces & Transacciones de Inversión Inmobiliaria en junio de 2015. Ha sido directivo, empresario y consejero de empresas líderes en desarrollo Inmobiliario y Transacciones hipotecarias. Ha fungido como asesor de agencias gubernamentales nacionales y extranjeras e instituciones internacionales con más de 25 años de experiencia.
Alejandro Varela
Alejandro Varela
Director JurídicoFONATUR
Herman Espino
Herman Espino
Head of InfrastructureCorredor Interoceánico del Istmo de Tehuantepec
Rafael Marín Mollinedo
Rafael Marín Mollinedo
Director GeneralCorredor Interoceánico del Istmo de Tehuantepec

Agenda ESG

¿Cuáles son las prioridades para el avance de esta agenda en México?

Vanessa Silveyra
Directora Global de Sostenibilidad y Atención al Usuario
Aleatica México
Alberto Merino
Executive Director, Structured Finance
Banco Sabadell
Eddaly Cuesta
Gerente Regional de ESG - México y Colombia
Atlas Renewable Energy
Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Director General
Ainda Energia & Infraestructura
Vanessa Silveyra
Vanessa Silveyra
Directora Global de Sostenibilidad y Atención al UsuarioAleatica México
Alberto Merino
Alberto Merino
Executive Director, Structured FinanceBanco Sabadell
Eddaly Cuesta
Eddaly Cuesta
Gerente Regional de ESG - México y ColombiaAtlas Renewable Energy
Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Director GeneralAinda Energia & Infraestructura
Licenciado en Economía por el MIT, cuenta con una Maestría en Administración Pública por la Universidad de Harvard. Ha ocupado cargos públicos y privados relacionados con el sector de infraestructura, entre los que destacan: Director General de Estudios de la Secretaría de Agricultura y Recursos Hidráulicos (1993–1994), socio fundador de Análisis y Desarrollo de Proyectos (ADP), Subsecretario de Transportes de la SCT (2006–2008), Jefe de la Unidad de Cambio Estructural de la SCT (2008–2009), Oficial Mayor de la Secretaría de Gobernación (2009–2010), Director General de GBM Infraestructura (2010–2015), Presidente del Consejo de Administración de Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares (ASA) y Miembro Suplente del Consejo de PEMEX (2006-2007).
Master Session, 16:50 - 17:50

Finanzas Verdes

¿Qué ha cambiado en el mercado de capitales en la financiación de infraestructura sostenible en el país?

Manuel Rodríguez ArreguiAinda Energia & Infraestructura Moderator
Carolina BarretoClimate Bonds Initiative
Jose Antonio Rossier GuillotBBVA - Mexico
Mariuz CalvetBanco Santander
Sophie BrossardBNP Paribas

Finanzas Verdes

¿Qué ha cambiado en el mercado de capitales en la financiación de infraestructura sostenible en el país?

Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Director General
Ainda Energia & Infraestructura
Carolina Barreto
Programme Manager Latam
Climate Bonds Initiative
Jose Antonio Rossier Guillot
Managing Director - Infrastructure, Real Estate & Financial Sponsors
BBVA - Mexico
Mariuz Calvet
Chief Sustainability Officer
Banco Santander
Sophie Brossard
Director Corporate Coverage
BNP Paribas
Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Manuel Rodríguez Arregui
Director GeneralAinda Energia & Infraestructura
Licenciado en Economía por el MIT, cuenta con una Maestría en Administración Pública por la Universidad de Harvard. Ha ocupado cargos públicos y privados relacionados con el sector de infraestructura, entre los que destacan: Director General de Estudios de la Secretaría de Agricultura y Recursos Hidráulicos (1993–1994), socio fundador de Análisis y Desarrollo de Proyectos (ADP), Subsecretario de Transportes de la SCT (2006–2008), Jefe de la Unidad de Cambio Estructural de la SCT (2008–2009), Oficial Mayor de la Secretaría de Gobernación (2009–2010), Director General de GBM Infraestructura (2010–2015), Presidente del Consejo de Administración de Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares (ASA) y Miembro Suplente del Consejo de PEMEX (2006-2007).
Carolina Barreto
Carolina Barreto
Programme Manager LatamClimate Bonds Initiative
Carolina is responsible for the Climate Bonds Initiative’s market development of the Green Finance Programme in Latin America as a project lead. She is focused on climate finance, policy advisory, strategy development, market structure, investor & regulatory engagement, capacity building and training. Carolina has over seven years of experience in Finance and Risk Management connecting traditional markets with Impact Investing. She has worked in international organizations such as VC Fund Accion Venture Lab, Fintech Fundation, Ashoka, Goldman Sachs; the Inter-American Development Bank; and Banco Popular, part of Grupo Aval, in Colombia.
Jose Antonio Rossier Guillot
Jose Antonio Rossier Guillot
Managing Director - Infrastructure, Real Estate & Financial SponsorsBBVA - Mexico
Mariuz Calvet
Mariuz Calvet
Chief Sustainability OfficerBanco Santander
Sophie Brossard
Sophie Brossard
Director Corporate CoverageBNP Paribas
Benjamín Torres-Barrón
Benjamín Torres-Barrón
PartnerBaker McKenzie
Benjamín Torres-Barrón leads Baker McKenzie's Energy, Mining & Infrastructure Practice Group in Mexico. He handles all legal matters related to the development of real estate, mining, infrastructure and major projects, and advises clients on the development of projects relating to electricity, oil, gas, fuels, water, waste, LPG, LNG, biofuels, energy efficiency and public bids called by Mexican government agencies. Benjamín also represents clients before the regulatory authorities and agencies in matters regarding permitting for energy projects, and advises clients on maritime and navigation matters, due diligence, contracts and financing, as well as regulatory issues.
José María Zertuche
José María Zertuche
Managing Director, InfrastructureBlackRock
Mr. Zertuche has over 16 years of experience investing in Mexican real assets. He is former Vice-President of I2, the leading infrastructure investment manager in Mexico acquired by BlackRock in October, 2015. His prior experience is in investment banking, including M&A, debt and equity capital markets transactions, asset management, strategy and operations. Mr. Zertuche was a founder of Infraestructura Institucional ("I2") in 2010, and served as Chief Financial and Investment Officer since its inception in 2010. Prior to founding Infraestructura Institucional, Mr. Zertuche served as Chief Investment and Control Officer of Mexico Retail Properties ("MRP Group"), which he co-founded in October 2002.
Carlos Barrera
Carlos Barrera
CEOAtlas Renewable Energy
Carlos Barrera (Ucho) is currently CEO of Atlas Renewable Energy. Before joining Atlas Renewable Energy, Ucho worked at SunEdison for six years, as Managing Director & VP for Latin America where he grew the business from scratch to invest $1bn in a span of 4 years, and develop 500MW+ of projects financed and constructed. Prior to that time, Ucho was at BP in multiple executive roles across Oil & Gas, Cleantech Venture Capital, and Alternative Energy in London, Australia, China and Madrid. Ucho holds an Engineering degree from Lehigh University, a PLD certificate from Harvard University, and an Executive MBA from Kellogg, Northwestern University.
Director GeneralAleatica México
Rubén López Barrera studied the Degree in Civil Engineering at the Universidad Iberoamericana; Master of Science in Management of the Master’s Program from Stanford University; Master of Business Administration from the joint program of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. He has more than 20 years of experience in the structuring of infrastructure projects, holding various positions within ICA as Executive Director and Director of Human, Legal and Communication Resources of Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte (OMA)and as Director of Business Development and Director of Project Financing of ICA. From 2006 to 2009 he was General Director of OMA
Blanca Rodriguez
Blanca Rodriguez
With more than 20 years of experience in Finance, advisory and fund management, Ms. Rodriguez has been actively involved in the capital raising, originating, structuring and execution of over US$6.5 billion of debt and equity transactions in real estate and infrastructure in various countries of Latam and the US. Ms. Rodriguez is currently CFO at Marhnos, a leading Mexican company, with more than 6 decades of experience specialized in real estate and infrastructure projects. Prior to Marhnos, Ms. Rodriguez was Managing Director of the Banyan Tree Mexico Hospitality Fund.
Jordi Tasias
Jordi Tasias
Managing Director, Latin AmericaCDPQ
Jordi Tasias is a Managing Director in the Private Equity team. He heads the Mexico office from which he oversees the activities in Latin America (outside of Brazil), including CDPQ’s private equity activities. He also supports the Infrastructure team’s business development activities. Mr. Tasias joined CDPQ in April 2018 as a Senior Director, Strategic Partnerships in the Growth Markets team. He has almost 20 years of experience in investment banking in Europe and Latin America. He spent much of his career at BBVA in Spain and Mexico, where he led the Mergers and Acquisitions and Capital Markets teams. Before that, he worked at KPMG Corporate Finance in Madrid and London, and at Clairfield M&A Advisors in Barcelona.
Diana Muñozcano
Diana Muñozcano
CIOGrupo Indi
Ricardo Dueñas
Ricardo Dueñas
Director GeneralOMA
Director General de OMA desde noviembre 2018. Cuenta con una amplia experiencia en los sectores aeroportuario y de infraestructura. Fue Director Corporativo de Finanzas de Grupo Aeroportuario de la Ciudad de México de 2015 a 2018, y fue asesor en proyectos de infraestructura en la SCT de 2012 a 2015. Anteriormente trabajó para el equipo de Banca de Inversión con enfoque en Mercados Emergentes de J.P. Morgan en Londres de 2007 a 2011. Licenciado en economía del Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, y tiene una Maestría en Administración de Negocios (MBA) de Harvard Business School y una Maestría en Administración Pública (MPA) de Harvard Kennedy School.
Gaspar Guerreiro González
Gaspar Guerreiro González
Director General de Hermes InfraestructuraHermes Infraestructura
Gaspar Guerreiro González, con más de 30 años de experiencia en construcción e infraestructura, lidera Hermes Infraestructura como director general, posicionando a la empresa como referente en México. Su trayectoria abarca proyectos de infraestructura vial, edificación y servicios especializados, destacando por su enfoque en la planeación estratégica y optimización de recursos. Su formación en Ingeniería Civil, Administración de la Construcción y Alta Dirección fortalece su habilidad para generar valor y tomar decisiones estratégicas, logrando eficiencia operativa y solidez financiera en HI.


