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GRI Offices India eSummit
28 - 30 July
15:00 - 16:00 | Indian Standard Time (GMT+5:30)
Check our agenda for the discussions and register here.
This 3-day GRI India eSummit will gather club members to discuss the changes in the face of this crisis and get prepared for new chapters in the Indian office sector. To reflect the new consumption habits, market designs, risks, price models and sectoral disruptions.

Leading developers, financial corporations, investment funds, think-thanks, and cutting-edge tech companies will gather to discuss the way we consume, plan, partner, finance, operate and innovate in the Office Sector.

When it comes to exchanging know-how and meeting the right people, physical barriers no longer exist. Join us for the most influential dialogue with the high-level leaderships - as if they were sitting right in your living room.
28/07/2020 | 15:00 - 16:00 | IST (GMT+5:30)

Office Matters? Repositioning of Office Investments in a Post COVID-19 world.

Although Covid-19 is here to stay for a while, hampering growth across the region and spooking investors, many economists predict the virus will have a limited impact on investments with longer time-horizons. Investors are also watching real estate values closely to determine whether prices are cresting in specific markets or sectors. Will changing tenant behaviours readjust valuations? Will the risk-return proposition of building core in many cases be more favourable than buying core? This eMeeting will assess the outlook for office yields across India, taking a short term to buy and a long term view to collate sustainable rental income. 

  • Yield sentiment for core and prime office yields

  • Supply and Demand - Rates and price points

  • Valuations - Any surprises?

  • Rent rebates or reputational risk?

Submit your interest (Non-members)

Participation is restricted to Club Members and eMembers.

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Confirmed Participants
Confirmed Participants
AMIT JAITLYColliers International
Abhishek GoenkaAeka Advisors
Abhishek ShuklaSunteck Realty Limited
Adhirath JalanShekhawati Group
Adil EngineerCREDBERG
Aditya BhargavaADIA
Aditya ChandakChandak Group
Aditya ChellaramFeatherlite Developers
Aditya GowraGowra Ventures
Aditya ShrivastavaGreen Apple
Ajit ChordiaOlympia Technology Park
Akshat PandyaAditya Birla RE
Akshay ThakkerApollo Global
Alok AggarwalBrookfield India Real Estate Trust
Alok JainBlackstone
Amit BhatiaShivarth Projects
Amit DiwanHines
Amit GoenkaNisus Finance
Amritanshu RoyGreenfield
Anchit LakhotiyaCurrently Unaffiliated
Aneesh SivakumarDone Deal
Ankur GuptaBrookfield India
Ankur SanghiDomus Capital
Anshul JainPwC
Anuj GoradiaDosti Realty
Anuj MadanPwC
Apurva ShahCurrently Unaffiliated
Arjun KandhariKhushi Developers / BKP
Arshdeep SethiRMZ Corporation
Arun Kumar GuptaDeveloper Group India
Arvind JaiswalICICI BANK
Arvind Kalyan VemanaAliens Group
Ashvinder KaushikApollo Global
Ashwin PuriLake Shore India
Atul AjmeraAjmera Realty & Infra India
Avnish SinghRMZ Corporation
Bakir GandhiCrystal Group
Balaji RaoAxis AMC
Bhairav DalalPwC
Bhavin JainASK Property Fund
Binitha DalalMt K Kapital
Bopiah MohitKaterra
Cervantes LeeUNLV Foundation
Chanakya ChakravartiIvanhoƩ Cambridge
Chetan ShahAxis AMC
Chirag GoyalAEL Capital Services
Cyrus ModyViceroy Properties
Deepak KanodiaCurrently Unaffiliated
Dilip N.K.Tatva Legal
Dilip ShanmugappaSanket Global Ventures
Enamul HaqueConcord Real Estate Bangladesh
Eradh SyedRoxana Properties
G Abhinav ReddyGAR Corp.
G MadhusudhanSumadhura Infracon
Gagan RandevSotheby's International Realty - India
Gaurav JainSamyak Properties and Infrastructure
Gaurav KarnikEY
Gaurav ParasrampuriaOaktree Capital Management
Gaurav PuriNuvama
Gaurav SanghviMerlin Projects
Girish SinghiWelspun One Logistics Parks
Guncha KhareDextrus
Hardeep DayalPhoenix Mills
Haresh KishorKG Builders
Hari ChallaAliens Group
J. Shyam RaoMy Home Constructions
Jae ChoiICG
Jai S RupaniGokaldas Lifestyle
Juggy MarwahaPrestige Group
K.K. RamanApollo Global
Kamal SagarTotal Environment
Karan BhutaniKKR
Karim MerchantLake Shore India
Karthik KrishnaEverVantage
Kaushik PathakPwC
Kumar GeraGera Developments
Kumar KrishnaIsthara Co Dining and Co Living
Kumaran ChandrasekaranIndoSpace
Kunal K VikamseyKanti Karamsey & Co. Advisors LLP
Lakshminarainan RamachandranPwC
Lata PillaiJLL India
Liang Thow MingCHEC
Mahesh KatragaddaMeenakshi
Manish AggarwalJLL India
Mayank KaulCiti Private Bank
Mihir GadaPwC
Mitesh AgrawalNV Capital Services
Mohit MalhotraNeoLiv
Munish SharmaAustralian Consulate
Naaman AtallahPiramal Realty
Naveen AggarwalBNY Mellon India
Navin KumarNavin Housing & Properties
Nejeeb KhanKaterra
Nilanjan ChakrabortyMahindra Lifespace Developers
Nipun SahniApollo Global
Niranjan HiranandaniHiranandani Group
Nirupa ShankarBrigade Group
Nitesh KumarEmami Realty
Nitesh ShettyNitesh Estates Limited
Nitin IdnaniJM Financial
Pankaj BajajEldeco Infrastructure & Properties
Piyush GuptaColliers
Pradeep KhannaNippon India AIF
Pranay AgarwalTusk Investments
Pratul JainCurrently Unaffiliated
Quaiser ParvezNucleus Office Parks
Quek Kwang MengMapletree
Rachit MohanJLL India
Rahul AnandBombay Realty
Rahul AroraJLL India
Rahul RaiICICI Prudential
Raj MendaRMZ Corporation
Rajesh GoyalKohinoor Pune
Rajesh MadhaniMIGHTY GROUP
Rajiv GandhiIndiabulls Investment Management Limited
Rajneesh MahajanInorbit Malls
Rakesh BalasundaramAnacap
Rakesh BhatiaDextrus
Rama Teja YedidaKKR
Ramaiy KapoorKotak Alternate Asset Managers
Ramani SastriSterling Developers
Ramesh NairMindspace Business Parks REIT
Ravi AhujaL&T Realty
Ravindra ChamariaInfinity Infotech Parks
Rishi RajMax Estates
Ritesh SachdevTata Realty
Ritesh VohraInvestcorp
Robin ChhabraDextrus
Rodrigo ArrĆ³spideW Capital
Rohan ChalsaniCPPIB - Canada Pension Plan Investment Board - Hong Kong
Rohit GopalaniInorbit Malls
Rohit SinghApollo Global
Rohit SinghCurrently Unaffiliated
Roshan ShardaASK Property Fund
Sachin ShahEmbassy Group
Sahil VachaniMax Estates
Sahil VoraSILA
Sai Krishna BharathanTrilegal
Sandeep ChandaPanattoni - India
Sandeep RunwalRunwal Group
Sanjay BhutaniAdaniConnex
Sanjay DuttTata Realty
Sanjay Kumar BansalDevansh Construction
Sanjoy PaulTCG Real Estate
Sasi MundakkalGowra Ventures
Seshadri RangarajanAliens Group
Shaifali SinghDivyaSree
Shaishav DhariaLodha Group
Shashank JainPwC
Shashidhar ReddyKKR
Shhyam SinghaniaEnarr Capital
Shiv ParekhhBits
Shobhit AgarwalANAROCK Capital
Siddharth SangalProprium Capital Partners
Somit BandyopadhyayK Raheja Corp
Sridhar PinnapureddyCtrl S
Srinivasa Rao AravapalliMy Home Constructions
Sudeep SinghMPowered
Sudhanshu KejriwalEverVantage
Sudheer PerlaTABREED
Sumeet AgarwalApollo Global
Sunil GuptaYotta Data Services
Sunil MehtaPwC
Sunir RamchandaniTATA Capital
Suraj chhabriaAltstar Capital
Suresh MaramreddyApollo Global
Suresh PatelGreenscape Group / Greenscape Developers
Takuya OdagiriMitsubishi Corporation
Tariq VaidyaNV Capital Services
Thirumal GovindrajRMZ Corporation
Tripti NavaniShapoorji Pallonji
Varun Chawla91 Springboard
Varun SinghAllianz Real Estate
Vijay KandhariKhushi Developers / BKP
Vikas ChimakurthyKotak Alternate Asset Managers
Vinamra SrivastavaCapitaLand Limited
Vineet SekhsariaPrologis India
Vinod RohiraK Raheja Corp
Vithal SuryavanshiKotak Alternate Asset Managers
Vivek AnandDLF
Yash GuptaYGR
Yesh NadkarniPiramal Capital
Confirmed Participants
Associate Director
Colliers International
Abhishek Goenka
Aeka Advisors
Abhishek Shukla
Chief Strategy Officer
Sunteck Realty Limited
Adhirath Jalan
Shekhawati Group
Adil Engineer
Jt.Managing Partner
Aditya Bhargava
Head of Asia Pacific - Real Estate Department
Aditya Chandak
Chandak Group
Aditya Chellaram
Executive Director
Featherlite Developers
Aditya Gowra
Managing Director
Gowra Ventures
Aditya Shrivastava
Managing Partner
Green Apple
Ajit Chordia
Managing Director
Olympia Technology Park
Akshat Pandya
Head-Real Estate Fund
Aditya Birla RE
Akshay Thakker
Apollo Global
Alok Aggarwal
Brookfield India Real Estate Trust
Alok Jain
Managing Director
Amit Bhatia
Managing Director
Shivarth Projects
Amit Diwan
Senior MD and Country Head
Amit Goenka
Managing Director and CEO
Nisus Finance
Amritanshu Roy
Anchit Lakhotiya
Head Real Estate
Currently Unaffiliated
Aneesh Sivakumar
Done Deal
Ankur Gupta
Managing Partner, Real Estate
Brookfield India
Ankur Sanghi
Founder & Sponsor
Domus Capital
Anshul Jain
Partner - Tax & Regulatory
Anuj Goradia
Dosti Realty
Anuj Madan
Partner - Real Estate
Apurva Shah
Country Manager
Currently Unaffiliated
Arjun Kandhari
Khushi Developers / BKP
Arshdeep Sethi
President, Real Estate
RMZ Corporation
Arun Kumar Gupta
Developer Group India
Arvind Jaiswal
Credit Head - Construction & Real Estate Funding
Arvind Kalyan Vemana
Aliens Group
Ashvinder Kaushik
Senior Associate
Apollo Global
Ashwin Puri
Lake Shore India
Atul Ajmera
Ajmera Realty & Infra India
Avnish Singh
Managing Director - Investment Management
RMZ Corporation
Bakir Gandhi
Chairman & MD
Crystal Group
Balaji Rao
Managing Partner
Axis AMC
Bhairav Dalal
Bhavin Jain
Chief Investment Officer
ASK Property Fund
Binitha Dalal
Mt K Kapital
Bopiah Mohit
Head-Sales & Business Development
Cervantes Lee
Hospitality Business Faculty
UNLV Foundation
Chanakya Chakravarti
Head of Indirect Strategies, Asia-Pacific
IvanhoƩ Cambridge
Chetan Shah
Managing Partner
Axis AMC
Chirag Goyal
Founder & CEO (
AEL Capital Services
Cyrus Mody
Managing Partner
Viceroy Properties
Deepak Kanodia
Currently Unaffiliated
Dilip N.K.
