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95 people are attending
Credit: Givaga / Envato Elements
Cintia Delesalle
Cintia Delesalle
GRI Club France DirectorGRI Club
+44 207 387 33 11

France GRI 2021 will follow all the necessary health and safety protocols.
It’s necessary that the attendees present a negative PCR (within 48 hours or vaccination certificate (2nd dose at least 14 days prior) at the hotel reception.

France GRI is a gathering in Paris of senior investors, lenders and developers active in the French and European real estate market.

Much like a conversation in your own living room, these discussions’ exclusive format allows you to interact and engage freely among peers. Find the right partners for your business, build valuable relationships, and keep the conversation going.

In-depth Industry Knowledge
Roundtable discussions
Networking made easy
Find the perfect opportunity and partner


13th September
Close See complete schedule
03:00pm - 04:15pm
Investment Cycle
How to get rational values back?
  • GDP, interest rates & unemployment - Where are we headed in 2021-22?
  • Diversification as the only safety net?
  • Market Distortion - Non-cyclical cool down of the markets?
  • Inflation Risk - Increased concerns or not much to worry about?
04:45pm - 06:00pm

Digitalisation and the New Normal

Opportunities post-Covid

  • Digitisation & automation - improvement of prime asset rents?
  • How do landowners make better use of data?
  • The impact of COVID-19 - data-driven solutions to improve health and safety
  • Improving the occupant experience - new services and amenities
04:45pm - 06:00pm
Paris vs Regions Demand
Which has the more attractive metropolis potential?
  • Institutional Appetite - Flight to Paris or regional opportunities never better?
  • Commercial Core & Value Add - Repurposing Assets vs New Development Deals
  • Placemaking and Future of Urban Areas - How has COVID transformed the game?
  • Global Capital - Paris still a hot destination or any new hotspots?
14th September
Close See complete schedule
09:00am - 10:00am
Economic Update
  • France's economic outlook in the context of the European recovery 
  • Inflation & Central Banks - What are the risks, any rewards?
  • Real Estate Prices & Interest Rates - Never better?
10:40am - 11:40am
Debt Leveraging Post COVID
Banks or private funds, who's got the edge?
  • Asset Classes - Are hotels, retail & offices too risky?
  • Pricing - Senior, junior & mezzanine; how to stay competitive?
  • Debt Origins - Are foreign lenders looking to France as a safe haven or too much competition?
  • Risk Profile - Will lenders have to go up the risk curve post-COVID?
10:40am - 11:40am
Co-Living, Senior & Student Housing
Operators & Investors ready to go mainstream?
  • Institutional investment appetite: which asset classes are reaching maturity?
  • Emerging Trends - Alternative Active and Increasing Service Factor?
  • Demand and supply imbalance
  • Locations: emerging hotspots for different assets
12:10pm - 01:10pm
Opportunistic and value add 
Funders ready to play post COVID high stakes? 
  • Private Equity - Dry powder impact on risk and price anticipation?
  • Asset Classes - Which ones are offering opportunities?
  • Financing - Any subsidised margins?
  • French Value Add Markets - How to identify future projects and ensure their quality and profit?
12:10pm - 01:10pm


Time for action, but at what cost and for what income?

  • Creating Science-Based Net Zero Pathways & Targets
  • Best Practices - Who is ahead of the competition?
  • Reporting Sustainability & Impact Investment as Key Non-Traditional Real Estate Investment Factors?
  • Social Impact Value Returns - How to benchmark and measure impact for business sense?
  • Shared Value - Increasing business value through ESG considerations
12:10pm - 01:10pm
Mixed-Use, Flex Space & Third Places
What are tomorrow's alternative asset's values?
  • Emerging Trends - Alternative assets & rise of the service factor?
  • Flexible Space - Shorter leases the only way forward?
  • Blurred Asset Classes - Mixed use & the continued rise of shared economy?
  • Demographic Changes - Placemaking & CBD opportunities
02:30pm - 03:30pm
Winning Retail
Repurpose or reinvent tenant partnerships?
  • Risk Positioning - Only for opportunistic players?
  • Financing - Any lenders in the game or all about equity?
  • Which Concepts to Bet on - Food anchored retail, high street or shopping malls?
  • Distressed & Obsolete Assets - What redevelopment opportunities are out there?
02:30pm - 03:30pm
Classic vs Alternative Residential
New users, new services?
  • What to bet on and position in the French markets?
  • Which BTR Sector Are Indicating High Resilience? Co-living, student or mid market multifamily?
  • Pricing Up Demand & Achieving Scale - Are all parties aligned?
  • Land Scarcity, Urban Positioning & Development Challenges - What challenges to overcome?
  • Serviced Residential - Too much operational risk or essential to achieve sustainable rent returns?
04:00pm - 05:00pm
Core Offices
Flight to Quality, Bid & Ask Gap Too Wide?
  • Core & Core+ - Which assets will lose in valuations?
  • CBD & Prime Locations - What has changed?
  • Investor Appetite - Capital allocations still going strong or too much risk?
  • Are sellers and buyers aligned on pricing?
04:00pm - 05:00pm
Logistics Transactions
Still safe haven or yields too tight?
  • Rental Increase - Still room for more?
  • E-commerce penetration creating demand across France - What opportunities to buy, sell?
  • Finding Product - Availability, price and locations
  • Occupational Market Drivers Impact on BTS & Acquisitions - Cold storage, retail, food and automotive

Confirmed Participants include

Actualisation Économique
Classes d’Actifs

Co-Living, Résidences Seniors & Étudiantes
Opérateurs et investisseurs prêts pour une généralisation ?

Frédéric DibMoZaïC Asset Management Moderator
Hideki KurataSchroders Investment Management
Isabelle ClercLa Mondiale
José Antonio de Pedro CuadradoDistrito Natural
Raphaël TréguierKareg IM
Ségolène DesplanquesKLEY - The Boost Society

Convertir ou réinventer les partenariats avec les locataires ?

