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GRI Escritórios 2022

Quinta-feira, 24 de março
09:00 - 18:00 | Brasilia Time (GMT-3)
Credit: 4045 / Shutterstock
Lucas Tortelli
Lucas Tortelli
CEO & PartnerArchipelago - Grupo Mauá
Lucas Tortelli is an executive with solid knowledge about hospitality and real estate industries, with more than 15 years of experience in leadership roles, he has been leading hotel teams of different markets and sizes, as well as leading some of the main real estate entities in Brazil. He was also the Business Development Director of Smartus, a content based spin off of GRI Club with the mission of sharing the best practices and reliable information about the Real Estate industry for emerging markets. Nowadays, he is the responsible for the strategy and operations of GRI Club in Brazil, developing a high-level networking environment and helping to gather the world’s leading Real Estate players across the globe.
Robinson Silva
Robinson Silva
Robinson Silva
COO and Partner
GRI Club
+55 11 99955-5662
+55 11 2391 5583
Robinson Silva is the COO of the GRI Club, which brings together leading real estate and infrastructure players in more than 100 countries. He leads the club's real estate market division in Brazil, including conferences and exclusive activities for members in the residential, land development, malls, retail, hospitality, offices, industrial and logistics segments. He is also a moderator of debates with essential players in the market, economy, and politics. He has an extensive network of relationships and broad experience in the Latin American and Brazilian real estate industry and the financial and credit areas. He holds a degree in Public Relations and postgraduate degrees in Marketing and Project Management.  

O ano que passou reduziu as incertezas sobre o futuro da dinâmica de trabalho, colocando novamente em destaque a importância dos escritórios para a transmissão dos valores e o desenvolvimento da cultura organizacional das empresas. Por outro lado, está cada vez mais clara a necessidade de flexibilização das jornadas, oferecendo aos colaboradores maior liberdade, o que gera menos tempo gasto em deslocamentos e, como indicam alguns estudos, aumento da produtividade. 

Neste contexto, as lajes corporativas tradicionais e os coworkings têm conseguido manter boas taxas de ocupação e os preços começam a se recuperar após os impactos iniciais da pandemia, principalmente nos ativos de alto padrão, bem localizados e aderentes à nova realidade. A demanda por novos layouts e a inclusão de mais serviços e experiências é crescente, o que abre um caminho de desafios e também grandes oportunidades no setor. Será que os escritórios boutique serão dominantes nos novos projetos?

No dia 24 de março, o GRI Escritórios 2022 reúne novamente os principais atores do mercado corporativo brasileiro para debater o panorama atual, as principais tendências e as projeções no segmento. Venha fazer parte da 8ª edição do principal evento setorial voltado a investidores, desenvolvedores, gestores de fundos, proprietários e inquilinos de escritórios! 

Confira a programação preliminar a seguir e garanta sua vaga!

Perfil de quem participa

Insights by Brain | 09h00 - 09h20

Escritórios em 2022

Um ano de recuperação ou desafios no setor?

  • O retorno ao presencial: Como a Faria Lima e demais regiões do Brasil irão se comportar?
  • Trabalho híbrido e ocupação dos espaços: Quais os desafios e oportunidades neste movimento?
  • Como está a visão do empresariado sobre os novos investimentos e desenvolvimentos?
Sessão de Abertura | 09h20 - 10h20

Novos projetos

O que está por vir no mercado imobiliário corporativo no Brasil?

  • O que acontecerá com a oferta e demanda de novos espaços em 2022?
  • Quais mudanças ocorreram na demanda dos inquilinos por novos espaços e como isto impactou o desenvolvimento de novos projetos?
  • O que esperar de novas transações neste ano? Como ficarão os preços dos ativos?
Discussões Simultâneas | 11h00 - 12h00

Investimentos, venda e aquisição de ativos

O que esperar do volume de transações em 2022?

  • Com o cenário político-econômico atual e nova taxa de juros, o mercado permanece atrativo para transações?
  • 2022 será um ano mais desafiador para os FIIs? Quais as estratégias dos gestores?
  • Quais a perspectivas de novos negócios para os investidores institucionais?
Discussões Simultâneas | 11h00 - 12h00

Coworking e modelos flexíveis de trabalho

Segmento manterá expansão em 2022?

  • O que esperar dos desafios e oportunidades para os próximos 12 meses?
  • Quais as tendências devem perdurar após 2 anos de trabalho híbrido em muitas empresas?
  • Quais inovações estão sendo incorporadas nos novos projetos?
Discussões Simultâneas | 13h00 - 14h00

São Paulo

Como o mercado deverá se comportar com o novo estoque?