Tatva Legal
Dilip Shanmugappa
Group Managing Director
Sanket Global Ventures
Enamul Haque
Executive Director
Concord Real Estate Bangladesh
Eradh Syed
Roxana Properties
G Abhinav Reddy
Managing Director
GAR Corp.
G Madhusudhan
Chairman & Managing Director
Sumadhura Infracon
Gagan Randev
Executive Director
Sotheby's International Realty - India
Gaurav Jain
MD and CEO
Samyak Properties and Infrastructure
Gaurav Karnik
Partner & National Leader Real Estate
Gaurav Parasrampuria
Managing Director
Oaktree Capital Management
Gaurav Puri
Chief Investment Officer - CRE
Gaurav Sanghvi
Merlin Projects
Girish Singhi
Co-Chief Investment Officer
Welspun One Logistics Parks
Guncha Khare
Hardeep Dayal
Head- Investments & Asset Management
Phoenix Mills
Haresh Kishor
KG Builders
Hari Challa
Managing Director
Aliens Group
J. Shyam Rao
Managing Director
My Home Constructions
Jae Choi
Managing Director
Jai S Rupani
Head - Family Office
Gokaldas Lifestyle
Juggy Marwaha
CEO-Prestige Office Ventures
Prestige Group
K.K. Raman
SR Advisor
Apollo Global
Kamal Sagar
Chairman & Managing Director
Total Environment
Karan Bhutani
Director - Real Estate
Karim Merchant
Director & Chief Investment Officer
Lake Shore India
Karthik Krishna
Co-founder & Managing Partner
Kaushik Pathak
Associate Director
Kumar Gera
Gera Developments
Kumar Krishna
Isthara Co Dining and Co Living
Kumaran Chandrasekaran
Executive Vice President - Investments
Kunal K Vikamsey
Kanti Karamsey & Co. Advisors LLP
Lakshminarainan Ramachandran
Lata Pillai
Senior Managing Director and Head of Capital Markets, India
JLL India
Liang Thow Ming
Chief Sales & Chief Marketing Officer
Mahesh Katragadda
Manish Aggarwal
Managing Director - North & East
JLL India
Mayank Kaul
Managing Director
Citi Private Bank
Mihir Gada
Mitesh Agrawal
CIO - Real Estate
NV Capital Services
Mohit Malhotra
Founder & CEO
Munish Sharma
Commercial Consul & Trade Commissioner, South Asia
Australian Consulate
Naaman Atallah
Chief Executive Officer
Piramal Realty
Naveen Aggarwal
Regional Head - CRE, India
BNY Mellon India
Navin Kumar
Navin Housing & Properties
Nejeeb Khan
Country Head
Nidhi Jain
Zonal Head
Nilanjan Chakraborty
Head - Business Development
Mahindra Lifespace Developers
Nipun Sahni
Partner and Head of Real Estate
Apollo Global
Niranjan Hiranandani
Founder & MD
Hiranandani Group
Nirupa Shankar
Jt. Managing Director
Brigade Group
Nitesh Kumar
Emami Realty
Nitesh Shetty
Chairman & Managing Director
Nitesh Estates Limited
Nitin Idnani
Managing Director
JM Financial
Pankaj Bajaj
Managing Director
Eldeco Infrastructure & Properties
Pawan Swamy
Chairman & Jt.Managing Partner
Piyush Gupta
MD - Capital Markets & Investment Services
Pradeep Khanna
Head, Real Estate Investments
Nippon India AIF
Pranay Agarwal
Founder and CIO
Tusk Investments
Pratul Jain
Business Development
Currently Unaffiliated
Quaiser Parvez
Nucleus Office Parks
Quek Kwang Meng
Regional Chief Executive Officer, India
Rachit Mohan
JLL India
Rahul Anand
Bombay Realty
Rahul Arora
Head - Office Leasing & Retail Services, India and Senior Managing Director ā€“ Karnataka, Kerala
JLL India
Rahul Rai
Executive VP & Head RE Business
ICICI Prudential
Raj Menda
Chairman, Supervisory Board
RMZ Corporation
Rajesh Goyal
Jt Managing Director
Kohinoor Pune
Rajesh Madhani
Managing Director
Rajiv Gandhi
President - Commercial Credit
Indiabulls Investment Management Limited
Rajneesh Mahajan
Inorbit Malls
Rakesh Balasundaram
Investment Director
Rakesh Bhatia
Sales Director
Rama Teja Yedida
Ramaiy Kapoor
Director | Real Assets Group
Kotak Alternate Asset Managers
Ramani Sastri
Chairman & Managing Director
Sterling Developers
Ramesh Nair
CEO Mindspace Business Parks REIT
Mindspace Business Parks REIT
Ravi Ahuja
Head Commercial Leasing
L&T Realty
Ravindra Chamaria
Chairman & MD
Infinity Infotech Parks
Rishi Raj
Chief Operating Officer (COO), Max Estates Limited (MEL)
Max Estates
Ritesh Sachdev
SVP & Head commercial leasing
Tata Realty
Ritesh Vohra
Partner & Head - Real Estate
Robin Chhabra
Founder & CEO
Rodrigo ArrĆ³spide
Gerente General y Managing Partner
W Capital
Rohan Chalsani
CPPIB - Canada Pension Plan Investment Board - Hong Kong
Rohit Gopalani
National Head - Leasing | Senior Vice President
Inorbit Malls
Rohit Singh
Apollo Global
Rohit Singh
Head Real Estate Finance
Currently Unaffiliated
Roshan Gowda
Regional Head, APJ & Greater China - Global Real Estate and Facilities (GRF)
Roshan Sharda
ASK Property Fund
Sachin Shah
Embassy Group
Sahil Vachani
Vice Chairman and Managing Director
Max Estates
Sahil Vora
Sai Krishna Bharathan
Sandeep Chanda
Managing Director India
Panattoni - India
Sandeep Runwal
Managing Director
Runwal Group
Sanjay Bhutani
Sanjay Dutt
Tata Realty
Sanjay Kumar Bansal
Managing Partner
Devansh Construction
Sanjoy Paul
Executive Director
TCG Real Estate
Sasi Mundakkal
VP-Sales & Marketing
Gowra Ventures
Seshadri Rangarajan
Aliens Group
Shaifali Singh
Vice President
Shaishav Dharia
Development Director
Lodha Group
Shashank Jain
Leader- Real Estate Deals
Shashidhar Reddy
Shhyam Singhania
Enarr Capital
Shiv Parekh
Founder, hBits
Shobhit Agarwal
Siddharth Sangal
Proprium Capital Partners
Somit Bandyopadhyay
Director's Office
K Raheja Corp
Sridhar Pinnapureddy
Ctrl S
Srinivasa Rao Aravapalli
My Home Constructions
Sudeep Singh
Co-founder and Chief Executive
Sudhanshu Kejriwal
Co-founder & Managing Partner
Sudheer Perla
Managing Director
Sumeet Agarwal
Apollo Global
Sunil Gupta
Co-Founder, Managing Director & CEO
Yotta Data Services
Sunil Mehta
Sunir Ramchandani
Head - Construction Realty Funding and Asset Monetisation
TATA Capital
Suraj chhabria
Co-Founder & Managing Partner
Altstar Capital
Suresh Maramreddy
Managing Director
Apollo Global
Suresh Patel
Managing Director
Greenscape Group / Greenscape Developers
Takuya Odagiri
Mitsubishi Corporation
Tariq Vaidya
MD - Real Estate
NV Capital Services
Thirumal Govindraj
RMZ Corporation
Tripti Navani
Shapoorji Pallonji
Varun Chawla
91 Springboard
Varun Singh
Director - Acquisitions
Allianz Real Estate
Vijay Kandhari
Khushi Developers / BKP
Vikas Chimakurthy
CEO, Kotak Realty Fund
Kotak Alternate Asset Managers
Vikas Rana
Zonal Business Head-West
Vinamra Srivastava
Chief Sustainability Officer (Designate)
CapitaLand Limited
Vineet Sekhsaria
Managing Director and Country Head
Prologis India
Vinod Rohira
K Raheja Corp
Vithal Suryavanshi
Kotak Alternate Asset Managers
Vivek Anand
Yash Gupta
Managing Partner
Yesh Nadkarni
Managing Director, Real Estate
Piramal Capital
Associate DirectorColliers International
Abhishek Goenka
Abhishek Goenka
CEOAeka Advisors
Abhishek Goenka is currently the CEO of the RMZ Family Office and the CEO at CoWrks. He is also the CIO at CoWrks Foundry. Previously, Abhishek has worked with PwC and BMR, and in both firms he has been actively engaged in advising families in setting up a governance framework and also on succession planning. He has also assisted promoters of some of the largest listed companies in Bangalore in moving to a Trust holding structure, including dealing with cross border issues. Abhishek is well versed with the various operating models of single and multi-family offices. Abhishek is also known for his domain expertise in real estate and Prop-Tech.