Thursday, October 6th 2022
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Friday, October 6th 2023
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Miércoles, 6 de Octubre
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06:30pm - 09:00pm

Cena VIP by La Embajada Británica de México

09:30am - 10:30am

Mexico Economic Outlook

¿Qué esperar para el 2022?

10:50am - 11:50am

Iniciativa Privada y Seguridad Jurídica

¿Qué factores los proponentes de los nuevos proyectos de inversión deben considerar?

12:10pm - 01:10pm

Gobiernos Subnacionales

¿Una apuesta real para detonar la inversión en infraestructura regional?

02:10pm - 03:10pm

Autopistas y Transporte

¿Cómo buscar restablecer el equilibrio económico de las concesiones?

02:10pm - 03:10pm

Transición Energética

¿Cuáles son los caminos para lidiar con los distintos perfiles de riesgo en la inversión?

03:30pm - 04:30pm

Agenda ESG

¿Cuáles son las prioridades para el avance de esta agenda en México?

03:30pm - 04:30pm

Desarrollo Multimodal

¿Cuáles modernizaciones se requieren en la infraestructura portuaria y logística post-COVID?

04:50pm - 05:50pm

Finanzas Verdes

¿Qué ha cambiado en el mercado de capitales en la financiación de infraestructura sostenible en el país?

Durante el evento, estarán implementadas las siguientes medidas:

El uso de mascarilla será obligatorio en todo momento, excepto al estar consumiendo alimentos y bebidas
Los participantes deberán sanitizar sus manos con frecuencia (habrá dispensadores de gel antibacterial disponibles en el hotel)
Evitar los saludos de mano
Mantener la distancia asignada entre sillas