  • O que esperar da vacância, absorção líquida e preços de locação neste ano?
  • Quais as principais entregas de novos projetos teremos nos próximos 2 a 3 anos? Pode haver superoferta?
  • Momento oportuno para atualização de portfólio das Gestoras de FIIs e Property Companies?
Discussões Simultâneas | 13h00 - 14h00

Edifícios Boutique

O que se diferencia dos projetos tradicionais?

  • O que esperar dos novos projetos corporativos boutique? Até onde vai esta tendência?
  • Como inovar sem prejudicar financeiramente o projeto?
  • ESG - Quais atributos são prioritários nos novos projetos?
Discussões Simultâneas | 14h30 - 15h30

Rio de Janeiro

Sem novo estoque, como deve se comportar o mercado neste ano?

  • Quais as expectativas de vacância, absorção líquida e preços de locação no mercado local?
  • Como está o olhar dos investidores? Momento de aposta ou espera?
  • Quais os desafios para atrair novos perfis de inquilinos?
Apresentação de Case | 14h30 - 15h30

Apresentação de case by Noah

Um case de sustentabilidade e rentabilidade na construção civil através do uso da Madeira e da Tecnologia.

Sessão de Encerramento | 16h00 - 17h00

A visão dos inquilinos

Quais os ajustes e tendências devem perdurar no modelo de trabalho das empresas?

  • Até que ponto o modelo de trabalho será flexível de acordo com o perfil de cada empresa?
  • Trabalho híbrido permanecerá? Como as empresas estão desenhando seu modelo ideal de trabalho após a performance dos últimos 2 anos?
  • Quais características ou tendências podemos esperar na demanda por novos espaços físicos?
+55 11 5185 4688
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Globally recognized as the best and biggest real estate consulting firm, CBRE stablished in Brazil in 1979 and became one of the largest business platforms in Latin America. The company operates throughout the whole national territory through equipped and specialized departments to provide the best service to all it’s customers. Within an aggressive international policy, through acquisitions of several companies around the world, the company expanded it’s operations both to office and industrial users and occupiers, in Brazil and outside the country. CBRE offers a broad range of integrated services, the growing number of transactions and expertise acquired during its 238 years of existence in the world, provide CBRE a differentiated market knowledge, allowing the identification of the best opportunities and providing excelence to its consulting services, whether its clients are investors, developers, builders, occupants or owners.
+55 11 5185 4688
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Globally recognized as the best and biggest real estate consulting firm, CBRE stablished in Brazil in 1979 and became one of the largest business platforms in Latin America. The company operates throughout the whole national territory through equipped and specialized departments to provide the best service to all it’s customers. Within an aggressive international policy, through acquisitions of several companies around the world, the company expanded it’s operations both to office and industrial users and occupiers, in Brazil and outside the country. CBRE offers a broad range of integrated services, the growing number of transactions and expertise acquired during its 238 years of existence in the world, provide CBRE a differentiated market knowledge, allowing the identification of the best opportunities and providing excelence to its consulting services, whether its clients are investors, developers, builders, occupants or owners.
+55 11 3201 1000
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Transforming expertise into excellence, BGR Asset Management, or BGR, was born as a Resource Manager and brings evolution in investments in the real estate market. BGR's activities are those that make up the complete real estate cycle: the initial acquisition or development phase, the operational phase with leasing, property management and consolidation, and the exit, that is, the sale of the property. Through different investment vehicles, we operate in commercial ventures such as corporate buildings and logistics and industrial warehouses, located in the main consolidated regions of the country. Currently, BGR is responsible for managing more than R$2.5 billion in real estate assets through Investment Funds and Private Equity Funds.
+55 41 3243 2880
Curitiba | Brazil
BRAIN is a company of intelligence, research and market studies in Real Estate. Brain develops quantitative, qualitative researches, product tests, vocational studies and competitive analysis, with its own methodology throughout Brazil.
+55 11 3201 1000
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Transforming expertise into excellence, BGR Asset Management, or BGR, was born as a Resource Manager and brings evolution in investments in the real estate market. BGR's activities are those that make up the complete real estate cycle: the initial acquisition or development phase, the operational phase with leasing, property management and consolidation, and the exit, that is, the sale of the property. Through different investment vehicles, we operate in commercial ventures such as corporate buildings and logistics and industrial warehouses, located in the main consolidated regions of the country. Currently, BGR is responsible for managing more than R$2.5 billion in real estate assets through Investment Funds and Private Equity Funds.
+55 41 3243 2880
Curitiba | Brazil
BRAIN is a company of intelligence, research and market studies in Real Estate. Brain develops quantitative, qualitative researches, product tests, vocational studies and competitive analysis, with its own methodology throughout Brazil.
+55 11 5185 4688
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Globally recognized as the best and biggest real estate consulting firm, CBRE stablished in Brazil in 1979 and became one of the largest business platforms in Latin America. The company operates throughout the whole national territory through equipped and specialized departments to provide the best service to all it’s customers. Within an aggressive international policy, through acquisitions of several companies around the world, the company expanded it’s operations both to office and industrial users and occupiers, in Brazil and outside the country. CBRE offers a broad range of integrated services, the growing number of transactions and expertise acquired during its 238 years of existence in the world, provide CBRE a differentiated market knowledge, allowing the identification of the best opportunities and providing excelence to its consulting services, whether its clients are investors, developers, builders, occupants or owners.
+55 41 3243 2880
Curitiba | Brazil
BRAIN is a company of intelligence, research and market studies in Real Estate. Brain develops quantitative, qualitative researches, product tests, vocational studies and competitive analysis, with its own methodology throughout Brazil.
+55 11 5185 4688
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Globally recognized as the best and biggest real estate consulting firm, CBRE stablished in Brazil in 1979 and became one of the largest business platforms in Latin America. The company operates throughout the whole national territory through equipped and specialized departments to provide the best service to all it’s customers. Within an aggressive international policy, through acquisitions of several companies around the world, the company expanded it’s operations both to office and industrial users and occupiers, in Brazil and outside the country. CBRE offers a broad range of integrated services, the growing number of transactions and expertise acquired during its 238 years of existence in the world, provide CBRE a differentiated market knowledge, allowing the identification of the best opportunities and providing excelence to its consulting services, whether its clients are investors, developers, builders, occupants or owners.