Abhishek Shukla
Abhishek Shukla
Chief Strategy OfficerSunteck Realty Limited
Abhishek carries over 15 years of intensive corporate finance, project acquisition, strategy & investment banking experience in RE. At Arihant, he is responsible for driving corporate strategy across finance, new acquisitions and operations. Prior to this, he has worked with couple of Mumbai based RE companies with P&L responsibility, has led corporate finance function raising several rounds of capital from institutional investors and contributed to some of their key project acquisitions. Preceding that, he was with investment banking firms including C&W Capital Asia. His educational qualifications include CFA, MBA (finance) and a Bachelor of Engineering.
Adhirath Jalan
Adhirath Jalan
DirectorShekhawati Group
Adil Engineer
Adil Engineer
Jt.Managing PartnerCREDBERG
Adil Engineer is a founding Director and Managing Partner of Credberg and is based in Mumbai. Adil is responsible for Jointly leading the firms growth Strategy. He has more than 28 years of experience encompassing investment banking, investment management and construction. He has advised on deals in excess of US$ 4 billion across asset classes and the entire capital stack. Mr Engineer was previously a Partner at Brookfield Financial where he was instrumental in setting up the Indian operations and for leading the investing banking and advisory function.
Aditya Bhargava
Aditya Bhargava
Head of Asia Pacific - Real Estate DepartmentADIA
Aditya is a senior portfolio manager in ADIAā€™s Asia-Pacific real estate team, with responsibility for ADIA's investments. He has been with ADIA since July 2012. In addition to his duties as a member of the Asia Pacific investment team, he was chair of ADIAā€™s Real Estate Departmentā€™s Task Force for ADIAā€™s 2017 Global Investment Forum. Prior to joining ADIA, Aditya was the Managing Director for SITQ India. He is a former member of the South Asia advisory board of RICS.
Aditya Chandak
Aditya Chandak
Chandak Group
Aditya Chellaram
Aditya Chellaram
Executive DirectorFeatherlite Developers
Aditya holds over 5 years of Real Estate experience across India & US. Completed his BA in Business Economics at UCLA . Has worked at several household names in real estate namely, CBRE, JLL & The Wadhwa Group. After a yearā€™s stint in CBRE in Industrial Leasing in Los Angeles, he joined a small property brokerage firm - Redwoods Projects in India to understand the Indian RE market. He then joined Featherlite Groupā€™s Transaction team & handled the marketing as well of a few Chennai projects. Later, under the mentorship of Navin Makhija, MD-Wadhwa Group, he got exposure in land acquisition, finance, marketing & construction. He has rejoined Featherlite & is responsible for Sales, Marketing, Business Development, Liasoning, Finance & HR.
Aditya Gowra
Aditya Gowra
Managing DirectorGowra Ventures
An Engineering Graduate from Osmania University, he Hails from the illustrious business family of GOWRA, a five decade old conglomerate having presence in diversified business verticals like ā€œReal Estateā€, Pharma, Petrochemicals, Software Development, Engineers & Aerospace, Food additives & Preservatives, Financial Services etc. completed more than 2 Mn sft and 2 Mn sft under construction. Aditya is a founding member of ā€œCREDAI ā€œHyderabad and has been the Treasurer since inception till last year, he was elected as Vice-President. Aditya is in the forefront in dialogues / discussions with Govt. authorities / other players of building industry, and his insightful and pragmatic contribution have influenced decision / policy making.
Aditya Shrivastava
Aditya Shrivastava
Managing PartnerGreen Apple
Aditya holds a credential of developing 44-mn sq.ft of mixed use Real Estate portfolio incorporating the Best of Shopping Malls, Hospitality, Residential and Commercial Office spaces, Warehousing, Educational Institution and Healthcare. Raised funds to the tune of 250MnUsd+.

With a corporate career of heading a JV with ā€œThe Phoenix Mills Ltdā€ till 2016 and interesting stints in the entertainment industry like Red Chillies Entertainments, Aditya has several accomplishments to his credit. Having successfully completed the exit transaction of his food-tech E-commerce startup is presently identifying new investment proposals in varied sectors.
Ajit Chordia
Ajit Chordia
Managing DirectorOlympia Technology Park
Took over the Khivraj family business of automobile retail and emerged as one of the largest and most trusted franchisees of Maruti Suzuki, Bajaj Auto and Honda brands in the city of Chennai * Ventured into renewable power in the year 1996; gradually expanded the business and today, the Group has a portfolio of over 18 MW of wind power assets * Blueprinting for a foray into solar power generation in 2013 * Redefined the skyline of Chennai by venturing into real estate with the launch of the OLYMPIA brand: o Commissioned the Olympia Technology Park in 2006 within one year of conceptualisation o Chairman Infrastructure CIIā€“Chennai Zone (2009-10) o Past President of the CREDAI Chennai and also President CREDAI TAMILNADU for 2017-19
Akshat Pandya
Akshat Pandya
Head-Real Estate FundAditya Birla RE
Over 17 years of real estate private equity, investment banking and construction finance experience in India. Prior to joining Aditya Birla Sun Life AMC Limited in July 2013, Akshat was Vice President real estate investment banking at ENAM / AXIS Capital (Sep 2009 ā€“ Jun 2013) where he was part of a ~USD 1 billion fund raise via initial public offerings. Before ENAM, Mr. Akshat Pandya worked with the Real Estate Prop Investments book at Lehman Brothers/ Nomura (July 2007 ā€“ July 2009) and prior to that with HDFC Limited in their developer finance team (May 2004 ā€“ Jun 2007). He received a Masterā€™s degree in Management Studies (specializing in Finance) and a Bachelorā€™s degree in Commerce from the University of Mumbai.
Akshay Thakker
Akshay Thakker
ConsultantApollo Global
Alok Aggarwal
Alok Aggarwal
MD & CEOBrookfield India Real Estate Trust
Alok is CEO, India Office Businesses, Brookfield in India, which at present includes 16.8 MSF assets in five IT / ITES SEZ across NCR and Kolkata, Powai 4.2 MSF and Equinox with 1.25 MSF. In this role he is heading all aspects of the business including operations, construction and leasing of ~22.25 mn sq ft. Alok has over three decades of experience in deal sourcing, evaluation, closing & asset management across asset classes and has played principal role in investments across residential, commercial, warehousing & mixed-use developments. Prior to joining Brookfield, he has also worked with Milestone Capital Partners, wherein he spearheaded many funds with an investment of Rs 3000 cr in the real estate development, mezzanine and REIT
Alok Jain
Alok Jain
Managing DirectorBlackstone
Alok Jain is a Principal in the Real Estate Group. Since joining Blackstone, Alok has been involved in evaluating real estate investments in several property types. Before joining Blackstone in 2011, Alok worked as a Hardware Engineer with Nvidia Graphics and was involved in designing and verifying complex computer chips. Alok received Bachelors of Engineering (Hons.) from BITS-Pilani where he was awarded the BITS-Merit and BITS-Alumni scholarships. He completed his MBA in Finance from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore
Amit Bhatia
Amit Bhatia
Managing DirectorShivarth Projects
With over ten years of multi-industry experience, spanning over technology and real estate, I am a new age property developer with an expertise in building world-class business spaces. My expertise lies in developing GRADE A commercial spaces in premium locations in Ahmedabad. With already 2.5 lac sqft built in last 5 years, We have also done a vertical integration by building a new luxurious managed office spaces under brand "KARMA WORKSPACES" so that companies have all solutions such as traditional lease, managed office or built to suit options under one umbrella. Previously worked with HP, Microsoft & Mumbai Angels. Our Clients: Baxter, Eris Lifesciences, ERM, Skechers Reach out to me for any office space in Ahmedabad.
Amit Diwan
Amit Diwan
Senior MD and Country HeadHines
Amit Diwan is Senior Managing Director and the Country Head for Hines in India. Amit joined Hines in 2015 as the Chief Investment Officer. Prior to Hines, Amit was a Director/Partner at Piramal Fund Management for 5 years, responsible for the platform in North India which he had setup in 2010. Before his 2 year stint at Jones Lang LaSalle from 2008-2010, Amit was based in Singapore for 7 years and worked across Asia-Pacific, covering over 10 countries from Japan to UAE to Indonesia, first as a strategy consultant at Marakon Associates and thereafter as Head of Investments at GE Real Estate Southeast Asia. Amit received his BA in Economics from the Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University and earned his Masters from IIM, Ahmedabad
Amit Goenka
Amit Goenka
Managing Director and CEONisus Finance
Amit Goenka is CEO of Nisus Finance (NiFCO), which manages a USD 30 mn RE debt fund portfolio. He is one of Indiaā€™s leading experts on RE and Infrastructure, appearing in media, industry and focus events. He was the Founder MD & CEO of Essel Finance (ZEE Group) managing AIF RE debt funds, PMS and offshore fund. As National Director- Investments for Knight Frank he transacted over USD 250 mn of real estate in 3 years covering land, residential, office and hotels. He structured NCDs, private equity and debt deals of ~USD 200 mn. He set up and led Indiaā€™s first USD 50 mil. Office yield fund (REIT). Amit has also worked with Ernst & Young, Aditya Birla Group and Investment Dar (Kuwait/Dubai). Amit holds a BE, MBA, MFM & MRICS.