Cyrille DeslandesKlépierre Moderator
Norbert MüllerNM - Family Office

Résidentiel Classique vs Alternatif
Nouveaux utilisateurs, nouveaux services ?

Forgotten One 2023-01-13 01:00:03 Forgotten OneGecina Moderator
Arnaud FetyAegide-Domitys
Edouard DeschepperWainbridge
Grégoire DeramecourtCurrently Unaffiliated
Patrice GenreFoncière Crossroads

Bureaux Core
Conditions et conséquences des nouveaux enjeux en termes de qualité ?

Sophie Colin-SansierGenerali Real Estate Moderator
Cédric DujardinAsty Capital
Gautier BeurnierCBRE Investment Management France
Philip GaillardHRO
Philippe DuvergneDeutsche Pfandbriefbank AG
Rouzbeh Badi-ArezBlack Swan Real Estate Capital
Sonia Da SilvaBouygues Immobilier
Tania Concejo-BontempsUnion Investment Real Estate

Transactions Logistiques
Toujours une valeur refuge ou des rendements trop serrés ?

Benjamin BillCMS Moderator
Adrien BeuriotP3 Logistic Parks
Christophe BouthorsGroupe Panhard
Lionel NaturkrejtBaum Notaires
Priscilla Le PriellecLa Banque Postale

Co-Living, Résidences Seniors & Étudiantes
Opérateurs et investisseurs prêts pour une généralisation ?

  • Appétit pour l’investissement institutionnel : quelles classes d’actifs arrivent à maturité ?
  • Tendances émergentes - actifs alternatifs et l’augmentation du facteur de service ?
  • Déséquilibre de la demande et l’offre
  • Emplacements : hotspots émergents pour des différents actifs
Frédéric Dib
MoZaïC Asset Management
Hideki Kurata
Head of Real Estate France & Head of Living Strategies
Schroders Investment Management
Isabelle Clerc
Director of Real Estate Investment
La Mondiale
José Antonio de Pedro Cuadrado
Distrito Natural
Raphaël Tréguier
Kareg IM
Ségolène Desplanques
KLEY - The Boost Society
Frédéric Dib
Frédéric Dib
CEOMoZaïC Asset Management
Frédéric is Managing Partner of Mozaïc AM and has over 15 years experience in the healthcare sector. MoZaïC manages over 250M€ of healthcare assets over 4 geographies (France, Germany, Italy and Spain) Prior to this, he was the President of Senior Santé, an owner and operator of nursing homes in France. During his tenure, he was responsible for operations developing the group's operating model and processes. During that period it funded, developed, built, delivered and sold 11 nursing homes (circa 50,000 m2). Before Senior Santé/B-Patrimoine, Frédéric held various positions within HSBC (London) and Lazard (New York and London) Frédéric graduated from ESSEC Business School in Paris and speaks French, English, Spanish, Italian and Arabic.
Hideki Kurata
Hideki Kurata
Head of Real Estate France & Head of Living StrategiesSchroders Investment Management
Hideki Kurata is Head of Real Estate France & Head of Living Strategies at Schroders Capital. He has over 25 years of experience in financial services and real estate and has previously held positions at Greystar, AXA IM, GE Capital, JP Morgan and BNP Paribas. Hideki holds a master’s degree in economics from Paris X University, is a graduate of ESCP Business School and holds an MBA from INSEAD.
Isabelle Clerc
Isabelle Clerc
Director of Real Estate InvestmentLa Mondiale
Isabelle Clerc est Directeur de l’immobilier de placement d’AG2R LA MONDIALE. Isabelle Clerc, 45 ans, est diplômée de l’École nationale des ponts et chaussées et Membre de la Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS). Elle était jusqu’alors Directeur de la gestion des fonds Grand Public chez NAMI-AEW Europe. Isabelle Clerc exerce depuis 20 ans ses responsabilités au sein de la Direction des investissements immobiliers d’acteurs majeurs tels que AEW Europe, Unibail-Rodamco, RREEF et BNP Paribas Real Estate.
José Antonio de Pedro Cuadrado
José Antonio de Pedro Cuadrado
PartnerDistrito Natural
Chief Development Officer at Distrito Natural | Partner at Fluxus Ventures With extensive experience in the real estate sector, I specialize in advising investment funds on asset transformation and delivering innovative solutions to real estate portfolios. I have successfully managed multiple co-working and co-living projects, introducing cutting-edge strategies for portfolio enhancement. Currently, my focus is on driving the decarbonization of the industry through timber-structure residential developments, accelerating sustainable practices for a greener future. Education: - MSc in Industrial Engineering, Major in Structural Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Bachelor of Architecture, École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris Malaquais
Raphaël Tréguier
Raphaël Tréguier
Ségolène Desplanques
Ségolène Desplanques
KLEY - The Boost Society

Convertir ou réinventer les partenariats avec les locataires ?

  • Positionnement du risque - uniquement pour les acteurs opportunistes ?
  • Financement - Des prêteurs dans la salle, ou on joue l’équité ? 
  • Sur quels concepts parier - Commerce de détail à dominante alimentaire, grande rue ou centres commerciaux ?
  • Actifs compromis et obsolètes - Quelles sont les possibilités de réaménagement ?
Cyrille Deslandes
Head of Netherlands, Germany and Turkey
Norbert Müller
Board Member Square Sense SAS, Investor/Family Office
NM - Family Office
Cyrille Deslandes
Cyrille Deslandes
Head of Netherlands, Germany and TurkeyKlépierre
Cyrille joined Klépierre in 2014 as Head of M&A. From 2007 he worked for HSBC Investment banking in Paris where he started the M&A real estate team in 2009. Cyrille started his career at Deloitte in France and thereafter in the US doing due diligence for private equity funds.
Norbert Müller
Norbert Müller
Board Member Square Sense SAS, Investor/Family OfficeNM - Family Office
Norbert Müller is investing, via his Family Office, in i) Real Estate (standing investments as well as developments), mainly in Flanders (Belgium), Brussels (Belgium) and Berlin (Germany), ii) consumer products (Whisky (Scotland) and Rum (Caribbean), iii) tech and data driven companies (Square Sense SAS (Paris), various via Zurich)

Résidentiel Classique vs Alternatif
Nouveaux utilisateurs, nouveaux services ?