SMBC - Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation - USA
IFC - International Finance Corporation - México
ICA - Perú
Grupo Financiero Banorte
ADP International - USA
Globalvia - Mexico
GIC - Government of Singapore Investment Corporation - Singapore
GIA Infraestructura
GACM - Grupo Aeroportuario de la Ciudad de México
Fraport AG
Infrared Capital Partners - USA
ING Bank N.V.
John Laing
Seguros Monterrey NY Life Insurance - Mexico
Sacyr S.A. - Spain
Red de Carreteras de Occidente
PINFRA - Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura
Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan
OMERS Infrastructure Europe
Morgan Stanley - NY
Mexico Infrastructure Partners
Marhnos - México
Macquarie Capital USA
Fitch Ratings - Brazil
Fibra Orion
Banco Sabadell en Peru
Balam Fund
Atlas Renewable Energy - Miami
Ardian - Italy
Allianz Global Investors - NY
Aleatica - México
Ainda Energía & Infraestructura
Afore Sura
AES Corporation - México
ACCIONA Construcción - Mexico
Santander Colombia
BBVA - Mexico - RE
BlackRock - Frankfurt
Esentia Energy Systems
Engie México
Egis - Mexico
DP World - USA (Headquarter LATAM)
Crédit Agricole - CIB - New York
CPPIB - Canada Pension Plan Investment Board - Brazil
COMSA Corporación - México
Cintra Infraestructuras SA
CDPQ - Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec - UK
Grupo Abertis
New York | NY | USA
SMBC Group is a top-tier global financial group. Headquartered in Tokyo and with a 400-year history, SMBC Group offers a diverse range of financial services, including banking, leasing, securities, credit cards, and consumer finance. The Group has more than 140 offices and 86,000 employees worldwide in nearly 40 countries. Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc. (SMFG) is the holding company of SMBC Group, which is one of the three largest banking groups in Japan. SMFG’s shares trade on the Tokyo, Nagoya, and New York (NYSE: SMFG) stock exchanges. As of December 31, 2021, its total assets were $2.18 trillion.
+52 55 3098-0130
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Although part of the Bank Group, IFC is a separate legal entity with separate Articles of Agreement, share capital, financial structure, management, and staff. Membership in IFC is open only to member countries of the World Bank.
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
IDEAL is one of the largest infrastructure companies in Latin America, with 18 infrastructure concessions in different sectors, including toll roads, water, energy, social infrastructure and logistics terminals.
Lima | Peru
ICA is the infrastructure construction and operation company in Mexico, founded in 1947 and with experience in thirteen countries, seven sectors, and a solid portfolio of assets.
Mexico City | CMX | Mexico
Grupo Financiero Banorte (GFNorte), es una institución financiera líder en México y con la mejor diversificación de negocio. Opera bajo un modelo de banca universal, ofreciendo además, una amplia variedad de productos y servicios a través de su casa de bolsa, las compañías de pensiones y seguros, afore, fondos de inversión, así como las empresas de arrendamiento y factoraje y la almacenadora. Banorte ya es el segundo grupo financiero más grande de México, es el proveedor número uno de créditos a gobiernos y el segundo banco más importante en créditos hipotecarios. Por su parte, la administradora de fondos para el retiro Afore XXI Banorte, es la más grande del país en recursos administrados. Banorte es el único banco comercial, entre las seis instituciones más grandes, que está manejado por un equipo directivo mexicano.
+33 (0)1 74 25 57 65
New York | NY | USA
Groupe ADP, through its subsidiary ADP International, is one of the few players covering every aspect of the airport’s value chain, from the financing to the design and operation of an airport. We are committed to developing three major lines of business including: investment, airport operations and design engineering services, delivering innovative solutions. Already active in over 30 countries, we offer support to governments, airport authorities and public stakeholders when it comes to seeking funding, structuring investments and debt, mergers and acquisitions, or seeking industrial or financial partnerships. We manage our assets and airports portfolio as a long-term partner and shareholder, providing management services and expertise support in a large number of areas to the benefit of airport operations, development and profitability.
+52 55 5276 3433
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Globalvia is a global leader in transport infrastructure concessions management. Currently is in the top positions by number of concessions in the infrastructure worldwide ranking. It designs, builds, maintains and operates transport projects. Globalvia was founded in 2007 and its current shareholders are three international pension funds, OPTrust (Canada), PGGM (Netherlands) and USS (UK). Globalvia is present in 8 countries - USA, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Andorra, Chile, Costa Rica and Mexico.
Singapore | Singapore
Established in 1981 to manage Singapore’s foreign reserves, GIC is a global long-term investor with well over US$100 billion in assets in over 40 countries worldwide. We work to secure Singapore’s financial future by investing across a range of asset classes in the public and private markets.
+52 55 8503 8630
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Somos un Grupo Empresarial mexicano líder en la ejecución de proyectos integrales para los sectores de la construcción, desarrollo y operación de infraestructura, desarrollo inmobiliario y energía.