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Os encontros do GRI Club não têm palestrantes nem apresentações. Em vez disso, há uma série de discussões a portas fechadas, das quais todos podem participar livremente.
É como se você estivesse em sua própria sala de estar, conversando informalmente com colegas, num ambiente dinâmico.

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Oportunidades de patrocinador

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* Eu confirmo que li e concordo com os Termos e Condições do GRI Club
Club Partners Americas
Club Partners Brazil
Sectoral Club Partners Brazil
+55 41 3243 2880
Curitiba | Brazil
BRAIN is a company of intelligence, research and market studies in Real Estate. Brain develops quantitative, qualitative researches, product tests, vocational studies and competitive analysis, with its own methodology throughout Brazil.
+55 21 2052 7447
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) is one of the largest development banks in the world and today the Federal Government's main instrument for long-term financing and investment in all segments of the Brazilian economy.
+55 11 5185 4688
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Globally recognized as the best and biggest real estate consulting firm, CBRE stablished in Brazil in 1979 and became one of the largest business platforms in Latin America. The company operates throughout the whole national territory through equipped and specialized departments to provide the best service to all it’s customers. Within an aggressive international policy, through acquisitions of several companies around the world, the company expanded it’s operations both to office and industrial users and occupiers, in Brazil and outside the country. CBRE offers a broad range of integrated services, the growing number of transactions and expertise acquired during its 238 years of existence in the world, provide CBRE a differentiated market knowledge, allowing the identification of the best opportunities and providing excelence to its consulting services, whether its clients are investors, developers, builders, occupants or owners.
+55 11 3201 1000
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Transforming expertise into excellence, BGR Asset Management, or BGR, was born as a Resource Manager and brings evolution in investments in the real estate market. BGR's activities are those that make up the complete real estate cycle: the initial acquisition or development phase, the operational phase with leasing, property management and consolidation, and the exit, that is, the sale of the property. Through different investment vehicles, we operate in commercial ventures such as corporate buildings and logistics and industrial warehouses, located in the main consolidated regions of the country. Currently, BGR is responsible for managing more than R$2.5 billion in real estate assets through Investment Funds and Private Equity Funds.
New York | NY | USA
Fitch Ratings is a leading provider of credit ratings, commentary, and research. Dedicated to providing value beyond the rating through independent and prospective credit opinions, Fitch Ratings offers global perspectives shaped by strong local market experience and credit market expertise. The additional context, perspective, and insights we provide help investors to make important credit judgments with confidence. Fitch Group is a global leader in financial information services with operations in more than 30 countries. Fitch Group is comprised of: Fitch Ratings, a global leader in credit ratings and research; Fitch Solutions, a leading provider of credit market data, analytical tools and risk services; and Fitch Learning, a preeminent training and professional development firm. With dual headquarters in London and New York, Fitch Group is owned by Hearst. For additional information, please visit
Com mais de 20 anos de experiência, somos uma consultoria especializada em potencializar os resultados das empresas dos mercados imobiliário e de infraestrutura. Atuamos com soluções 360º nas áreas de gestão de pessoas e de estruturação de processos organizacionais.
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Este evento é exclusivo para membros do GRI.
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