  • Sur quoi miser et où se positionner sur les marchés français ?
  • Quels sont les secteurs BTR qui montrent une forte résilience ? Co-living, les logements étudiants ou les logements collectifs de taille moyenne ?
  • Fixer le prix de la demande et atteindre l'échelle - Toutes les parties sont-elles alignées ?
  • Rareté des terrains, positionnement urbain et défis de développement - Quels sont les défis à relever ?
  • Résidentiel avec services - Trop de risques opérationnels ou essentiel pour obtenir des rendements locatifs durables ?
Forgotten One 2023-01-13 01:00:03 Forgotten One
Executive Director Residential
Arnaud Fety
Investment Director
Edouard Deschepper
CEO Wainbridge France Deputy CEO and CFO The Collection
Grégoire Deramecourt
Managing Director
Currently Unaffiliated
Patrice Genre
Foncière Crossroads
Forgotten One 2023-01-13 01:00:03 Forgotten One
Forgotten One 2023-01-13 01:00:03 Forgotten One
Executive Director ResidentialGecina
A Polytechnique and Ecole des Mines graduate, Franck Lirzin has held various positions with the French Ministry of Economy and Finance. His career path since 2006 has taken him to the cabinet of the French Minister for Economic Affairs, Emmanuel Macron. Previously Deputy Chief of Staff for the French Secretary of State for Industry, Digital and Innovation, Franck joined Gecina as Executive Director Residential in 2017.
Arnaud Fety
Arnaud Fety
Investment DirectorAegide-Domitys
Entrepreneur and Senior executive with strong business development capacities Strong experience in team Management, in Investment process and solid track record of Real Estate Transactional experience across both France and Continental Europe. Very strong personal and professional ethics (RICS) Experience in working in Anglo Saxon environment, Reporting to German Board (IVG Asset Management Immobilien AG). Experience of Rising, Investing and Managing Prime portfolio 2.3 billion € Offices and Retails. More than 20 years’ experience in alternative Asset Classes as Executive Manager and Investor working cross-border with international clients and Funds Manager. Block sales with Institutional investors.
Edouard Deschepper
Edouard Deschepper
CEO Wainbridge France Deputy CEO and CFO The CollectionWainbridge
Edouard serves as Head of France and Caribbean and Board member of Wainbridge International with overall responsibility for development, acquisition, structuring, financing, construction, and market research activity. He plays an active role in originating and executing deals, as well as in tracking investment performance. His overall responsibility includes development, acquisition, structuring, financing, construction, and market research activity.

Edouard is also co-founder and deputy CEO of The Collection (
Grégoire Deramecourt
Grégoire Deramecourt
Managing DirectorCurrently Unaffiliated
Executive Director Grégoire Deramecourt began his career in 2006 in Mergers and Acquisitions within the Aviva group then at Rothschild & Cie. In 2010, he joined JLL's Corporate Consulting and Transactions Services department, which is dedicated to users. In 2013, he became Senior Asset Manager at Aviva Investors Real Estate France. Since 2018, he was head of AEW's Asset Management Offices, where he was responsible for more than 1.5 billion arbitrations. Grégoire is graduated of IPAG Paris and EM Lyon Business School.
Patrice Genre
Patrice Genre
CEOFoncière Crossroads
Real estate specialist and entrepreneur. Patrice has 30 years of experience in real estate as executive manager, entrepreneur and investor working cross-borders with international clients and business partners. Patrice has raised, invested and managed over 10 billion € (equity and debt) for French/European and international institutional clients.

Bureaux Core
Conditions et conséquences des nouveaux enjeux en termes de qualité ?