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
+49 (0) 180-6372 4636
Frankfurt | Germany
Fraport is the owner and operator of Frankfurt Airport. Through 20 years of investing in airports in Latin America, Asia and Europe, Fraport has accumulated an international portfolio of 30 airports in 11 countries with a total of 270 million annual passengers and 20,673 employees. In Latin America, Fraport currently operates 3 airports including in Lima, Peru (21 million passengers in 2017) and Porto Alegre and Fortaleza Airport in Brazil (total of 14 million passengers in 2017) and is seeking to further expand its presence in the region. Fraport is a publicly traded corporation with a market capitalization of around €7 billion, annual revenues of €3 billion and an EBITDA of €1 billion. Fraport continuously invests in its airports and is currently undertaking, amongst others, a USD 1.7 billion expansion project in Peru as well as a EUR 3 billion construction of a new, third terminal at its home hub in Frankfurt.
+1 212 297 2650
New York | NY | USA
Czech Republic
+44 0 )20 7901 3200
London | United Kingdom
John Laing is an international originator, active investor and manager of infrastructure projects. Its business is focused on major transport, social and environmental infrastructure projects awarded under governmental public-private partnership (PPP).
+52 55 5326 9000
Monterrey | CMX | Mexico
Mexican insurer Seguros Monterrey New York Life provides life and medical expense insurance. It also offers pension products, savings insurance, and insurance plans for funding a college education.
+34 91 5455000
Madrid | Spain
Infrastructure and Municipal Services Holding.
Guadalajara | Jalisco | Mexico
Red de Carreteras de Occidente, S.A.B. de C.V. specializes in building, operating, maintaining, and conserving concessioned highways. Through its segments FARAC I, CONIPSA, COVIQSA, and COTESA, the company operates four toll roads connecting Mexico City, Guadalajara, and other major cities. Its core business focuses on the operation and upkeep of these roads, serving travelers across Mexico.
+52 55 2789 0200
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
PINFRA has been focusing on building, operating, maintaining, financing and promoting infrastructure in Mexico, such as roads, ports, railways and airports projects.
Toronto | Ontario | Canada
Ontario Teachers Pension Plan is Canada's largest single-profession pension plan with $175.6 billion in net assets.
London | United Kingdom
OMERS Infrastructure is a global infrastructure investor with approximately C$15bn invested on behalf of OMERS. OMERS is a defined benefit pension fund that manages approximately C$95bn of assets on behalf of ~470,000 municipal employees.
New York | NY | USA
At Morgan Stanley, we advise, originate, trade, manage and distribute capital for governments, institutions and individuals, and always do so with a standard of excellence.
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Mexico Infrastructure Partners (MIP) is an independent Mexican fund manager of alternative investment vehicles, such as Promotion of Energy and Infrastructure in Mexico (EXI).
+52 55 5980 8445
New York | NY | USA
Macquarie Capital undertakes principal investing and comprises our Group's corporate advisory, equity, debt and private capital markets businesses.
Sao Paulo | SP | Brazil
A Fitch Ratings é uma importante provedora de ratings, comentários e pesquisas de crédito. Dedicada a gerar valor para além dos ratings, por meio de opiniões de crédito independentes e prospectivas, a Fitch Ratings oferece perspectivas globais moldadas por uma forte experiência no mercado local e um profundo conhecimento do mercado de crédito. O contexto adicional, a perspectiva e as visões que fornecemos ajudam os investidores a fazer importantes julgamentos de crédito com confiança. O Fitch Group é um líder global em serviços de informações financeiras, com operações em mais de 30 países. É composto por Fitch Ratings, líder global em ratings de crédito e pesquisas; Fitch Solutions, fornecedora líder de dados sobre o mercado de crédito, de ferramentas analíticas e de serviços de risco; e Fitch Learning, conceituada empresa de treinamento e desenvolvimento profissional. Com sedes em Londres e Nova York, o Fitch Group é controlado pela Hearst.
Lima | Peru
Banco Sabadell es el cuarto grupo bancario privado español integrado por diferentes bancos marcas sociedades filiales y Sociedades participadas.
+52 55 6393 3000
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Balam Fund is a private equity firm specialized in equity investments for renewable energy generation (mainly solar PV, wind and mini-hydro), cogeneration, energy efficiency and sustainable projects in Mexico.
Miami, | FL | USA
Atlas Renewable Energy is an Actis portfolio company focused on the development, execution and operation of renewable energy projects across Latin America.
Milan | Italy
Ardian is a private investment house with 96bn$ assets under management through five investment pillars: Fund of Funds, Direct Funds, Infrastructure, Private Debt and Real Estate.
New York | NY | USA
Allianz Global Investors is a leading active asset manager with over 780 investment professionals in 25 offices worldwide and managing USD 560 billion in assets for individuals, families and institutions. Active is the most important word in our vocabulary. Active is how we create and share value with clients. We believe in solving, not selling, and in adding value beyond pure economic gain. We invest for the long term, employing our innovative investment expertise and global resources.
