A senior, closed-doors Real Estate meeting to help ignite deal flow in Spain
After a great post-pandemic comeback of the real estate sector at GRI in 2021, our senior executives will gather at the España GRI 2022 to discuss the strategies for the upcoming deal flow, welcoming the largest concentration of Private Equity Investors, Fund Managers, LP’s Developers, Asset Owners, Operators and Lenders invested across all Spain and in all asset classes. Industry leaders will engage in a series of informal roundtables where everyone can participate, and navigate the current challenges presented by demand, purchasing and future trends.
Inflation - Horror show or jolt in the cycle a chance for investors' finding value in pricing?
- Economy Affects - Inflation and its impact on RE
- Price Rise - Construction materials skyrocketing. Threat to the industry or just a passing storm?
- Current Scenario - How to mitigate this rise?
The Investment Cycle - Opportunistic approach in new normal or new money finding a way in?
- Interest Rates - Are central banks still printing money or are we out of the crisis mode?
- Inflation Threat - Passing storm or are we heading to a big tsunami?
- Money Matters - What asset class are local and foreign investors looking into investing?
- Rare Gems - Where can we find the best deals in Spain? and in what cities?
Logistics & Light Industrial Demand - At full capacity or can returns be squeezed some more?
- Low Supply and High Demand - What price are we willing to pay?
- Supply - Is the lack of it affecting the growth in the market?
- Gross Land and Net Land - What is the role of public institutions in accelerating the rules and regulations processes on land?
- Financing Challenges - Is the mouse chasing the cat? Are banks and investors looking for opportunities to invest in?
- Sustainability & Innovative Solutions - What are new trends being developed in Light Industrial & Logistics assets?
Traditional vs Alternative Debt - Survival or coexistence?
- Potential for Growth in Alternative Finance - Margins and Gearings returning to pre covid levels?
- Pressure! - Survival of the developers and asset managers who need financing for their sectors, What extent are they willing to go?
- Coexistence of the Banks with Alternative Lending Companies - Who has the upper hand?
- Risk Appetite - High returns or costs too high? How can they stay competitive?
- Demand and Resilience - Which asset classes are the goers and the no goers?
Traditional Resi - Blown out steam or still got game?
- Multifamily Housing Segment - Huge Investor Interest or moved to alternatives?
- Appetite for Urban or Suburban Areas?
- Price vs Sale - What's working?
- Future Demand - Increase in rentals or secondary cities?
- Trajectory of Demand & Supply - Luxury real estate bullish despite COVID?
- Branded and Service - International Investor´s Haven?
Resilience, Change & Success In The Spanish Real Estate Market
- Trajectory of your companies asset classes
- Large Transactions & Deals
- Future Vision, Market Adaptation and their challenges
- ESG´s influence on the strategies
Future Of Real Estate - Urban intelligence & smart cities post covid
- Social, Economic and Environmental Shifts - Sustainable recovery to be implemented by the cities
- Need for More Human Friendly Cities - New definition of spaces, as we change to hybrid, ecommerce, post car, healthy models
- Data as the 4th Industrial Revolution - AI, 5G, Automatización for intelligent cities
- Metacity - What does this mean for RE?
Ecommerce & Last Mile - The biggest opportunity to shape RE in the cities?
- Urban Appetite for Closer Last Mile Locations - How are the cities shaping out?
- Online Demand - The biggest change to human habit trends? Have we reached the peak of online shopping yet?
- Competition - Will there be a pricing tension across investors and asset managers?
- The E in ESG Paradox - Sustainability as a deciding factor for investments, that older building that cant comply becoming obsolete?
- Supply Chain Change - When the return of purchased good gets more important than its delivery and the whole supply chain is restructured
Co-living - Trendiest model in Spain or just for a few?
- Types of Products and Their Use - What type of amenities are being developed? Unit size Vs affordability. Demand vs supply according to trends
- The legal impact - Is the new law favourable towards residential asset owners?
- Financing - What's available? Miss match between lending and selling balance?
- Digitalisation of the Customer Experience, Cost or Benefit - What customer touchpoints is the digital experience truly changing?
- Tertiary Development vs Residential Use - With a quick changing market and costs rising high, yields high?
Re Building Offices - New normal, new demand or the next big gamble?
- Market Dynamics - Prime properties on a high rise and secondary suffering to the low?
- Demand Post Covid- Growing or still reluctant? At what cost and at what margins?
- Location - Madrid and Barcelona the only cities in Spain seeing a rise?
- Co working, Corporate Hybrid & Shared Spaces - Green Building, Tech innovation, & home office, setting new trends?
- Post pandemic impact on portfolio size, rent, revenue and costs?
Retail & Commercial SoS! - Too late or just in time for distress bargains?
- Post Pandemic Retail Strategies - Reposition, repurpose or mixed use?
