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France GRI 2025

Une série de discussions privées pour les décisionnaires du marché immobilier français et pan européen

27th May
Credit: Dave Z / Shutterstock
Adriana Lucchesi
Adriana Lucchesi
Directrice Relations Clients France et PortugalGRI Club
Professional with extensive experience in multinational and global companies from the automotive industry and high-end commercial kitchen equipment sector, working in business development and distributor network management. Focused on achieving excellence in both sales and customer satisfaction.. Comunicates in French, English, Italien and Portuguese.
Cintia Delesalle
Cintia Delesalle
GRI Club France DirectorGRI Club
+44 207 387 33 11
Giovana Caravetti
Giovana Caravetti
Head Southern Europe & FranceGRI Club
Graduated in Advertising and Marketing from Pontifícia Universidade de Campinas. Experience in the service and sales business. Currently focused on developing relationships among entrepreneurs in the real estate market. Responsible for the RE Club in Chile, Colombia, Argentina and Peru. Actively involved in the decisions and organization of meetings for members, and the relationship between them. Focused on bringing new members and relevant companies from the sector, to develop the Club in the Andean countries, and Argentina. Also responsible for the Hospitality sector throughout Latin America, concentrating efforts, for the main meeting of the sector at a regional level.
+55 19 99333 5806
+55 19 99333 5806


France GRI est un événement destiné aux investisseurs, aux asset managers, aux promoteurs, aux prêteurs et aux autres dirigeants du secteur immobilier français. Il s’agit d’une réunion annuelle organisée autour de tables rondes et de sessions de networking transactionnelles, conçues pour faciliter les échanges d’affaires entre décisionnaires.

Thématiques générales

Tendances par typologie d'actifs
Réglementations locales et européennes
ESG et innovations

Unique Format

Le format de discussion permet à tous les participants d’invervenir
Connaissance approfondie du secteur
Networking facilité

Past Events

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* I confirm that I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of GRI Club
Pan European Club Partner
Industry Partners
Warsaw | Poland
With the largest commercial real estate team in Europe and one of the biggest worldwide, CMS is well positioned to help investors, funders, developers, landlords and occupiers navigate all aspects of the real estate market and maximise their assets. Whatever the size and scope of your project or deal, with almost 800 real estate lawyers in 46 countries we have the resources to meet your needs quickly and efficiently, offering expert advice. We have been active in real estate in our markets for decades, so we understand the culture, the economic context, the local legal context and the history.
Com mais de 20 anos de experiência, somos uma consultoria especializada em potencializar os resultados das empresas dos mercados imobiliário e de infraestrutura. Atuamos com soluções 360º nas áreas de gestão de pessoas e de estruturação de processos organizacionais.
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for Premium members
This event is exclusive for GRI members.
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