Agostina Airaudo
Global Production, Senior Director – Real Estate LATAMGRI Club
Agostina has been actively studying and working with Latin American markets for more than 12 years, specializing in business development and public relations.
She has experience working in Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and US real estate, financial and investment markets, fostering valuable connections among global leaders and GRI Club members. Agostina holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Administration from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral in Argentina.

Javier Duerto
Head of Sales, MexicoGRI Club
Graduated in Business Administration from Universidad Tecnologica del Centro. With a Master's Degree in Marketing Management and Development of International Markets from EAE Business School in Spain. Experience development markets sales business in Latam.
Responsible for the RE Club as Director of Mexico. Focused on developing relationships among entrepreneurs in the real estate market.

Leonardo Di Mauro
Leonardo Di Mauro
Partner | Managing Director - Real Estate LatAm
GRI Club
+55 19 9 9369 6733
+55 19 9 9369 6733
Leonardo Di Mauro é Sócio e Head do setor de Real Estate para LATAM, respondendo pela atuação do GRI Club em toda região. Começou sua carreira no CPqD onde atuou por quinze anos, finalizando sua trajetória nesta empresa como diretor comercial do setor de telecomunicações com forte atuação em países como Argentina, Brasil, Colômbia, Chile, México e Uruguai. É graduado em Engenharia Civil pela Escola de Engenharia de Lins, com MBA Executivo pela FGV e pós-graduado em Gestão de Projetos pela Universidade São Francisco.
Keynote Speaker
Greg Land serves as Global Segment Leader in the Travel & Hospitality industry vertical at AWS, with responsibility for go-to-market strategy, business development and industry solutions development for accommodations, lodging, casino and cruise customers. Prior to joining AWS, he served in leadership roles with IBM, American Airlines, Sabre, Wyndham Hotel Group and Radius Global Travel Management spanning a 25+ year career across the travel industry. Mr. Land holds bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science and Accounting, and completed his masters of business administration at Oklahoma State University. He also completed the executive global leadership program at The Wharton School of Business.

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Club Members

Miami | FL | USA
Hospitality sector with presence worldwide (4,000+ Hotels) & 18 brands, from luxury to select service.

+506 2205-3600
Santa Ana | Costa Rica
Costa Rican firm leader in the real estate and real estate market nationwide. With more than 20 years of experience and more than 30 residential projects, hotel, corporate centers and industrial parks and free zones.

+57 1 313 9333
Bogota | Colombia
It is one of the most prestigious Colombian multilatinas companies in the hotel sector and has the privilege of being considered a multi-brand company.

+1 415 229 1800
San Francisco | CA | USA
GIC is a sovereign wealth fund established by the Government of Singapore to manage its foreign reserves with the aim to achieve good long-term returns above global inflation. The fund's assets had been estimated at US$359 billion.

+54 11 4893 2000
Punta del este | Uruguay
GNV Group es una empresa dedicada al desarrollo y comercialización de proyectos inmobiliarios, presidida por Alejandro Ginevra, quien ha liderado diversos proyectos en el mercado local, resumiendo décadas de experiencia y continuando una extensa tradición familiar en el sector. Madero Harbour es su emprendimiento de usos mixtos que sintetiza más de 30 años de experiencia en el sector inmobiliario, y posiciona a GNV Group como una de las desarrolladoras más importantes de Argentina.

+55 11 5504-7600
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Com atuação em 201 cidades, espalhadas por 21 países, a Hines possui US$ 100 bilhões em ativos sob gestão.

+56 2 2674 3800
Santiago | Chile
Nuestro compromiso es satisfacer los requerimientos especificados por el mandante bajo estándares internacionales de calidad y seguridad, basados en un excelente capital humano, innovación tecnológica, eficiencia y confiabilidad.

+52 999 941 5151
Merida | YUC | Mexico
Opera desde hace mas de 20 años. Ha levantado USD $300M en la BMV. Se ha posicionado como líder en el mercado premium con proyectos residenciales, comerciales y de hospitalidad en Mérida, Cancún, Puebla, Tulum y Belice, desarrollado más de 4.8M m2.

+51 1 517 3100
Callao | Peru
Lima Airport Partners S.R.L., currently formed by Fraport AG (80.01%) and IFC (19.99%),, began operations on 14 February 2001. The Peruvian Government granted LAP a 30-year concession for the operation and expansion of Jorge Chávez International Airport.

+52 55 5093 2770
Ciudad de Mexico | Mexico
The global RE investment business of Prudential Financial has professionals in 18 cities & gross assets under mgmt of $62.6 billion (Sept 30 2015)

+57 1 742 6060
Bogotá | Colombia
Focused on the development, ownership and management of the highest quality corporate property in Colombia and the Andean region. The Company is the first in Colombia to provide best-in-class property specifically designed to meet the needs of leading domestic and international corporations.

+52 55 4170-1400
Mexico City | Mexico
Thor Urbana is a leading real estate investment and development company in Mexico. Through a vertically integrated platform, it specializes in sourcing, acquisition, development, repositioning, leasing, and management of institutional-quality real estate assets, including lifestyle retail centers, luxury hotels, residential communities, corporate offices, and industrial parks located in Mexico and Latin America´s foremost cities.