- Location, Location, Location is it all?
- Redevelopment - Any opportunities and or finance available?
- Commercial Converted into Experiencial hubs for customer experience?
- The Toughest Survivors - The supermarkets and food retailers, Retail parks in prime high streets?
Managed Residential - BTR, Service, the new safe haven for investors?
- Managed vs Owned - Making the numbers work both ways?
- Demand vs Supply - What are the effects of Product scarcity?
- Green field vs Brown Field - How is this Model Decompressing Yields?
- Financing - Where is it coming from? Added venture?
- Digitalisation - The answer to make them work?
Opportunistic and Value Add - Still the high risk trendsetters or fortune telling gone wrong?
- Where is the Good Deal? And what assets are likely to pick up in the future?
- Hotels, Resi? Barring the structural changes, Investor confidence is holding strong?
Student Housing Demand - Which way up?
- Competitive Yet Profitable - With a quick changing market and costs rising high, yields high?
- Public-Private partnerships post pandemic - Will these pay off?
- Legal Limbo - Without a regulating body to back the model, what are the complications?
- Financing and Demand - Where is the future growth perspective?
- Difference between "Colegios Mayores" and Student housing
Data Centres - New captivating toy in the Spanish market, promising or deceiving?
- Digital Transformation - The boom for new investors & operators in the data centre segment?
- Highest Yields - Biggest ROI than any other asset class, yet why is supply still scarce?
- Demand and Location - Madrid, Barcelona as main cities or can we see growth and opportunities elsewhere?
- Specialising Partners - Non traditional buying, requiring strategy and partnerships
- Sustainability - High use of energy moulding construction type?
Future Hotels Transactions - Deals gone from ugly duckling to attractive swan?
- New Normal Recovery - Hidden potential to be unleashed or still to fill in the capital gaps?
- Investments and Valuations - New deals and opportunities overlooking the figures of pre pandemic?
- How are New Trends and Demands Shaping the Market?
- JV - Is "sharing" a good way to minimise risks?
ESG & Taxonomy - Enhanced by tech & innovation or becoming its own asset class? (Plenary)
- The New Appetite for Investors - GRESB assessment for BREEAM, LEED and other certifications banner on all new investments?
- Carbon Neutrality in RE - Eco-friendly materials, smart technology, solar heating and energy - Win-win scenario boosting returns on a long run
- Strategy vs Action - Beyond certifications, looking into KPI, metrics on over all portfolio compliance for green financing
- The S in ESG - We all know what it is, but how do we quantify it?

Future Of Real Estate - Urban intelligence & smart cities post covid
- Social, Economic and Environmental Shifts - Sustainable recovery to be implemented by the cities
- Need for More Human Friendly Cities - New definition of spaces, as we change to hybrid, ecommerce, post car, healthy models
- Data as the 4th Industrial Revolution - AI, 5G, Automatización for intelligent cities
- Metacity - What does this mean for RE?
Inflation - Horror show or jolt in the cycle a chance for investors' finding value in pricing?
- Economy Affects - Inflation and its impact on RE
- Price Rise - Construction materials skyrocketing. Threat to the industry or just a passing storm?
- Current Scenario - How to mitigate this rise?
The Investment Cycle - Opportunistic approach in new normal or new money finding a way in?
- Interest Rates - Are central banks still printing money or are we out of the crisis mode?
- Inflation Threat - Passing storm or are we heading to a big tsunami?
- Money Matters - What asset class are local and foreign investors looking into investing?
- Rare Gems - Where can we find the best deals in Spain? and in what cities?
Carlos Portocarrero de las Heras
Traditional vs Alternative Debt - Survival or coexistence?
- Potential for Growth in Alternative Finance - Margins and Gearings returning to pre covid levels?
- Pressure! - Survival of the developers and asset managers who need financing for their sectors, What extent are they willing to go?
- Coexistence of the Banks with Alternative Lending Companies - Who has the upper hand?
- Risk Appetite - High returns or costs too high? How can they stay competitive?
- Demand and Resilience - Which asset classes are the goers and the no goers?
Alberto López Balbas
Opportunistic and Value Add - Still the high risk trendsetters or fortune telling gone wrong?
- Where is the Good Deal? And what assets are likely to pick up in the future?
- Hotels, Resi? Barring the structural changes, Investor confidence is holding strong?
Nicolas de Ros
Resilience, Change & Success In The Spanish Real Estate Market
- Trajectory of your companies asset classes
- Large Transactions & Deals
- Future Vision, Market Adaptation and their challenges
- ESG´s influence on the strategies
Carmen Panadero
Co-living - Trendiest model in Spain or just for a few?
- Types of Products and Their Use - What type of amenities are being developed? Unit size Vs affordability. Demand vs supply according to trends
- The legal impact - Is the new law favourable towards residential asset owners?