Amritanshu Roy
Amritanshu Roy
Amritanshu is responsible for structuring and actively managing sector opportunities. His focus is to identify and recommend new opportunities in portfolio management for institutional and private clients. He has previously worked for Alexandria Real Estate Equities and Ernst & Young LLP, and brings extensive experience in financial analysis and transaction practice. He is an alumnus of Stanford Graduate School of Business and hold a bachelors degree in Economics from University of Delhi.
Anchit Lakhotiya
Anchit Lakhotiya
Head Real EstateCurrently Unaffiliated
Qualified Chartered Accountant and Real estate Banker with over 18 years of experience across the mortgage, corporate, structured and alternative capital structure for Real estate in India. Career across ICICI Bank, SCB, Altico & RFIN. Successfully managed and build RE structured and credit book of over $1.5 bn +. Currently heading the RE business for RFIN NBFC a Lonestar investee company.
Aneesh Sivakumar
Aneesh Sivakumar
DirectorDone Deal
Aneesh Sivakumar joined KKR in 2015 and is a Director in KKRā€™s India real estate investment platform. He has over twelve years of real estate investing experience in India. Prior to joining KKR, he was a Vice President in Kotakā€™s real estate fund. He holds an MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore and is a CFA holder.
Ankur Gupta
Ankur Gupta
Managing Partner, Real EstateBrookfield India
Ankur Gupta is Head of Asia Pacific and Middle East for Brookfieldā€™s Real Estate Group. In this role, he is responsible for overseeing all real estate activities in the region, including investments, portfolio management and new fund formation. He also has direct oversight of the South Asia sub-region.
Ankur Sanghi
Ankur Sanghi
Founder & SponsorDomus Capital
Anshul Jain
Anshul Jain
Partner - Tax & RegulatoryPwC
Anuj Goradia
Anuj Goradia
DirectorDosti Realty
Over the past 4 years Anuj Goradia has been actively involved in leading the Dosti Realty brand transformation by bringing in a new vibe, new energy and modernistic ways of doing things. Having completed his undergraduate studies in Civil and Environmental Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University, USA he brings to the table a holistic global mind-set. He oversees the planning, design and construction of the current 6 mn.sq.ft under construction portfolio of the company. He has played pivotal role in further seamlessly streamlining the processes of the Pre sales, Marketing, Sales, CRM and other verticals through the use of technology thereby enhancing customer experience as well as organizational productivity.
Anuj Madan
Anuj Madan
Partner - Real EstatePwC
Apurva Shah
Apurva Shah
Country ManagerCurrently Unaffiliated
Arjun Kandhari
Arjun Kandhari
DirectorKhushi Developers / BKP
Arshdeep Sethi
Arshdeep Sethi
President, Real EstateRMZ Corporation
Arshdeep has 25 years of experience in Business Management. He has held strategic roles in various companies across industries such as RE, Telecom/Infrastructure & Insurance. Before, he played key roles with Bharti Enterprises, Max New York Life, Punj Lloyd & Colliers International. In 2004 Arshdeep joined RMZ and plays a key role in defining and implementing the strategic vision of the group. He has led various capital-raising and partnership initiatives with top PE & SWF. He has been instrumental in raising over USD 1 billion of foreign direct investment from these global investors. Additionally, he represents the RE industry during dialogues with governmental bodies with regard to the policies related to REIT and SEZ development.
Arun Kumar Gupta
Arun Kumar Gupta
CFODeveloper Group India
Chartered & Cost and Works Accountant with comprehensive experience of over 25 years in the financial domain. Experience of over 10 years is in Real Estate and 15 years in Infrastructure Sector. Participate in key decisions pertaining to strategic initiatives, operating model and operation execution.
Arvind Jaiswal
Arvind Jaiswal
Credit Head - Construction & Real Estate FundingICICI BANK
Arvind Kalyan Vemana
Arvind Kalyan Vemana
DirectorAliens Group
Arvind Kalyan is currently leading the Investor Relations Division at Aliens Group. He has experience in the financial services sector across Investment Management, Equity Research and Investment Banking. In his most recent stint at an Irish Hedge Fund, Arvind had an opportunity to explore potential investment opportunities in the Greek Banking and Chinese Solar Sectors. As an Investment Banker, he aided startups in Gaming, SaaS, EdTech, Consumer Fashion & Logistics sectors raise funds from VCs & PEs. As an equity research analyst, he worked on various research reports in the medical devices sector for investment banks based out of the US. Arvind is a CFA and FRM charter holder. He is also an IIT Madras & IIM Lucknow alumnus.
Ashvinder Kaushik
Ashvinder Kaushik
Senior AssociateApollo Global
Ashwin Puri
Ashwin Puri
DirectorLake Shore India
Atul Ajmera
Atul Ajmera
DirectorAjmera Realty & Infra India
Avnish Singh
Avnish Singh
Managing Director - Investment ManagementRMZ Corporation
Bakir Gandhi
Bakir Gandhi
Chairman & MDCrystal Group
Mr. Bakir Gandhi is duly recognized for his path-breaking, visionary and innovative contributions through his pioneering role as a real estate developer and corporate leader. Bakir seeks growth by investing in a variety of systematically identified business, making it a well-diversified conglomerate with interests in many different projects such as Crystal Mall (Indiaā€™s 17 th Successfully operational Mall), Crystal City (Integrated Modern Township), Townships, Hospitality etc. Bakir is also developing Industrial & Logistic parks across Indiaā€™s major city through its venture ā€œCrystal Indus & Logistic Parkā€. Bakir has established value driven partnerships with global players like ā€œIndospaceā€ which has resulted in FDI.
Balaji Rao
Balaji Rao
Managing PartnerAxis AMC
Balaji Rao is a seasoned and highly respected professional in the Indian real estate industry. He has recently joined Axis AMC to head their real estate AIF vertical. Balaji has undertaken various functional roles and assumed leadership in business development, acquisitions, project execution, funding (both equity and debt) and divestments. Over his career spanning nearly 3 decades, Balaji has worked with several marquee real estate investors including, Sun Apollo, Starwood Capital, TCG Real Estate amongst others.Balaji is a rank- holding Chartered Accountant and holds an MBA from IIM-Calcutta.He is also a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
Bhairav Dalal
Bhairav Dalal
Bhairav Dalal is a Partner in the Tax & Regulatory Practice. He has a varied experience in advising Indian and multinational groups in the area of Real Estate, Infrastructure and Private Equity. He has over 13+ years of post qualification experience in transaction and tax advisory services. Over the last ten years his focus has been Real Estate.Bhairav has also advised Real Estate companies on complex projects involving tax optimisation strategies, investment structuring and group restructuring. Given his experience, he has been extensively involved in the REIT / InvIT discussions in the industry and regulators as well. He has handled diverse assignments in the transaction and corporate restructuring space.
Bhavin Jain
Bhavin Jain
Chief Investment OfficerASK Property Fund
Bhavin joined ASK in 2015 and is responsible for investment management for the fundā€™s real estate projects. Currently managing a portfolio of INR 25 Bn / USD 390 Mn, spanning 30mn. sq. ft., including over 12,500 residential units. Prior to joining ASK Property Fund, he served as Vice President ā€“ Investment Banking, Real Estate, and Infrastructure sectors at Axis Capital. With over 17 years of real estate investment management and investment banking experience, he is a Chartered Accountant and CFA charter holder from CFA Institute, USA.
Bopiah Mohit
Bopiah Mohit
Head-Sales & Business DevelopmentKaterra
Cervantes Lee
Cervantes Lee
Hospitality Business FacultyUNLV Foundation
Chanakya Chakravarti
Chanakya Chakravarti
Head of Indirect Strategies, Asia-PacificIvanhoƩ Cambridge
Chanakya (Chan) Chakravarti is the MD for India, responsible for implementing in his territory, the investment and asset-management strategies outlined in IvanhoĆ© Cambridgeā€™s annual business plan and strategic plan. He works closely with the Growth Markets team and collaborates with internal and external stakeholders to put in place and consolidate strategic partnerships for major projects in India. Mr. Chakravarti is a seasoned manager with more than 27 years of experience, including over 20 years in real estate, investment and development. Before joining IvanhoĆ© Cambridge in 2018, he was Managing Director, Global Alternatives, Asia, at J.P. Morgan Chase. Chan has previously held country management roles at Actis Capital and C&W.
Chetan Shah
Chetan Shah
Managing PartnerAxis AMC
Chetan has been with Kotak Realty Fund since 2018. He is a Partner where he manages fundsā€™ investments with special focus on commercial office space and residential mid-income and affordable housing through equity and credit structure. He has more than two decades of work experience in real estate fund management, debt and private equity. Prior to Kotak, Chetan worked with ASK group, as a core member of the REfund team. He was responsible for managing multiple RE funds including fundraising, deployment, monitoring and exits and managed over 20 investments.Chetan has earlier also worked with ICICI Bank Ltd, Hypo Real Estate International and IL&FS. Chetan is a Commerce Graduate from Mumbai University and a Chartered Accountant.
Chirag Goyal
Chirag Goyal
Founder & CEO ( Capital Services
Mr. Chirag Goyal is a Founder & CEO of which is a Global CRE Fund Raising Platform Headquartered in Dubai-UAE and London-Uk. He is passionate about fund raising for Real Estate Sector and have raised successfully USD 1 Billion across Residential and Commercial Developments in UAE, UK & India.
Cyrus Mody
Cyrus Mody
Managing PartnerViceroy Properties
Cyrus Mody is the Promoter and Managing Partner of Viceroy Properties LLP. Viceroy Properties focuses on luxury residential developments in and around Mumbai, and has a strong association with quality and transparency in the Western Suburbs, where it carries out most of its operations. Prior to founding Viceroy Properties, Cyrus headed operations at his family firm, Bombay Real Estate Development Company (BREDCO) Pvt. Ltd. where he oversaw the development of the groupā€™s 370 acre township at Kandivali (E). Cyrus holds a degree in Economics from Bucknell University and worked with The Boston Consulting Group prior to his entry to the real estate industry.