+52 55 5255 5250
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Founded in 2018, Aleatica was created with the mission of offering safe and sustainable mobility solutions supported by cutting-edge technology that anticipate customer needs. We are a pure transport infrastructure operator, which allows us to focus exclusively on the design and operation of highways and other mobility assets in 6 countries of Europe and Latin America.
+52 (55) 5202 7690
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Ainda is a listed private equity fund (CKD) focused on investing in energy and infrastructure projects in Mexico. Ainda has signed a strategic alliance with Goldman Sachs Merchant Bank Division to identify opportunities to co-invest in the country.
Mexico City | CMX | Mexico
At Afore SURA your savings grow with the best service and consistent returns.
+52 55 2122 0310
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
The company designs, constructs, finances and delivers maintenance to infrastructure projects in various sectors such as transportation, real estate, electricity and water.
Bogota | Colombia
Institución financiera con presencial mundial
+52 55 5621 3434
Mexico City | Mexico
Institución financiera de México desde 1932. Es una empresa filial de Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), uno de los grupos financieros líderes en Europa y considerado entre uno de los más grandes de la Zona Euro. El Grupo trabaja por un futuro mejor para las personas, al ofrecer a su clientela una relación de beneficio mutuo, servicio proactivo, asesoramiento y soluciones integrales con una amplia variedad de productos y servicios financieros.
Frankfurt | Germany
BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager guiding individuals, financial professionals and institutions in building better financial futures.
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
ESENTIA Energy Systems es una empresa líder en la industria energética mexicana enfocada en transporte de gas natural. Contamos con más de 25 años de experiencia desarrollando proyectos de infraestructura que han brindado beneficios y crecimiento a México. Actualmente, ESENTIA Energy Systems opera el sistema privado interconectado de gas natural más grande de México con 2,017 kms: el Sistema Wahalajara, el cual recorre desde la cuenca de Waha, Texas, en Estados Unidos hasta Guadalajara, Jalisco
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
ENGIE Mexico has an energy portfolio that includes distribution and transportation of gas, vehicular and compressed natural gas, electricity generation, cogeneration, among others, and continues to explore new businesses in the country.
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Egis is an international player in consultancy, construction engineering, and mobility services. We design and operate intelligent infrastructures and buildings, addressing climate change challenges and fostering balanced, sustainable, and resilient territorial development. With a presence in 120 countries and 18,000 employees, Egis utilizes its expertise to serve clients and innovate across diverse projects, impacting societies globally. Our mission is to align quality of life improvements, socio-economic development, and carbon emission reduction, striving for net zero emissions by 2050. Shareholders include Tikehau Capital (40%) via T2 Energy Transition fund, Caisse des Dépôts (34%), and management/employees (26%) via Egis Partenaires and Corporate Mutual Fund.
Charlotte | NC | USA
DP World is the leading enabler of global trade and an integral part of the supply chain. We operate multiple related businesses – from marine and inland terminals, marine services, logistics and ancillary services, to technology-driven trade solutions. Our portfolio of more than 150 operations in over 50 countries in six continents gives us a significant presence both in high-growth and mature markets. DP World’s has more than 50,000 employees from 120 countries.
+ 1 212 261 7000
Crédit Agricole CIB offers its clients a large range of products and services in capital markets, investment banking, structured finance and corporate banking. The Bank provides support to clients in large international markets through its network with a presence in major countries in Europe, America, Asia Pacific and the Middle East.
+55 11 3216 5700
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
COMSA Corporación is the first largest unlisted Spanish group in the infrastructures and engineering sector. The company mainly operates in the fields of Infrastructures and Industrial Engineering, Services and Technology, and Concessions and Renewables.
+34 91 418-5600
Madrid | Spain
The world’s leading private-sector transportation infrastructure company, delivering innovative solutions for over fifty years.
+44 207 024 8186
London | United Kingdom
CDPQ is a long-term institutional investor with more than more than $286 billion of net assets. We invest our clients’ funds worldwide, targeting high-quality assets rooted in the real economy.
London | United Kingdom
Brookfield Asset Management is a leading global alternative asset manager with over US$500 billion of assets under management across real estate, infrastructure, private equity and credit (including through affiliate Oaktree Capital Management).
+34 932 305 000
Barcelona | Spain