  • Core & Core+ - Quels actifs vont perdre en évaluation ?
  • Emplacements CBD & Prime - Qu’est-ce qui a changé ?
  • Appétit des investisseurs : Allocations de capital encore fortes ou trop de risques ?
  • Les vendeurs et les acheteurs sont-ils alignés sur les prix ?
Sophie Colin-Sansier
Head of Investment & Divestment France
Generali Real Estate
Cédric Dujardin
Asty Capital
Gautier Beurnier
President / Head of Investments France
CBRE Investment Management France
Philip Gaillard
Managing Director
Philippe Duvergne
Managing Director, REF Continental Europe France
Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG
Rouzbeh Badi-Arez
Founding Partner
Black Swan Real Estate Capital
Sonia Da Silva
Directrice Générale Adjointe en charge du développement tertiaire et des utilisateurs
Bouygues Immobilier
Tania Concejo-Bontemps
Union Investment Real Estate
Sophie Colin-Sansier
Sophie Colin-Sansier
Head of Investment & Divestment FranceGenerali Real Estate
Sophie Colin Sansier joined Generali Real Estate as the Head of Investment and Divestment in 2014. Prior to this date, she has developed a consolidated experience during more than 15 years in the real estate market, holding senior positions such as Head of Investments in Beacon Capital Partners France and in charge of development, disposals and renovations for third parties at Bouygues Immobilier. She graduated from the ESSEC and holds a Master’s degree in economics and in finance.
Cédric Dujardin
Cédric Dujardin
Co-founderAsty Capital
Cédric Dujardin est nommé depuis Septembre 2019 Managing Director dans l’équipe Investissement Immobilier de BlackRock. Basé à Paris, il sera en charge de la gestion des fonds immobiliers de BlackRock en France, Italie et Belgique, sous la responsabilité de Justin Brown, Head of Real Estate Europe. Cédric Dujardin dispose de près de 20 ans d’expérience dans l’immobilier et la gestion de fonds, avec une expertise liée à l’impact environnemental et sociétal des actifs immobiliers. Avant de rejoindre BlackRock, il était Directeur des opérations immobilières pour la France, la Belgique et le Luxembourg chez DWS. Il avait précédemment été Directeur Investissements Europe chez Ivanhoé Cambridge et occupé différentes fonctions chez Gécina.
Gautier Beurnier
Gautier Beurnier
President / Head of Investments FranceCBRE Investment Management France
Gautier Beurnier is President of CBRE Investment Management France and responsible for sourcing french deals for pan European and domestic funds and for international clients through club deals and separate account mandates. Gautier has over 30 years of experience in real estate and risk management, previously as CEO for ATEMI, a French real estate developer and asset management company. He has also worked for Unibail in Paris as well as Marsh Inc in New York, where he specialized in alternative risk finance and risk management consulting.
Philip Gaillard
Philip Gaillard
Managing DirectorHRO
Philip B. Gaillard is a Managing Director of HRO. Since joining in 1997, he has been instrumental in developing, leasing and selling many of HRO's projects in the Paris Region. Philip holds an AB degree in Economics and MBA in Real Estate, both obtained from University of Michigan (Ann Arbor). Since 1997, HRO has been a key player in Europe's dominant cities developing over 600,000 m² of offices occupied by some of the world's leading corporations. HRO provides a full range of advisory and asset management services to institutional clients
Philippe Duvergne
Philippe Duvergne
Managing Director, REF Continental Europe FranceDeutsche Pfandbriefbank AG
Philippe Duvergne is a Managing Director for Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG and is based in Paris. Philippe, who has over 25 years work experience in real estate and banking, started his career at Group Paribas where he fulfilled a number of functions. In 2000, he joined The Royal Bank of Scotland, where he was part of the new team which created the Real Estate Business. He focuses on origination and execution of domestic and cross-border structured real estate finance in France.
Rouzbeh Badi-Arez
Rouzbeh Badi-Arez
Founding PartnerBlack Swan Real Estate Capital
Rouzbeh Badi-Arez is a founding partner of Black Swan Real Estate Capital since 2021. He has more than 15 years of experience in European real estate investment, asset management and business development. Prior to joining Black Swan Real Estate Capital, Rouzbeh was heading investment and asset management activities at Dea Capital in France. Earlier in his career, he was responsible for sourcing and execution for Freo France. He also gained experience of equity and debt structuring as head of business development at Paref and he was responsible for international funds. He started his career as investment and asset management at Atemi (French Lehman Brothers asset management company). Rouzbeh graduated from Bordeaux Business School
Sonia Da Silva
Sonia Da Silva
Directrice Générale Adjointe en charge du développement tertiaire et des utilisateursBouygues Immobilier
Tania Concejo-Bontemps
Tania Concejo-Bontemps
PrésidenteUnion Investment Real Estate
Tania Bontemps is President of Union Investment Real Estate France, leading the Paris subsidiary since 2011. She has over 17 years of experience in general management, investment and asset management, leading multi-disciplinary projects and teams for international real estate companies. Prior to joining the real estate sector, Tania started her career in the high-tech sector with the Japanese-American group Senko in Boston (USA). When she moved to Paris in 2003, she joined Renta Corporacion, a listed property company. With Renta as Managing Director, she was in charge of acquisitions and asset management for the French, English and German markets. Tania joined Union Investment in 2011 as Managing Director of the French management company.

Transactions Logistiques
Toujours une valeur refuge ou des rendements trop serrés ?

  • Augmentation des loyers - Encore possible d’aller plus loin ?
  • La pénétration du e-commerce crée une demande dans toute la France - Quelles opportunités d’achat / vente ?
  • Trouver un produit - Disponibilité, prix et emplacements
  • Impact des moteurs du marché professionnel sur les BTS et les acquisitions - Entreposage frigorifique, commerce de détail, alimentation et automobile
Benjamin Bill
Adrien Beuriot
Managing Director France
P3 Logistic Parks
Christophe Bouthors
Groupe Panhard
Lionel Naturkrejt
Transaction Manager
Baum Notaires
Priscilla Le Priellec
Head Real Estate Lending Department (structured loans/ development loans)
La Banque Postale
Benjamin Bill
Benjamin Bill
Benjamin has extensive experience in the work with clients on complex real estate operations. He advises on a broad range of aspects related to it, including acquisition and disposal of real estate assets or companies, of French or pan-European portfolios, the structuring of projects and the negotiation of JV and partnership agreements. Benjamin’s work covers all asset classes (office, retail, logistics, hotel and leisure, residential…). Benjamin’s work also covers property development transactions, commercial leases and management agreements.
Adrien Beuriot
Adrien Beuriot
Managing Director FranceP3 Logistic Parks
Adrien joined Aviva Investors Real Estate in January 2019 as Head of Asset Management for Continental Europe and managing director for AIREF SA. He is responsible for developing Aviva Investors’ Asset Management platform across continental Europe, leading teams in Paris and Frankfurt. Adrien has 15 years’ experience in a variety of roles within the real estate sector, including in asset management, transactions, fund management and M&A. He joins from BNP Paribas Real Estate Investment Management, where he held the position of Head of Investments France since March 2018. Previously, Adrien worked at Standard Life Investments, AXA Real Estate France, General Electric Real Estate, Société Générale and PwC.
Christophe Bouthors
Christophe Bouthors
CEOGroupe Panhard
Christophe Bouthors graduated from EDHEC business school, he started his career in 1996 within the Audit company ARTHUR ANDERSEN, in France and in the USA, where he led for 10 years consultancy missions for private equity funds. From 2004 to 2010, Christophe Bouthors took several management positions within AKERYS, which was then one of the major actors in the residential properties in France. He’s nominated CFO in 2007. He then spent 2 years, at ALVAREZ & MARSAL, one of the world leader in management consultancy, time during which he led several consulting missions and interim management. He joined « Groupe Panhard » in 2012 as Chief Executive and became chairman of the executive management board in 2017.
Lionel Naturkrejt
Lionel Naturkrejt
Transaction ManagerBaum Notaires
Priscilla Le Priellec
Priscilla Le Priellec
Head Real Estate Lending Department (structured loans/ development loans)La Banque Postale
Priscilla joined La Banque Postale in 2016 to create the arrangement desk of Structured Real Estate Loans and is currently Head of the Real Estate Lending Department (Structured loans mainly for PE investors / funds and development loans for property developers). She has a 10-year experience in corporate and investment banking with CaCib in New York and Paris and an above 15 -year experience in origination and execution of Real Estate Lending transactions in CaCib, DekaBank and currently La Banque Postale. She also had a 4-year experience as debt advisor in Hong Kong and is professor at Edhec in Real Estate Finance since 2009. Priscilla graduated from Edhec Business School and Oxford Brookes University. She is MRICS since 2016.
Sujets Disruptifs

Paris & Régions

Quelles métropoles ont le plus grand potentiel en termes d'attractivité ?