Deepak Kanodia
Deepak Kanodia
DirectorCurrently Unaffiliated
As one of Indiaā€™s youngest directors, Mr. Deepak Kanodia demonstrates a fine balance between sharp technical knowledge and exuberance of youth. With his innovative and futuristic approach, he is the man behind project executions and planning at M3M group. He has successfully initiated and implemented new technology platforms ensuring faster execution of projects, timely delivery and construction quality. He is also actively involved in financial planning and forecasting across all projects, while exploring innovative methods of raising funds and managing cash flows. His acumen for not only project execution but also number crunching has resulted in reducing construction time and cost on the groupā€™s brown field and green field projects.
Dilip N.K.
Dilip N.K.
PartnerTatva Legal
Dilip practices in the areas of corporate and commercial laws and has experience in investments (both domestic and international), mergers and acquisitions (onshore and offshore), corporate restructuring, employment laws, private equity, project finance and related negotiations and documentation.He has substantial industry-specific experience in the areas of private equity, retail, hospitality, infrastructure, real estate (including townships and SEZ), financial services, information technology, funds, education and health care, having handled several transactions in these sectors.Dilip has also industry experience of the venture capital and retail sectors.
Dilip Shanmugappa
Dilip Shanmugappa
Group Managing DirectorSanket Global Ventures
Dilip Shanmugappa is the Group Managing Director of Sanket Global Ventures. He Drives and Oversees Business Strategy, Operation, Management and Investments for the group. Under his Leadership group has diversified into Mining in India and Overseas , Infrastructure - Real Estate with initial focus on Industrial & Logistics Parks , Purpose built Accommodation - Co-living, Student Housing .
Enamul Haque
Enamul Haque
Executive DirectorConcord Real Estate Bangladesh
A Passionate Real Estate professional with maturity and presence to influence at Board Level and can drive strategic business development initiatives for profitable growth. Having over 28 years of startups, Sales & Marketing, Business Development, Logistics and Management experiences. Plan, guide, monitor & achieve customer management departmental goals in the line of company's strategic objective. And heading the unites of Sales, Branding, Revenue Collection, Customer Service and Business Development. 28 years of experienced professional in Real estate and contributed to cross functional activities during service period in most prestigious organizations in the country, like; Rangs Properties, Apan Real Estate, Borak Real Estate, Concord Group.
Eradh Syed
Eradh Syed
DirectorRoxana Properties
The youngest director to join the board. A law graduate with practical knowledge of construction activities having been associated with some very large and prestigious commercial and residential projects. Under his guidance, Roxana ventured into new vertices of health care and warehouse housing. In health care, he set up 2 speciality hospital and a high-end dental clinic. In warehousing in a short span of 3 years he managed to rope in one of the well-known brands such as Amazon, Pharmeasy and Udaan.
G Abhinav Reddy
G Abhinav Reddy
Managing DirectorGAR Corp.
Mr. G. Abhinav Ram Reddy is the Managing Director of GAR Corporation Pvt. Ltd, a leading Hyderabad based owner of commercial office parks. Mr. Reddy is presently managing and developing various companies that are engaged in commercial real estate asset creation. Mr. Reddy has also been instrumental in creating long-term partnerships with several MNCā€™s linked to the infrastructure facilities for IT & ITES companies. GAR is currently on track to create an asset base of 12 million square feet in the Office Parks segment by 2020.
G Madhusudhan
G Madhusudhan
Chairman & Managing DirectorSumadhura Infracon
Madhusudhan G, is a first-generation entrepreneur. He founded The Sumadhura Group, one of South Indiaā€™s leading real estate companies in 1995 and since then has been catering primarily to the residential segment across Luxury, Mid-segment and AffordabIe segment categories. The Group has delivered over 8 mn sft of projects and ~20 mn sft of projects are under various stages of implementation across Bā€™lore & Hyderabad. Today Sumadhura projects are home for 7000+ happy customers. Sumadhura has also forayed into Commercial, Retail, Logistics and Plotted development segments. Mr. Madhusudhan is an alumnus of IIM Bengaluru. He is an ardent reader, traveller, active sports person and enjoys rush of adrenaline through adventure sports.
Gagan Randev
Gagan Randev
Executive DirectorSotheby's International Realty - India
Gagan heads Capital Markets & Investment Services for Sotheby's Realty India. He has tremendous experience in all facets of RE Capital Markets having handled complex Asset Sales, Land, Hospitality and Funding transactions, negotiating and overseeing PE Investor exits. He has over 9 years experience in such transactions previously with Colliers International and with BPTP Ltd. Prior to this, he was MD & CEO of Religare Securities, SVP with ABN Amro/RBS and worked with ANZ Grindlays Bank and Tata AIA Life Insurance as well. Gagan has excellent relationships across the Fund, Banking and Developer space; thrives in structuring partnerships and transactions.
Gaurav Jain
Gaurav Jain
MD and CEOSamyak Properties and Infrastructure
Gaurav Jain has more than 25 yearsā€™ experience in real estate with last 10 years as business head/CEO responsible for P&L. He specializes in business turnaround and giving a forceful direction as demonstrated in his career spanning 25 years. He has successfully delivered more than 35 million sft of marque projects and land development of over 3500 acres while holding key management positions in key real estate companies as Bombay Realty, Jindal Realty, M3M, Emaar MGF, Jaypee, C&W and DLF. He holds an MBA from MDI, Gurgaon, a Masterā€™s degree in Planning from SPA, New Delhi and a Bachelorā€™s degree in Civil Engineering. He is also Vice President-North of Naredco National.
Gaurav Karnik
Gaurav Karnik
Partner & National Leader Real EstateEY
Gaurav Karnik is Partner with Ernst & Youngā€™s tax practice in India and is the National Leader for Real Estate for EY India. He is a Bachelor in Economics (Honours) and a Chartered Accountant. Gaurav has more than 20 years of experience in the field of international, transaction tax and regulatory issues. Advised several US, UK, Singapore based real estate and infrastructure focused private equity funds in structuring their India centric real estate and infrastructure funds and their specific investments in Indian companies.
Gaurav Parasrampuria
Gaurav Parasrampuria
Managing DirectorOaktree Capital Management
Mr. Parasrampuria is a managing director on the Distressed Opportunities team in Singapore, where he covers various sectors across Asia, as well as leads our India coverage. Prior to joining Oaktree in 2017, he spent five years at J.P. Morgan last serving as a vice president focusing on Asian Special Situations within the Global Markets Group. Prior to J.P. Morgan, Mr. Parasrampuria was an associate for Morgan Stanleyā€™s Infrastructure investment team in India. Mr. Parasrampuria received an M.B.A. from the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore and is a qualified Chartered Account and Company Secretary.
Gaurav Puri
Gaurav Puri
Chief Investment Officer - CRENuvama
Real Estate Private Equity professional with deep experience across Investments and Development Management. Currently leading investments as CIO (CRE) at Nuvama Previously, responsible for Investments, Product and Strategy at Godrej Fund Management. Deal experience across real estate product lifecycle, asset classes, capital and transaction structures on a pan India basis.
Gaurav Sanghvi
Gaurav Sanghvi
DirectorMerlin Projects
Girish Singhi
Girish Singhi
Co-Chief Investment OfficerWelspun One Logistics Parks
Girish Singhi is Co-Chief Investment Officer at Welspun One He has over 15 years of real estate investment management experience. He holds an M.B.A. (Finance) from FMS, Delhi and B.E. from NSIT (Delhi University).
Hardeep Dayal
Hardeep Dayal
Head- Investments & Asset ManagementPhoenix Mills
Hardeep has nearly 22 years of experience in real estate business in Asset Acquisitions, Investments, Asset Management, Portfolio Management, PE syndication, Fund Raising, RE Investment Banking, and also as experience of listing (IPO) for a real estate company as CEO.
Haresh Kishor
Haresh Kishor
CEOKG Builders
Haresh, a graduate in finance and accounting from the Stern School of Business at New York University, is the CEO and Director of KG Foundations. Having worked as an investment banker covering the real estate sector, Haresh joined the development side of real estate at KG Foundations and has focused on organic growth. He has been instrumental in scaling the business with over 8 million square feet under development and has delivered over 3000 homes in the last 24 months. He is responsible for professionalizing management practices and introducing IT automation systems to enhance quality and efficiency. He is expanding the development footprint to Bengaluru and Hyderabad and has ensured maximum returns for KGā€™s landowners and investors.
Hari Challa
Hari Challa
Managing DirectorAliens Group
Mr. Hari Challa,MD Young and forward thinking, Hari is a Pilot by Profession with a keen sense of direction and hands-on business acumen he lay strong emphasis on application of technological advancements and sophistication to urban living.Hari has successfully established ā€œAliens Groupā€ and in a short span of time built an enviable track record & Brand Equity for the Group. His efforts have resulted in creating a corporate body that is developing properties of global standards against the other industry giants.
J. Shyam Rao
J. Shyam Rao
Managing DirectorMy Home Constructions
Jae Choi
Jae Choi
Managing DirectorICG
Jai S Rupani
Jai S Rupani
Head - Family OfficeGokaldas Lifestyle
Mr. Rupani spearheads Gokaldas Lifestyle, a real estate development company focused on luxury projects.  Additionally, as the CIO of the Dinesh Hinduja Family Office, he oversees investments across all asset classes for the group: real estate, stocks, bonds, structured products, private equity and venture capital.  Prior to joining the Gokaldas Group, Mr. Rupani was part of the investment team at India Value Fund, a USD 1.8 Billion private equity fund in Mumbai.  During his professional career, Mr. Rupani has lived and worked across the globe and has spent several years with The Royal Bank of Canada Capital Markets Group as an investment banker in their San Francisco office.
Juggy Marwaha
Juggy Marwaha
CEO-Prestige Office VenturesPrestige Group
Juggy Marwaha is the CEO of Prestige Office Ventures. In his new role Juggy will be responsible for the leading the growth and development of Prestige Groupā€™s Office business . He will be actively involved in the Acquisition, Design & Development , Planning Execution , Business Development, Leasing & Sales of the Groupā€™s Portfolio .Previously, Juggy held a senior leadership position at JLL India, as the Executive Managing Director.