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Club Partners Latam
Sectoral Club Partners Latam
+52 55 52 62 32 00
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Banco Sabadell es el cuarto grupo bancario privado español, integrado por diferentes bancos, marcas, sociedades filiales y sociedades participadas que abarcan todos los ámbitos del negocio financiero bajo un denominador común: profesionalidad y calidad. Un equipo dotado de los recursos tecnológicos y comerciales más modernos, y una organización multimarca y multicanal enfocada al cliente permiten a Banco Sabadell ocupar una destacada posición en el mercado en banca personal y de empresas.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
CCR Group is one of the major infrastructure concession companies in Latin America. Divided into four business units, CCR Highways SP, CCR Highways BR, CCR Mobility and CCR Airports, the company operates in the main transportation modes in the region. In the road segment, it controls 3,265 kilometres of highways in four Brazilian states where the highest concentration of GDP passes through. In the transportation of passengers, it holds the concessions of lines 4 and recently won the auction to manage lines 5 and 17 of the São Paulo metro system. In addition, it is responsible for the boat system and the VLT in Rio de Janeiro and the subway operation in the capital of Bahia, Salvador. In airport concessions, the company operates in the airports of Quito (Ecuador), San José (Costa Rica), Curaçao and Belo Horizonte (Brazil). Besides, the CCR Group also has expertise in high-capacity data transmission and airport services in the United States.
New York | NY | USA
Fitch Ratings is a leading provider of credit ratings, commentary, and research. Dedicated to providing value beyond the rating through independent and prospective credit opinions, Fitch Ratings offers global perspectives shaped by strong local market experience and credit market expertise. The additional context, perspective, and insights we provide help investors to make important credit judgments with confidence. Fitch Group is a global leader in financial information services with operations in more than 30 countries. Fitch Group is comprised of: Fitch Ratings, a global leader in credit ratings and research; Fitch Solutions, a leading provider of credit market data, analytical tools and risk services; and Fitch Learning, a preeminent training and professional development firm. With dual headquarters in London and New York, Fitch Group is owned by Hearst. For additional information, please visit
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Marsh is the world’s leading insurance broker and risk advisor. In more than 130 countries, our experts in every facet of risk and across industries help clients to anticipate, quantify, and more fully understand the range of risks they face. In today’s increasingly uncertain global business environment, Marsh helps clients to thrive and survive. We work with clients of all sizes to define, design, and deliver innovative solutions to better quantify and manage risk. To every client interaction we bring an unmatched combination of deep intellectual capital, industry-specific expertise, global experience, and collaboration. We offer risk management, risk consulting, insurance broking, alternative risk financing, and insurance program management services to businesses, government entities, organizations, and individuals around the world.
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