Thibault DelamainAG Real Estate Moderator
Benjamin Cartier-BressonBerlin HYP
Fabien GuisseauGrand Paris Aménagement
Oubay ChurbajiAltarea


Place à l'action, mais à quel prix et pour quel revenu ?

Eric CosseratPerial Moderator
Arnaud GuennocAG Real Estate
Assem El AlamiBerlin Hyp
Jean-Philippe BesseAccenta
Lhocine AliouaneAir-France KLM
Priscilla Le PriellecLa Banque Postale

Usage Mixte, Espaces Flexibles & Tiers-Lieux
Quelles sont les valeurs des actifs alternatifs de demain?

Pierre LeocadioOxford Properties Group Moderator
Christophe BurckartIWC PLC
Gabriel RaphaelBouygues Immobilier
Jérôme ArnaudAlstom

Paris & Régions

Quelles métropoles ont le plus grand potentiel en termes d'attractivité ?

  • Appétit institutionnel - Aller simple pour Paris ou des opportunités régionales meilleures que jamais ?
  • Commercial Core et Value Add - Réaffectation d’actifs ou nouveaux projets de développement
  • Création d’espaces et l’avenir des zones urbaines - Comment le COVID a changé la donne ?
  • Capital mondiale - Paris est une destination toujours tendance ou d’autres zones émergentes ?
Thibault Delamain
Head of Investment and Asset Management
AG Real Estate
Benjamin Cartier-Bresson
Head of French Branch
Berlin HYP
Fabien Guisseau
Directeur général adjoint au Développement économique et aux partenariats stratégiques
Grand Paris Aménagement
Oubay Churbaji
Key Accounts General Manager
Thibault Delamain
Thibault Delamain
Head of Investment and Asset ManagementAG Real Estate
Thibault Delamain, MRICS, is responsible for AG Real Estate investment and asset management in France. Thibault is in charge of defining and implementing the investment strategy for 1,2 b€ AUM (office, retail, Logistics and diversifies assets). Thibault has 14 years of experience in the field of real estate for private and Institutional Investors.
Benjamin Cartier-Bresson
Benjamin Cartier-Bresson
Head of French BranchBerlin HYP
Benjamin Cartier-Bresson, 46, is head of Berlin Hyp representative office in Paris. Cartier-Bresson has extensive knowledge of the French commercial property market. He has specialised in property debt structuring since 2002. He is a former officer of the Royal Bank of Scotland and of Credit Suisse, where he was in charge of debt origination until 2008. More recently he held a senior position at DekaBank.
Fabien Guisseau
Fabien Guisseau
Directeur général adjoint au Développement économique et aux partenariats stratégiquesGrand Paris Aménagement
Il a été précédemment pendant 3 ans Directeur de la Commercialisation des bureaux en France pour Covivio, une des principales foncières cotées européennes. De 2007 à 2013, à la Métropole de Lyon, il participe notamment au grand projet de redéveloppement du quartier de la Part-Dieu à Lyon, comme Directeur du Projet économique sur les sujets tertiaire, commerce, innovation, hôtellerie. De 2014 à 2017, il est Directeur de la Stratégie, du marketing et de l’international à l’Etablissement Public d’Aménagement de la Défense Seine Arche (EPADESA).
Oubay Churbaji
Oubay Churbaji
Key Accounts General ManagerAltarea
Ingénieur Architecte et DESS des Ponts et Chaussées, Master de Management de l’ESTP, il a commencé sa carrière en 1999 au sein du Groupe Bouygues en tant que chargé d’affaires chez Screg Bâtiment. Dès 2002, il est en charge du développement et du montage financier chez Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France. Il rejoint Bouygues Immobilier en 2005 comme Chef de Service en charge du développement des Grandes Affaires et des Projets Urbains puis, en 2009, du développement de projets tertiaires clé-en-main pour le compte d’Utilisateurs et de Grands comptes en France et en Europe. Il rejoint Altarea-Cogedim début 2013 pour prendre la direction du développement et du montage des opérations tertiaires en Régions. En 2015, il est nommé DG.


Place à l'action, mais à quel prix et pour quel revenu ?