K.K. Raman
K.K. Raman
SR AdvisorApollo Global
Kamal Sagar
Kamal Sagar
Chairman & Managing DirectorTotal Environment
Mr Kamal Sagar is a CEO of Total Environment is also the Principal Architect at Shibanee & Kamal Architects. Early in his career, he worked with the Poonawalla Group of Companies (Pune), where he designed and executed projects for Poonawalla Stud Farms. He has also worked under Omni Architects Lexington, Kentucky, in the USA.
Karan Bhutani
Karan Bhutani
Director - Real EstateKKR
Karim Merchant
Karim Merchant
Director & Chief Investment OfficerLake Shore India
Karthik Krishna
Karthik Krishna
Co-founder & Managing PartnerEverVantage
Karthik is a Managing Partner at EverVantage and overseas the Transaction Advisory and Leasing Verticals across asset classes. Having completed transactions in over 50 cities and over 10 million sft. his expertise ranges across verticals and industries. Karthik has successfully executed a multitude of landmark transactions across retail, F&B, commercial office space and healthcare platforms. He specialises in complex transactions be it hospitality, commercial advisory, landmark land transactions or strategy. His power house of unique experiences in portfolio management for corporates, land owners and developers nationwide, gives EverVantage itā€™s strength across industries.
Kaushik Pathak
Kaushik Pathak
Associate DirectorPwC
Kumar Gera
Kumar Gera
ChairmanGera Developments
Kumar Gera, a Civil Engineer from the College of Engineering,Pune, has been in the real estate business for 48 years. He is Chairman of Gera Developments, that develops residential & commercial real estate in Pune, Goa, Bengaluru & the US with a team of ~300 employees. He has served as, Member of the State Planning Board - Govt. of Maharashtra Member of the Task force - National Housing & Habitat Policy, Govt. of India Nominated Director on the Boards of the National Skill Development Corporation of India & IL&FS Skill Development Corporation. He was the - Founder of CREDAI & led the National Body for 9 years First Indian to be elected President of Junior Chamber International & travelled through 42 countries.
Kumar Krishna
Kumar Krishna
CEOIsthara Co Dining and Co Living
Isthara is one of the leading Co Living and Student Housing players in India. With operations spread across 4 states and cities, Isthara continues to grow as the only Full stack player in the market across all offerings. With a state of art Technology built in house to cater to business, Isthara is positioned very uniquely to gauge and serve the market more efficiently.
Kumaran Chandrasekaran
Kumaran Chandrasekaran
Executive Vice President - InvestmentsIndoSpace
A financial services professional with over 15 years of experience across advisory, investment banking, corporate banking and presently fund management. Established the real estate alternate credit platform for the group and currently managing the funds (USD 200 million AUM) under AIF CAT II, as a Fund Manager. Prior to this, Kumaran played key role in Piramalā€™s growth curve in the real estate financing since early days of 2014. Managed USD 1 billion in private credit and handled exits worth USD 400 million. Worked with multilateral agencies like CPPIB, ADB and World Bank. Scholar of prestigious IVY league school, Columbia Business School and a privileged member of RICS.
Kunal K Vikamsey
Kunal K Vikamsey
PartnerKanti Karamsey & Co. Advisors LLP
Graduated as a Civil Engineer in 1997 from University of Pune, India, Kunal did Master in Real Estate Valuation from S. P. University, Gujarat. Presently, he is heading the Navi Mumbai operations of the Kanti Karamsey at Mumbai. In his previous roles, he worked with CB Richard Ellis, an International Real Estate Consulting Firm from the U.S., for 3 years & was heading their Consulting & Valuation Group for Western India Region. Prior to that, he practiced as Govt. registered Valuer for Immovable Property. He is a MRICS London Member as well as Member of the Valuation Working Committee of RICS for India.
Lakshminarainan Ramachandran
Lakshminarainan Ramachandran
Lata Pillai
Lata Pillai
Senior Managing Director and Head of Capital Markets, IndiaJLL India
Liang Thow Ming
Liang Thow Ming
Chief Sales & Chief Marketing OfficerCHEC
Liang Thow Ming is the Chief Sales and Marketing Officer of Port City, Colombo a 269 hectares brand new city right next to Colombo, Sri Lanka. Liang is responsible for the commercial success of the project. Liang has spent more than 20 years in sales and marketing of real estate portfolios, both with developers and the consultants. Over this period, Liang has been involved in every aspect of the real estate development cycle, starting from land evaluation, development concepts, product development, advertising, public relations, sales and customer development and relations. His experience has brought him through major public listed developers across Asia and with top real estate international consultants.
Mahesh Katragadda
Mahesh Katragadda
Mahesh Katragadda is a 2012 Penn State University graduate with specialization in Economics. Having gained economic, financial and project insights and scholarly knowledge, he joined Meenakshi Group his familyā€™s 25-year old business - leading IT Parks development company with developed / ongoing projects at 15 million sq.feet. He is responsible for New Project Initiatives and relationship with Global MNC Clients including Deloitte, Google, Xilinx, etc. He is also responsible for the resource planning, project communications, monitoring, payment approvals, and key recruitment. Having just delivered first Phase of one of biggest Office Buildings in India, his present focus is on delivering the balance Phase also within the timeline.
Manish Aggarwal
Manish Aggarwal
Managing Director - North & EastJLL India
Mayank Kaul
Mayank Kaul
Managing DirectorCiti Private Bank
Hong Kong
After having worked in various roles in various origination and coverage teams, Dr. Mayank Kaul transitioned into a Managing Director role at Citi, being responsible for risk managing the companyā€™s real estate lending portfolio across the Institutional and Private Bank businesses for APAC and EMEA. He brings to this role more than 17 years of expertise in real estate finance in the region as well as leveraging academic knowledge gained while pursuing his Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) in the area of debt financing for Asia Pacific REITs.
Mihir Gada
Mihir Gada
Mitesh Agrawal
Mitesh Agrawal
CIO - Real EstateNV Capital Services
Mitesh is Chief Investment Officer (CIO) - Real Estate at New Vernon (NV) Capital. He has over 2 decades of experience. Portfolio IRR is reckoned to be among the Top 10 Percentile of all Real Estate funds in India across both the major cycles since 2005. Recognized as Indiaā€™s Top 40 under 40 Alternative Investment Professional in 2018 by The Indian Association of Alternative Investment Funds (IAAIF). Cumulative transaction experience in office real estate of over 15 million sft. Edu: M.B.A. ā€“ Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad (ISB Scholar, Deanā€™s List), Chartered Accountant (Ranked Top 50 All-India)
Mohit Malhotra
Mohit Malhotra
Founder & CEONeoLiv
Mohit Malhotra(Ex MD & CEO of Godrej Properties Ltd (GPL)) is the Founder and CEO of NeoLiv- Indiaā€™s foremost integrated residential platform that includes a fund management business as well as a development arm. This unique platform is designed to control the entire life cycle of a real estate project from financing to delivery. During his tenure at GPL, Mohit transformed the company from a relatively unknown player to market leader in 12 years (sales growth of 30x). In his 12 years, Mohit added 90 new projects with 150 Mn Sqft saleable area. In last 6 years as MD&CEO of GPL, deployed USD 1.5Bn in new deals and market cap of GPL grew by 6x to USD 6.2Bn.
Munish Sharma
Munish Sharma
Commercial Consul & Trade Commissioner, South AsiaAustralian Consulate
Munish is based in Chennai, India where he commenced his posting as Trade and Investment Commissioner for South India in January 2018. He is leading Australian governmentā€™s initiatives in infrastructure, mining, resources and energy in South Asia. Munish has held numerous positions with the Australian Trade & Investment Commission over the past 20 years, both in Australia and internationally. Prior to taking up his posting in India, he was National Manager of Austradeā€™s Advisory Services in Sydney and has been National Manager for Infrastructure and ICT teams in Australia. Prior to Austrade, Munish was with the Advertiser Newspaper in Adelaide in circulation sales role.
Naaman Atallah
Naaman Atallah
Chief Executive OfficerPiramal Realty
Namaan was formerly the CEO of Dubai Properties and was leading a portfolio of 144 projects worth USD 30 billion which included residential, commercial, retail and hospitality developments. Earlier, he also held the position of COO at Qatari Diar, the real estate arm of sovereign wealth fund of Qatar Investment Authority. He was also the COO of Emaar Properties PJSC, where he worked extensively on some of the world's most iconic projects such as Burj Khalifa, Armani Hotel Dubai and The Dubai Mall.  Naaman holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and an MBA from Pepperdine University. In addition, he has completed an Advanced Management Programme at INSEAD, France.
Naveen Aggarwal
Naveen Aggarwal
Regional Head - CRE, IndiaBNY Mellon India
Navin Kumar
Navin Kumar
DirectorNavin Housing & Properties
Navin is a board Director and business head of Navinā€™s. A Civil Engineer and MBA in Strategy, International Business & Finance from George Washington University, Washington D.C., USA, he joined the business as a Director in 2002. He has mastered Real Estate Finance, Real Estate project valuation, formulation and development. With a keen eye for technology and quest for excellence, Mr.Navin drives systems and IT in his organization and encourages his team to be pro-active and to get innovative. Apart from holding the position of Director in Navin Housing & Properties, Mr.Navin is a member in Credai Youth Wing and holds the position as ā€œNational Secretaryā€ .
Nejeeb Khan
Nejeeb Khan
Country HeadKaterra
Nejeeb heads Katerraā€™s design and business strategy in India. His success lays in bringing innovative and sustainable solutions to large scale projects in hospitality, healthcare, housing, shopping mall development & commercial projects.   In 2003, Nejeeb founded KGD-Architecture along with Ned Kirschbaum & Jim Bradburn of Fentress Architects. Today this design powerhouse with over 300 architect and engineers is Katerraā€™s design partner in India & the Middle East, bridging the gap between design & construction.   Nejeeb holds a masterā€™s degree from the University of Colorado. He is a member of the Council of Architecture-India(CoA), Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and American Institute of Architects (AIA).