- Financing - What's available? Miss match between lending and selling balance?
- Digitalisation of the Customer Experience, Cost or Benefit - What customer touchpoints is the digital experience truly changing?
- Tertiary Development vs Residential Use - With a quick changing market and costs rising high, yields high?
Mario Chisholm
Managed Residential - BTR, Service, the new safe haven for investors?
- Managed vs Owned - Making the numbers work both ways?
- Demand vs Supply - What are the effects of Product scarcity?
- Green field vs Brown Field - How is this Model Decompressing Yields?
- Financing - Where is it coming from? Added venture?
- Digitalisation - The answer to make them work?
José Antonio de Pedro Cuadrado
Future Hotels Transactions - Deals gone from ugly duckling to attractive swan?
- New Normal Recovery - Hidden potential to be unleashed or still to fill in the capital gaps?
- Investments and Valuations - New deals and opportunities overlooking the figures of pre pandemic?
- How are New Trends and Demands Shaping the Market?
- JV - Is "sharing" a good way to minimise risks?
Jesús Abellán Gómez
Student Housing Demand - Which way up?
- Competitive Yet Profitable - With a quick changing market and costs rising high, yields high?
- Public-Private partnerships post pandemic - Will these pay off?
- Legal Limbo - Without a regulating body to back the model, what are the complications?
- Financing and Demand - Where is the future growth perspective?
- Difference between "Colegios Mayores" and Student housing
Traditional Resi - Blown out steam or still got game?
- Multifamily Housing Segment - Huge Investor Interest or moved to alternatives?
- Appetite for Urban or Suburban Areas?
- Price vs Sale - What's working?
- Future Demand - Increase in rentals or secondary cities?
- Trajectory of Demand & Supply - Luxury real estate bullish despite COVID?
- Branded and Service - International Investor´s Haven?
Re Building Offices - New normal, new demand or the next big gamble?
- Market Dynamics - Prime properties on a high rise and secondary suffering to the low?
- Demand Post Covid- Growing or still reluctant? At what cost and at what margins?
- Location - Madrid and Barcelona the only cities in Spain seeing a rise?
- Co working, Corporate Hybrid & Shared Spaces - Green Building, Tech innovation, & home office, setting new trends?
- Post pandemic impact on portfolio size, rent, revenue and costs?
Howard Pierce
Ecommerce & Last Mile - The biggest opportunity to shape RE in the cities?
- Urban Appetite for Closer Last Mile Locations - How are the cities shaping out?
- Online Demand - The biggest change to human habit trends? Have we reached the peak of online shopping yet?
- Competition - Will there be a pricing tension across investors and asset managers?
- The E in ESG Paradox - Sustainability as a deciding factor for investments, that older building that cant comply becoming obsolete?
- Supply Chain Change - When the return of purchased good gets more important than its delivery and the whole supply chain is restructured
Nabil Mabed
Retail & Commercial SoS! - Too late or just in time for distress bargains?
- Post Pandemic Retail Strategies - Reposition, repurpose or mixed use?
- Location, Location, Location is it all?
- Redevelopment - Any opportunities and or finance available?
- Commercial Converted into Experiencial hubs for customer experience?
- The Toughest Survivors - The supermarkets and food retailers, Retail parks in prime high streets?
Logistics & Light Industrial Demand - At full capacity or can returns be squeezed some more?
- Low Supply and High Demand - What price are we willing to pay?
- Supply - Is the lack of it affecting the growth in the market?
- Gross Land and Net Land - What is the role of public institutions in accelerating the rules and regulations processes on land?
- Financing Challenges - Is the mouse chasing the cat? Are banks and investors looking for opportunities to invest in?
- Sustainability & Innovative Solutions - What are new trends being developed in Light Industrial & Logistics assets?
Juan Alonso Bartolome
Data Centres - New captivating toy in the Spanish market, promising or deceiving?
- Digital Transformation - The boom for new investors & operators in the data centre segment?
- Highest Yields - Biggest ROI than any other asset class, yet why is supply still scarce?
- Demand and Location - Madrid, Barcelona as main cities or can we see growth and opportunities elsewhere?
- Specialising Partners - Non traditional buying, requiring strategy and partnerships
- Sustainability - High use of energy moulding construction type?
Manuel Gimenez Rasero
ESG & Taxonomy - Enhanced by tech & innovation or becoming its own asset class? (Plenary)
- The New Appetite for Investors - GRESB assessment for BREEAM, LEED and other certifications banner on all new investments?
- Carbon Neutrality in RE - Eco-friendly materials, smart technology, solar heating and energy - Win-win scenario boosting returns on a long run
- Strategy vs Action - Beyond certifications, looking into KPI, metrics on over all portfolio compliance for green financing
- The S in ESG - We all know what it is, but how do we quantify it?
David García Núñez

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