  • Créer des parcours et des objectifs nets zéro fondés sur la science
  • Meilleures pratiques - qui est en avance sur la concurrence ?
  • Le développement durable et l'investissement d'impact comme facteurs clés de l'investissement immobilier non traditionnel ?
  • Rendements de la valeur de l'impact social - Comment évaluer et mesurer l'impact dans une optique commerciale ?
  • Valeur partagée - accroître la valeur commerciale grâce aux considérations ESG
Eric Cosserat
Arnaud Guennoc
MD France - Head of development
AG Real Estate
Assem El Alami
Head of International Real Estate Finance
Berlin Hyp
Jean-Philippe Besse
Lhocine Aliouane
Directeur des opérations immobilières
Air-France KLM
Priscilla Le Priellec
Head Real Estate Lending Department (structured loans/ development loans)
La Banque Postale
Eric Cosserat
Eric Cosserat
Diplômé de l'ISG en 1987, Eric Cosserat débute sa carrière dans une banque française à New York, après quoi il revient en France pour travailler dans l'entreprise familiale, PERIAL. Ses premières fonctions reposent sur la diversification des produits financiers tels que les assurances vie et comptes immobiliers, les OPCVM, puis la gestion des SCPI et la responsabilité du service clients et des transactions immobilières. Sept ans après, il devient Directeur Général puis, en 1999, il est nommé Président du Directoire du groupe. Eric Cosserat est également Administrateur de l’ASPIM (Association Française des Sociétés de Placement Immobilier) et Administrateur de l’IEIF (Institut de l’Epargne Immobilière et Foncière).
Arnaud Guennoc
Arnaud Guennoc
MD France - Head of developmentAG Real Estate
Arnaud Guennoc is CEO of AG Real Estate France and also in charge of real estate development department. Arnaud Guennoc joined AG Real Estate in 2012 to develop real estate development activity. Currently AG Real Estate France is developing a dozen projects representing nearly 400,000 sqm. Among the most significant projects is the Hekla tower at La Défense and designed by Ateliers Jean Nouvel, whose delivery is expected in 2022; As Bruneseau project mixed neighborhood of 100,000 sqm located in Paris 13. This project will determine a new way of inhabiting the ring road. ESTP engineer by training, Arnaud Guennoc began his career in 1999 in the real estate department of Kaufman & Broad, before continuing from 2004 to 2012 in Generali RE.
Assem El Alami
Assem El Alami
Head of International Real Estate FinanceBerlin Hyp
Assem El Alami is the Head of the International Real Estate Finance Sales Division of Berlin Hyp AG. As such he supervises four sales teams: Origination International Investors based in Berlin, as well as the offices in Paris, Amsterdam and Warsaw. Berlin Hyp's loan book accounts for approximately 26 bn EUR. Being a law graduate, Assem has more than 25 years of experience in the real estate sector of which he has spent 10 years in France. He joined Berlin Hyp in 2010. *** Berlin Hyp is a wholly owned subsidiary of LBBW and specialises in large-volume real estate financing for professional investors and housing companies. It also provides German savings banks with a comprehensive range of products and services.
Jean-Philippe Besse
Jean-Philippe Besse
Lhocine Aliouane
Lhocine Aliouane
Directeur des opérations immobilièresAir-France KLM
Priscilla Le Priellec
Priscilla Le Priellec
Head Real Estate Lending Department (structured loans/ development loans)La Banque Postale
Priscilla joined La Banque Postale in 2016 to create the arrangement desk of Structured Real Estate Loans and is currently Head of the Real Estate Lending Department (Structured loans mainly for PE investors / funds and development loans for property developers). She has a 10-year experience in corporate and investment banking with CaCib in New York and Paris and an above 15 -year experience in origination and execution of Real Estate Lending transactions in CaCib, DekaBank and currently La Banque Postale. She also had a 4-year experience as debt advisor in Hong Kong and is professor at Edhec in Real Estate Finance since 2009. Priscilla graduated from Edhec Business School and Oxford Brookes University. She is MRICS since 2016.

Usage Mixte, Espaces Flexibles & Tiers-Lieux
Quelles sont les valeurs des actifs alternatifs de demain?

  • Tendances émergentes - Actifs alternatifs et l’essor du facteur service ?
  • Espace flexible - Des baux plus courts : la seule voie possible ?
  • Classes d'actifs floues - Utilisation mixte et ascension de l'économie partagée ?
  • Changements démographiques - Opportunités de création d’espaces et CBD
Pierre Leocadio
Head of Office & Retail - Europe
Oxford Properties Group
Christophe Burckart
Directeur Général France
Gabriel Raphael
Investor Relations
Bouygues Immobilier
Jérôme Arnaud
Head of Global Real Estate
Pierre Leocadio
Pierre Leocadio
Head of Office & Retail - EuropeOxford Properties Group
Pierre Leocadio is responsible for Oxford Properties’ French platform, including the responsibility of the asset management and leasing strategies for the existing Paris portfolio. Oxford Properties currently owns and manages a portfolio of four offices and one luxury high street retail in Paris, totalling approximately €1.5 billion of assets under management.
Christophe Burckart
Christophe Burckart
Directeur Général FranceIWC PLC
Christophe Burckart, est Directeur Général France de IWG, leader mondial des espaces de travail flexibles et innovants. A ce titre, il est en charge de conduire les activités opérationnelles et la profitabilité des marques du groupe telles que Regus et Spaces et siège au conseil de surveillance de Stop&Work, autre réseau de tiers lieux innovants, dont IWG est actionnaire majoritaire. Il est également responsable de définir et de mettre en œuvre les initiatives de croissance, s’associant à des acteurs-clés du marché au travers de partenariats stratégiques. Diplômé de l’Institut Supérieur de Commerce, Paris il a développé sa carrière dans le secteur de l’informatique au sein d’IBM, Compaq, Compaq, HP, Dell et d’Honeywell Safety Products.
Gabriel Raphael
Gabriel Raphael
Investor RelationsBouygues Immobilier
Jérôme Arnaud
Jérôme Arnaud
Head of Global Real EstateAlstom
Finance et investissement

Cycle d'investissement
Comment revenir à des valeurs rationnelles ?

Cédric DujardinAsty Capital Moderator
Guillaume TurcasFaro Capital Partners
Jean-Philippe VergnolJ.P. Morgan Asset Management
Minh PhamSwiss Life Asset Managers
Pierre LeocadioOxford Properties Group
Xavier DenisAG Real Estate

Digitalisation & la nouvelle normale

François DuongSwiss Life Asset Managers Moderator
Deborah FritzMYRE
Stéphanie CasciolaLBO France

Dette Post COVID
Banques ou fonds privés, qui aura l'avantage ?

Jean-Philippe BesseAccenta Moderator
Jean MeaudreAareal Bank
Laurent TarneaudBlackstone
Olivier KatanDeutsche Pfandbriefbank AG

Opportuniste & Value Add

Les bailleurs de fonds ont-ils perdu le goût du risque ?

Laurent DiotHarvestate AM Moderator
Arnaud TaverneCDC Investissement Immobilier
David LarzillièreOrion Capital Managers
Olivier VellayBauMont Real Estate Capital - France
Rémi MonglonPineBridge Benson Elliot
Séverine Maumy-LaffineurBarings Real Estate

Cycle d'investissement
Comment revenir à des valeurs rationnelles ?