Nidhi Jain
Nidhi Jain
Nilanjan Chakraborty
Nilanjan Chakraborty
Head - Business DevelopmentMahindra Lifespace Developers
Nipun Sahni
Nipun Sahni
Partner and Head of Real EstateApollo Global
Nipun joined Apollo in 2015 in AGRE Delhi and is responsible for Real Estate Investments in India. Prior to that time, Nipun was the Founder of Rezone Investment Advisors from March 2011 to April 2015. Prior to that, Nipun was a Managing Director in the Real Estate Investment Group at Merrill Lynch from 2006 to 2010. Prior that Nipun was a Managing Director at GE Capital, India. Nipun currently serves on the advisory boards of Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors in India. Nipun previously served on the APREA & USIBC Committees. Nipun graduated in Commerce from Delhi University with a B.Com. degree and received his Masters degree in Finance from the MFC Program at University of Delhi.
Niranjan Hiranandani
Niranjan Hiranandani
Founder & MDHiranandani Group
Niranjan Hiranandani is arguably, Indiaā€™s ā€˜builder extraordinaireā€™, the person credited with changing Mumbaiā€™s skyline. Niranjan Hiranandani has virtually revolutionized the real estate industry in the country. Since then, the Hiranandani Group has come a long way and is recognized for their modern state of the art mixed used township projects in Powai & Thane, both of which have become preferred residential and commercial locations in and around Mumbai. Mr. Niranjan Hiranandani is a Business Leader with a combination of qualities like sharp professional business acumen, concerned citizen with social awareness, Industry leader with up to date knowledge, and above all, ensuring that the company gives value to every Customer.
Nirupa Shankar
Nirupa Shankar
Jt. Managing DirectorBrigade Group
Nirupa has spent the last 11 years at Brigade Group, one of Indiaā€™s top 10 developers. She oversees the firm's Hotel, Office and Retail portfolios.  She has the serial entrepreneurial bug in her and has successfully conceptualised multiple awards winning F&B outlets such as HIGH Ultra Lounge & The Art CafĆ© in Bangalore. She set up Asiaā€™s first real estate accelerator called Brigade Real Estate Accelerator Program to mentor high-tech start-ups in real estate in 2016.  She launched Brigadeā€™s flexible workspaces brand called BuzzWorks last year. She has been identified as one of CNBCā€™s ā€œYoung Turksā€ and has previously won:   ā€¢ Construction Woman of the Year 2018 ā€“ India, by Construction Times  ā€¢ Woman CXO of the Year 2017-South, by Realty
Nitesh Kumar
Nitesh Kumar
MD & CEOEmami Realty
Real estate wizard, Dr Nitesh Kumar, is a PhD as well as a Double Post Graduate in Management. With a trailblazing experience of over 27 years, he has served over 12 years as Senior level Management. His fields of expertise pans through real estate development, strategic planning, marketing, mergers & acquisitions and branding. He is a keen planner and strategist with expertise in new product launching, new business & market development, product positioning and achieving sales and profitability targets for the company. Having qualities of an inspirational leader coupled with entrepreneurial skills, strong business acumen and analytical skills, he believes in ground zero hands-on management to improvise proven management tools.
Nitesh Shetty
Nitesh Shetty
Chairman & Managing DirectorNitesh Estates Limited
Nitesh Shetty, a first generation entrepreneur, is the founder and Chairman of Nitesh Estates. Under his leadership, the company has scaled up in 8 years and successfully completed an initial public offering and raised series of Private Equity Capital. A former tennis player, he started his career at the age of 19, with a billboard business with interest in Infrastructure, Hotels, Shopping Malls & Diversified Investments. He is the founder and sets the Big Vision for the growth of the company.
Nitin Idnani
Nitin Idnani
Managing DirectorJM Financial
He has been part of the Investment Banking Coverage team and Head- Real estate/ REITs at Axis Capital for the past 5 years. Prior to that he spent a decade as the lead research analyst covering real estate and infrastructure. Prior to joining Axis Capital/ ENAM in 2006, he was working with HDFC Ltd across various verticals such as operations, marketing and business development. He has done his Bachelors in Commerce and holds an MBA from Narsee Monjee Institute of Management in Mumbai.
Pankaj Bajaj
Pankaj Bajaj
Managing DirectorEldeco Infrastructure & Properties
Pawan Swamy
Pawan Swamy
Chairman & Jt.Managing PartnerCREDBERG
Pawan Swamy is a founding member of Credberg and serves as Chairman & Jt Managing Partner and is responsible for the overall direction of the firm. He has more than 20 years of experience in Indian Real estate on the investment banking and brokerage sides of the industry. He has led more than US$ 5 billion in transactions across all asset classes and the entire capital structure. Mr Swamy was previously a Managing Partner at Brookfield FInancial, leading their India operations. Prior to that, he was a Managing Director at Jones Lang Lasalle where he set up one of the largest real estate capital markets and investment brokerage platforms in the country. His experience also includes real estate mortgage lending side in Standard Chartered
Piyush Gupta
Piyush Gupta
MD - Capital Markets & Investment ServicesColliers
Piyush is responsible for developing Capital Markets Business in India. Piyush is leading the Client acquisition, developing institutional relationships with Indian and Global Funds, Sovereign Funds, Banks, NBFCs, AIFs for Capital Markets Business. With close to 19 years of experience, Piyush is an industry veteran with proven expertise in real estate investments, asset management and exit strategy, deployment and business development. With experience of investing of US$ 2 billion, Piyush is leading Colliersā€™ Capital Markets business in India and strengthens the market position of the organization with a clear focus on servicing our clients across the spectrum. Piyush has joined Colliers from Piramal Capital.
Pradeep Khanna
Pradeep Khanna
Head, Real Estate InvestmentsNippon India AIF
Over 22 years of experience in Real Estate Investment Management, Credit, Corporate & Project Finance, Investment Banking & Project Management.
Heading Nippon India Real Estate Investments since 2011 and a key personnel behind setting up RE investment business. Also instrumental in setting up and anchoring RE Private Equity business in his previous organisation (ICICI Prudential AMC).
Well diversified experience over entire life cycle of Funds from inception to exits and strong broad based relationship with developers and possesses rich experience in evaluating, investing and managing real estate projects on pan India basis.
Masters in Business Management and B.Tech. in Civil Engineering.
Pranay Agarwal
Pranay Agarwal
Founder and CIOTusk Investments
Pranay is the founder and CIO at Tusk Investments - an investment firm building the first East India focussed REIT (across warehousing, retail and commercial assets). Additionally, via a consortium, Tusk is developing affordable / mid-income residential RE in Calcutta. Prior to this he was an Associate Partner at at McKinsey & Company (10 years). At McKinsey, he co-led the Private Equity & Real Estate practice in the MEO office. Additionally, he was the leader of the shopping mall practice working with clients across the life cycle (evolution, development, procurement, asset management, leasing, analytics, organisational reform etc.) to drive portfolio value creation.
Pratul Jain
Pratul Jain
Business DevelopmentCurrently Unaffiliated
Pratul heads the Strategy & Finance for Sugee Group. He has over 15 years of experience in Financial Services & Real Estate. In this time, he has worked in assignments of Business Development & Strategy, Business Analytics and Financial Planning. His strengths include introducing strong practices, setting up businesses and bringing them to pace. Currently, he is focusing on establishing the firmā€™s foray in Portugal.   Prior to joining Sugee, he set-up and was heading the Real Estate Advisory Business of Ambit. He was also setting up their Private Banking processes to scale. Before Ambit, he spent about 10 years in Karvy. He was the founding member of Karvyā€™s Private Wealth business and was heading their RE business & Business Strategy.
Quaiser Parvez
Quaiser Parvez
CEONucleus Office Parks
Quaiser Parvez is responsible for running all facets of the business. He is a strong exponent of the Customer First approach and believes in aligning technology and processes to that end. Under his leadership, the company is accelerating towards its goal of creating enhanced spaces for our customers and delivering returns to our investors. Quaiser helps forge strong relationships with all stakeholders in the delivery chain. While the focus is always on the business, he always has an eye on how the company continues to contribute to our environment and society at large. He strives to nurture a culture of collective responsibility at Nucleus Office Parks.
Quek Kwang Meng
Quek Kwang Meng
Regional Chief Executive Officer, IndiaMapletree
Mr. Quek, as Regional Chief Executive Officer of India, heads Mapletreeā€™s business and investments in India. He has direct responsibility over the Groupā€™s assets in this market. Before his current appointment in June 2016, Mr Quek was also overseeing the Groupā€™s non-REIT activities in China market. Prior to joining Mapletree, Mr Quek was the Global co-head/Managing Director for real estate investments in Citi Private Bank.
Rahul Anand
Rahul Anand
CEOBombay Realty
Responsible for business and financing strategies, policies and practices related to Portman Holdingsā€™ developments in India. Over twenty years of experience in corporate and real estate finance, project management , development and architecture. Before joining Portman Holdings, Rahul has held various leadership positions including as COO of ASK real estate funds, Director of Asia capital markets for Jones Lang LaSalle and Clark Ventures in Singapore and USA . Rahul has also invested in & developed residential and warehousing close to 350,000 sft under his own brand name . Rahul earned a B.A. in architecture from the University of Pune and a MBA from the College of William and Mary, Virginia, USA.
Rahul Arora
Rahul Arora
Head - Office Leasing & Retail Services, India and Senior Managing Director ā€“ Karnataka, KeralaJLL India
Rahul Rai
Rahul Rai
Executive VP & Head RE BusinessICICI Prudential
Rahul is with ICICI Prudential AMC Ltd and heads the management of third party close ended funds that invest in real estate projects and pre-leased offices. Rahul has over 25 years of experience of which the past 16 years have been specialized on Indian real estate sector and includes expertise across all real estate asset classes and cities. Prior to ICICI Prudential, Rahul was with SUN-Apollo Real Estate Advisors as Principal and before that he has worked with Ernst and Young and Arthur Andersen. Rahul is a member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and has done his graduation in Commerce from the Bombay University.