+52 55 1105 2705
Mexico | CMX | Mexico
Vertex es un administrador de fondos de inversión especializado en la inversión inmobiliaria en todos sus subsectores dentro de México

Monterrey | Mexico
Fibra Inn is a Mexican trust formed primarily to acquire, develop and rent a broad range of hotel properties in Mexico aimed at the traveler. The company has signed franchise and license agreements with international hotel chains to use their brands. These hotels enjoy some of the industry’s top loyalty programs. Fibra Inn trades its Real Estate Certificates (Certificados Bursátiles Fiduciarios Inmobiliarios or “CBFIs”) on the Mexican Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “FINN13”.

+1 312 6757400
Chicago | IL | USA
Equity International (EI) is an institutional investment management company focused on accelerating growth for world-class companies in the most compelling emerging and frontier markets. We identify the highest-quality local operating partners and invest not only our capital but our operating expertise, ability to create enterprise value and exceptional access to capital. Through our global reach, unique approach and successful track record, EI is recognized as a leading international investor, operator and partner of choice.

+52 55 5228 9928
Mexico City | CMX | Mexico
One of the top 25 hotel chains in the world, currently operating close to 400 hotels in 29 countries in Europe, America and Africa

+52 55 5029 2000
Mexico City | CMX | Mexico
Accor is a world-leading augmented hospitality group offering unique and meaningful experiences in 5,300 hotels, resorts, and residences across 110 countries. With an unrivalled portfolio of brands from luxury to economy, Accor has been providing hospitality savoir-faire for more than 50 years.
Beyond accommodations, Accor enables new ways to live, work, and play with Food & Beverage, nightlife, wellbeing, and coworking brands.

(+574) 3177800
Medelin | Colombia
SURA Asset Management is a Latin American company specializing in the pensions, savings, and investment industry. The company manages assets worth USD 131.9 billion, owned by over 19 million people in six countries around the region.

New York | Mexico
Alójica is a real estate investment management company focused exclusively on lodging real estate opportunities in Mexico with properties in the broader Caribbean region.
Focused on investments in the primary lodging markets in the region.
Sponsor of real estate investment funds, partnerships and other investment vehicles.
Significant expertise in deal structuring, capital markets, investment management & property-level asset management.

+52 55 52 62 32 00
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Banco Sabadell es el cuarto grupo bancario privado español, integrado por diferentes bancos, marcas, sociedades filiales y sociedades participadas que abarcan todos los ámbitos del negocio financiero bajo un denominador común: profesionalidad y calidad. Un equipo dotado de los recursos tecnológicos y comerciales más modernos, y una organización multimarca y multicanal enfocada al cliente permiten a Banco Sabadell ocupar una destacada posición en el mercado en banca personal y de empresas.

+52 55 5257 8000
Mexico City | CMX | Mexico
Somos un grupo financiero que ofrece productos y servicios bancarios a clientes particulares, empresas e instituciones en todos los estados de la República Mexicana, con cobertura en todos los sectores de la industria. Los productos y servicios del Grupo están pensados para todo tipo de clientes, personas físicas o morales, de todos los estratos socioeconómicos. Contamos un modelo de sustentabilidad que nos orienta a generar valor a todos nuestros grupos de interés.

+55 11 2050-4700
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Largest real estate private equity firm in the world today with $102 billion of assets under management. Blackstone operates around the globe. They seek to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns for their investors across cycles and over the long term. The Blackstone Real Estate platform encompasses investments across the risk spectrum from opportunistic to core+ to debt.

0043 1 505 47 06 16
Vienna | Austria
The BWH Hotel Group® is an international hotel group headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, and the umbrella brand for the three global brand families including Best Western Hotels & Resorts, WorldHotels Collection and SureStay Hotel Group with a global network of approximately 4,700 independent hotels in over 100 countries and territories worldwide.* BWH Hotel Group offers a total of 18 hotel brands worldwide that suit the needs of hotel developers and guests in every market.

+(506) 2208-8890
Escazú | Costa Rica
Caribe Hospitality es una compañía nacida del objetivo de desarrollar hoteles para ser manejados por hoteleros experimentados y respetados. La estrategia comienza seleccionando ubicaciones clave y construyendo instalaciones que son diseñadas y ajustadas para alcanzar las necesidades del viajero de esparcimiento y negocios. Alcanzamos nuestra misión de ser el desarrollador regional líder de las mejores y más prestigiosas marcas de hoteles a través de la eficiencia, compromiso, trabajo en equipo y responsabilidad, todos componentes clave de relaciones a largo plazo con nuestros socios de negocio.

+1 212 891 2100
New York | NY | USA
Founded in 1992, Cerberus is a global leader in alternative investing with approximately $42 billion in assets across complementary credit, private equity, and real estate strategies.

+507 6813-9091
Panama | Panama
We are a financial advisory firm specialized in real estate investments and corporate finance.

+51 1 416-3333
Lima | Peru
Credicorp Capital Chile es una corporación financiera líder en Chile con 30 años de experiencia, lo que le da un profundo conocimiento del mercado local y sus principales participantes

+55 11 3701.6800
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Credit Suisse is an global bank with presence in Brazil that works in Private Banking ,Wealth & Asset Management,Credit operations, and others.

+52 55 5980 4880
Mexico City | CMX | Mexico
Ares Management Corporation (NYSE: ARES) is a leading global alternative investment manager offering clients complementary primary and secondary investment solutions across the credit, private equity, real estate and infrastructure asset classes. We seek to provide flexible capital to support businesses and create value for our stakeholders and within our communities. By collaborating across our investment groups, we aim to generate consistent and attractive investment returns throughout market cycles. As of September 30, 2024, Ares Management Corporation's global platform had approximately $464 billion of assets under management with approximately 3,100 employees operating across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East.
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