  • PIB, taux d’intérêts, et chômage : où allons-nous en 2021-2022 ?
  • Diversification comme seul filet de sécurité ?
  • Distorsion du marché : refroidissement non cyclique des marchés ? 
  • Risque d’inflation - préoccupations accrues ou pas d’inquiétudes ?
Cédric Dujardin
Asty Capital
Guillaume Turcas
Managing Partner
Faro Capital Partners
Jean-Philippe Vergnol
Head of RE Investments France/Belux
J.P. Morgan Asset Management
Minh Pham
Head of Acquisitions
Swiss Life Asset Managers
Pierre Leocadio
Head of Office & Retail - Europe
Oxford Properties Group
Xavier Denis
AG Real Estate
Cédric Dujardin
Cédric Dujardin
Co-founderAsty Capital
Cédric Dujardin est nommé depuis Septembre 2019 Managing Director dans l’équipe Investissement Immobilier de BlackRock. Basé à Paris, il sera en charge de la gestion des fonds immobiliers de BlackRock en France, Italie et Belgique, sous la responsabilité de Justin Brown, Head of Real Estate Europe. Cédric Dujardin dispose de près de 20 ans d’expérience dans l’immobilier et la gestion de fonds, avec une expertise liée à l’impact environnemental et sociétal des actifs immobiliers. Avant de rejoindre BlackRock, il était Directeur des opérations immobilières pour la France, la Belgique et le Luxembourg chez DWS. Il avait précédemment été Directeur Investissements Europe chez Ivanhoé Cambridge et occupé différentes fonctions chez Gécina.
Guillaume Turcas
Guillaume Turcas
Managing PartnerFaro Capital Partners
Guillaume has a 20-year+ experience in the real estate industry and is Managing Partner at FARO CAPITAL PARTNERS, a boutique real estate investment and asset management company. He held senior positions at AEW and CBRE Global Investment Management from 2005 to 2017. Fellow member of the RICS, Guillaume holds a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from ESTP and a Master’s Degree in Finance and Real Estate from Paris Dauphine University – where he is also a lecturer since 2013. FARO CAPITAL PARTNERS is an affiliate of SIOR
Jean-Philippe Vergnol
Jean-Philippe Vergnol
Head of RE Investments France/BeluxJ.P. Morgan Asset Management
Jean-Philippe Vergnol is president of JPMAM Real Estate France and serves as Head of Acquisitions for France. With JPM for 17 years, Jean-Philippe successfully deployed both core capital for sovereign wealth funds and value- add capital for commingled funds. Prior to joining JPM in 2006, he was Head of Acquisitions at DTZ AM for 6 years where he advised opportunistic investors. Prior to that he was in Archon Group’s acquisition team analysing investment opportunities on behalf of the Whitehall Funds. Jean-Philippe holds a first class specialized Masters of Private Banking & Financial Planning from ESCP-EAP and a Master’s degree in Economics and Finance from the ESLSCA Business School. He is fluent in French and English.
Minh Pham
Minh Pham
Head of AcquisitionsSwiss Life Asset Managers
Mr. Pham is a Senior Fund & Portfolio Manager at Swiss Life Asset Managers, responsible for acquisitions in France, Belgium and Luxembourg for Swiss Life’s German and Swiss funds, as well as sourcing, structuring and executing deals in Italy, Spain and Portugal for the group. Prior to that, he was at GE Real Estate in a number of roles, the last one being European Head of Portfolio Management, as well as at Lehman Brothers Real Estate Partners where he was a Principal responsible for investments in France. Mr. Pham also worked as a project engineer for the City of Vancouver. Mr. Pham holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) from McGill University, a Masters in Engineering from the University of British Columbia and an M.B.A. from INSEAD.
Pierre Leocadio
Pierre Leocadio
Head of Office & Retail - EuropeOxford Properties Group
Pierre Leocadio is responsible for Oxford Properties’ French platform, including the responsibility of the asset management and leasing strategies for the existing Paris portfolio. Oxford Properties currently owns and manages a portfolio of four offices and one luxury high street retail in Paris, totalling approximately €1.5 billion of assets under management.
Xavier Denis
Xavier Denis
PresidentAG Real Estate
Xavier is a member of the Management Committee and the Board of Directors at AG Real Estate, a Brussels based real estate investor and developer with an international and diversified portfolio under management in excess of €6bn. As Chief Development Officer, he is responsible for all development projects of the group representing a 1.000.000 m² pipeline. Xavier is also Chairman of AG Real Estate France. Prior to his current positions, Xavier was Chief Operating Officer and Board Member at Cofinimmo. Xavier graduated from UCL as Civil Engineer Architect, received an MBA from INSEAD and attended different executive programmes at the Harvard Business School. Xavier is Past Chair of the Urban Land Institute for Belgium & Luxembourg.

Digitalisation & la nouvelle normale

  • Digitalisation & automatisation - amélioration des loyers prime des actifs ?
  • Comment les propriétaires fonciers font-ils un meilleur usage de la data ? 
  • L'impact du COVID-19 - des solutions basées sur les données pour améliorer la santé et la sécurité
  • Améliorer l'expérience des occupants - nouveaux services et commodités
François Duong
Head Transformation, Organization and Technology
Swiss Life Asset Managers
Deborah Fritz
Founder CEO
Stéphanie Casciola
Partner, Head of Real Estate
LBO France
François Duong
François Duong
Head Transformation, Organization and TechnologySwiss Life Asset Managers
Deborah Fritz
Deborah Fritz
Stéphanie Casciola
Stéphanie Casciola
Partner, Head of Real EstateLBO France
Stéphanie joined LBO France in 2003 in order to develop the real estate funds activity. She began her career in Morgan Stanley’s real estate department in London in 1999 then joined the Paris office to work on the MSREF real estate fund. She then moved to the bank’s corporate finance division. In 2002 she joined KPMG’s Marseille operation where she helped to develop the firm’s corporate finance department. Stéphanie graduated from ESSEC Business school.

Dette Post COVID
Banques ou fonds privés, qui aura l'avantage ?

  • Les classes d’actifs - hôtels, commerces et bureaux sont-ils trop risqués ?
  • Politique de prix - senior, junior & mezzanine ; comment rester compétitif ?
  • Origine de la dette - La France comme valeur sûre pour les prêteurs étrangers ou trop de concurrence ?
  • Profil de risque - les prêteurs devront-ils remonter la courbe de risque après COVID ?
Jean-Philippe Besse
Jean Meaudre
Aareal Bank
Laurent Tarneaud
Olivier Katan
Managing Director, Head of Real Estate Finance France
Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG
Jean-Philippe Besse
Jean-Philippe Besse
Laurent Tarneaud
Laurent Tarneaud
United Kingdom
Laurent Tarneaud is a Principal in the Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies group, based in London. He is responsible for sourcing, underwriting, negotiating and structuring debt investments across all asset types throughout Europe.
Olivier Katan
Olivier Katan
Managing Director, Head of Real Estate Finance FranceDeutsche Pfandbriefbank AG
Olivier Katan is a Managing Director for pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank , Head of International Clients, France. Before joining pbb in October 2013, he headed since 2005 the Origination team for France at Eurohypo AG. Olivier, who has over 20 years work experience in structured and asset finance, was previously responsible for LBO and asset financing at CDC Ixis and CLF Dexia. He focuses on origination and structuring of “tailor made” financing solutions for international clients buying real estate assets or portfolios in France and throughout Europe. He holds a postgraduate MSc in International Finance from HEC school of management Paris and he is a civil engineer (ESTP).

Opportuniste & Value Add

Les bailleurs de fonds ont-ils perdu le goût du risque ?

  • Private Equity - l’impact de “poudre sèche” sur le risque et l’anticipation de prix ?
  • Les classes d’actifs - lesquelles offrent des opportunités ?
  • Financement - des marges subventionnées ? 
  • Marchés français à valeur ajoutée - comment identifier les projets futurs et assurer leur qualité et leur rentabilité ?
Laurent Diot
Harvestate AM
Arnaud Taverne
Directeur Général
CDC Investissement Immobilier
David Larzillière
Orion Capital Managers
Olivier Vellay
Partner, Separate Accounts
BauMont Real Estate Capital - France
Rémi Monglon
Managing Director
PineBridge Benson Elliot
Séverine Maumy-Laffineur
Managing Director & Portfolio Manager
Barings Real Estate
Laurent Diot
Laurent Diot
CEOHarvestate AM
Laurent Diot is CEO of HARVESTATE Asset Management. He was previously the CFO of NEXITY, leading French developer, from 2008 to early 2014. He has served as Vice President of NEXITY in charge of international operations and CEO of NEXITY International (2002-2007) and as Vice President, Business Development of NEXITY (2000-2002) in charge of mergers and acquisitions. Before joining the CGIS (Compagnie Générale d'Immobilier et de Services) in the Vivendi group as Director of Audit and Strategy (1996-2000), he served as project manager at the Compagnie des Eaux et de l'Ozone (Générale des Eaux Group). He holds a degree from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (H.E.C.).
Arnaud Taverne
Arnaud Taverne
Directeur GénéralCDC Investissement Immobilier
Arnaud Taverne est diplômé de l’Université Paris IX Dauphine d’un Magistère Banque Finance Assurance (License, Master 1 et Master 2) et d’un Master 2 (DEA) en Economie et Finance internationale. Il a débuté sa carrière chez PWC en 1997 (Auditeur Senior Banques et Assurance) avant de rejoindre Arthur Andersen en 2000 (Restructuring Transaction Advisory Services Paris, Senior Manager).En 2006, il a intégré la Direction Financière de Veolia Transport en tant que Responsable acquisitions. Il a rejoint la Direction Financière du Groupe Caisse des Dépôts fin 2007 au sein du département immobilier compte propre et a pris la direction générale deCDC Investissement Immobilier (anciennement CDC GPI) en juillet 2014.
David Larzillière
David Larzillière
DirectorOrion Capital Managers
United Kingdom
David is a Director based in the European Team for Orion Capital Managers active in their investment strategies.
Olivier Vellay
Olivier Vellay
Partner, Separate AccountsBauMont Real Estate Capital - France
Mr. Vellay is responsible for BauMont’s separate account activity and business development in Southern Europe. He is based in Paris. Prior to joining BauMont, Mr. Vellay was Head of Europe Investments at M&G Real Estate and Head of European acquisitions at MGPA. Before that he was a Vice President at Morgan Stanley focusing on real estate credit investments. He started his career at GE Real Estate.
Rémi Monglon
Rémi Monglon
Managing DirectorPineBridge Benson Elliot
United Kingdom
Rémi has 24 years of experience in the real estate industry and leads the Firm’s activities in France. Prior to joining Benson Elliot in 2006, Rémi was an Investment Manager at Lehman Brothers Real Estate Partners where he was responsible for four real estate portfolios in France and Italy. Previously, Rémi spent six years at Archon Group (a Goldman Sachs Group company), latterly as Portfolio Manager where he managed five portfolios valued at €1.8bn. Rémi holds a Masters in Finance & Real Estate from Paris University XII and a Bachelor’s in Law & Tax from the Sorbonne University. Rémi is a native French speaker and is fluent in Italian.
Séverine Maumy-Laffineur
Séverine Maumy-Laffineur
Managing Director & Portfolio ManagerBarings Real Estate
Séverine is portfolio manager at Barings after 5 years as Country-Head France at Barings as well. Previously, Séverine spent four years with Standard Life Investments as European Portfolio Manager responsible for transactions and asset management and led the fund management for a separate account, as well as a National Director at LaSalle Investment Management for nine years. Before this, she was a financial analyst for Hammerson plc in France. Séverine has a total of 25 years’ experience in the RE industry and is a member of the Cercle des Femmes de L’Immobilier.

2 Rue Scribe, 75009 Paris, France

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