Raj Menda
Raj Menda
Chairman, Supervisory BoardRMZ Corporation
Raj Menda is the Co-Owner & Corporate Chairman of RMZ Corp. RMZ Corp is one of the most successful South Asian real estate development firms, with an unmatched portfolio in India. The organization has developed, acquired or holds an interest in over 24 M sft. of commercial properties. Its prestigious and prolific portfolio includes over $ 3 billion in real estate assets. Headquartered in Bangalore. At RMZ, we are constantly thinking about the Future. This time itā€™s about the Future of Space and we have chartered our course to look at creating communities. In our new manifesto we are using technology coupled with experiences to build connected communities in our spaces.Raj is the first Indian to be on the Jury of the ULI Awards
Rajesh Goyal
Rajesh Goyal
Jt Managing DirectorKohinoor Pune
Rajesh has always displayed natural leadership qualities. Complementing what he learnt in business school with the invaluable experience of being mentored by his father, he has ably marshalled the Groupā€™s resources, providing astute leadership to the portfolios of land acquisition and trading, finance and liaison. Identifying key growth areas, chiefly land banking and its institutionalisation, he made ethics and professionalism the new business drivers in this hitherto chaotic sector. Helping streamline the entire dynamic much to the benefit of corporates and institutions. Always looking for the next big challenge, Rajeshā€™s energies are now fruitfully invested in property aggregation and developing income-generating assets.
Rajesh Madhani
Rajesh Madhani
Managing DirectorMIGHTY GROUP
Rajiv Gandhi
Rajiv Gandhi
President - Commercial CreditIndiabulls Investment Management Limited
Mr. Rajiv Gandhi is the head and founder member of the Commercial Credit team at Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited (IBHFL). Having spent more than 10 years with the company he has overseen over Rs. 45,000 Cr. disbursements till date. He brings with him 23 years of work experience accumulated across the industry. Prior to joining IBHFL, he had successful stints with Nicholas Piramal India Ltd., Birla Home Finance Ltd. and Birla Sunlife Insurance Ltd. Mr. Gandhi holds a Master of Business Administration from the Faculty of Management Studies, ML Sukhadia University, Udaipur.
Rajneesh Mahajan
Rajneesh Mahajan
CEOInorbit Malls
Awarded the prestigious ā€˜Most Admired Shopping Center Professional- Westā€™ award in 2016. Joined Inorbit Malls as VP-Leasing in 2009 & during his 8-years stint, ascended from VP to COO to Executive Director to his current role as CEO of Inorbit malls, one of the premier retail mall chains in India. His valuable contribution in planning & implementing strategies is reflected in the firmā€™s ongoing mission of creating an enhanced customer experience. Speaker at some of the most prestigious national & International retail forums. Prior to Inorbit, he worked with Barista Coffee Company & Cushman&Wakefield. He holds a Bachelorā€™s degree in Science from Punjab University, MBA & Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing & Finance from ICFAI Business School.
Rakesh Balasundaram
Rakesh Balasundaram
Investment DirectorAnacap
Rakesh is an Investment Director in the Credit team and joined AnaCap from Ernst & Young where he was a Senior Executive in the Transactions Advisory team focusing on corporate restructuring. He is a Chartered Accountant (FCCA & CA), a CFA charterholder and holds a Masterā€™s degree in Finance from Cass Business School.
Rakesh Bhatia
Rakesh Bhatia
Sales DirectorDextrus
Rama Teja Yedida
Rama Teja Yedida
Ramaiy Kapoor
Ramaiy Kapoor
Director | Real Assets GroupKotak Alternate Asset Managers
Ramani Sastri
Ramani Sastri
Chairman & Managing DirectorSterling Developers
Ramesh Nair
Ramesh Nair
CEO Mindspace Business Parks REITMindspace Business Parks REIT
Ramesh Nair, a seasoned expert in the Indian real estate sector, currently serves as the CEO of Mindspace Business Parks REIT. With over 25 years of experience, he has spearheaded firms like JLL India and Colliers India, managing large teams and ensuring targeted outcomes. An expert in India Inc., he's been on boards like the RICS Global Regulatory and South Asia, chaired CII Real Estate events, and advised Telangana State. A prolific writer for premier publications and a business news channel guest, he's also a faculty at top Indian business institutes. Ramesh excels in driving growth in evolving markets with astute strategy and compassionate leadership.
Ravi Ahuja
Ravi Ahuja
Head Commercial LeasingL&T Realty
Mr. Ravi Ahuja is Head ā€“ Commercial Leasing at L&T Realty. The commercial leasing is a Strategic Business Group within L&T comprising of office and retail developments across the country. Mr. Ahuja is well networked in the real estate industry and brings with him a rich experience of over 23 years. This includes senior leadership roles in handling multi-disciplinary transactions & advisory for occupiers, investors, corporates, top developers and Government encompassing primary asset classes of office, residential, industrial / warehousing and land. He is passionate about residential markets and has domain expertise in office leasing, land and investment sales.
Ravindra Chamaria
Ravindra Chamaria
Chairman & MDInfinity Infotech Parks
Armed with invaluable life experiences,a passion for enterprise & the ability to create winning collaborations, Ravindra Chamaria has been at the helm of pioneering Smart, Green & marquee RE projects in Eastern India, particularly Kolkata under his corporate banner, Infinity. ā€˜Think Tankā€™ his first project in Kolkata, went on to catalyze the IT industry in Salt Lake & continues to be a landmark. Having built 6 million sqft, he is currently developing an iconic temple township, ā€˜Krishna Bhumiā€™ in Vrindavan. Ravindra Chamaria is a keen philanthropist & is closely attached to several not-for profit organisations such as Akshaya Patra, Anant Education, India Autism Centre, Institute of Neurosciences, Jaipur Foot, Udayan Care, Round Table India.
Rishi Raj
Rishi Raj
Chief Operating Officer (COO), Max Estates Limited (MEL)Max Estates
I have 20+ years of international experience in Research, Analytics, Consulting, Corporate Strategy, Business Strategy and Business Building (P&L ownership). In my current role I am the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Max Estates Limited (MEL), 100 percent subsidiary of Max Ventures and Industries Limited (MVIL), one of the three listed entities of the Max Group. As the COO, I am responsible for Business Strategy, Growth (Commercial and Residential business vertical), Strategic Partnerships and, overall P&L of MEL. The role also includes driving Cross Functional Strategic Initiatives including Digital as well as interface and engagement with the Regulatory Authorities.
Ritesh Sachdev
Ritesh Sachdev
SVP & Head commercial leasingTata Realty
Ritesh Vohra
Ritesh Vohra
Partner & Head - Real EstateInvestcorp
Ritesh has been a financier, advisor and entrepreneur over the course of his real estate career, and has been associated with a number of property developments across India. He moved to Investcorp in early 2019 as a result of its acquisition of IDFC Alternativesā€™ Real Estate platform, and heads the real estate funds management business for India. Prior to Investcorp, Ritesh worked as a Partner with IDFC Alternatives and previously as an MD at real estate fund manager Saffron Advisors. He has been a past member of the CII National Committee on Real Estate. He is also a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, United Kingdom (RICS).
Robin Chhabra
Robin Chhabra
Founder & CEODextrus
After schooling in UK, Robin earned Bachelor of Science in Architecture & Master of Architecture from University of Michigan,Ann Arbor. He worked in diverse projects spanning theatre set design & heritage hotels with boutique architecture firm Kay Ngee Tan Architects (Singapore); then joined the award-winning team at Serie Architects as Senior Architect in Mumbai. Here,he acquired the unique skill of managing contextual & spatial logic with unique formal expression. He led several residential & commercial projects incl. schools, hotels & sports facilities.Recognizing the need to provide professionals with a work space offering all the finesse of a top-notch office with none of the fuss involved in maintaining it, he founded Dextrus in 2018.
Rodrigo ArrĆ³spide
Rodrigo ArrĆ³spide
Gerente General y Managing PartnerW Capital
Rohan Chalsani
Rohan Chalsani
DirectorCPPIB - Canada Pension Plan Investment Board - Hong Kong
Rohit Gopalani
Rohit Gopalani
National Head - Leasing | Senior Vice PresidentInorbit Malls
Rohit Singh
Rohit Singh
PrincipalApollo Global
Rohit Singh
Rohit Singh
Head Real Estate FinanceCurrently Unaffiliated
More than 18 years in Banking and Financial Services with rich experience of having built a business around Banking services for the Real-Estate industry. Rich Experience and strong relationships across all key markets.
Roshan Gowda
Roshan Gowda
Regional Head, APJ & Greater China - Global Real Estate and Facilities (GRF)SAP LABS INDIA
As the future of Work unravels globally, Roshans passion lies in spearheading the endeavour to evolve ground-breaking workplace strategies to optimize and stimulate employee performance. The Workplace in the New ā€“ and how Wellness, Sustainability and Technology can contribute ā€“ is a subject where Roshans interests range from the strategic to the hands-on. In a career spanning over 20 years, Roshan has developed a reputation of a Thought Leader in the Indian and APAC Real Estate ecosystems and is frequently sought-after to engage in future of Work discussion
Roshan Sharda
Roshan Sharda
PrincipalASK Property Fund
Sahil Vachani
Sahil Vachani
Vice Chairman and Managing DirectorMax Estates
Sahil Vachani, Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Max Estates Ltd, aims to revolutionize Indian real estate with Max Groupā€™s values of Sevabhav, Excellence, and Credibility. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Management Sciences from the University of Warwick, completed in 2003. Starting his career as an investment banker at Citigroup in London, he worked on Mergers and Acquisitions across the Middle East and Africa. In 2004, he joined Dixon Technologies as Business Head, launching new products, setting up manufacturing facilities, and establishing key customer relationships.
Sahil Vora
Sahil Vora
After working at George Weiss Associates, a $3 billion hedge fund in New York, Sahil moved back to India to pursue his passion for entrepreneurship. Along with his younger brother Rushabh, they started SILA to explore opportunities in the Indian Real Estate sector. Over the last decade, SILA has scaled to manage over 150 million sqft., with 20,000+ employees across India. In 2019, SILA ventured into Real Estate Development in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region, currently constructing approx. 500,000 sqft. Sahilā€™s track record over the last few years led him to be named in Entrepreneur Magazineā€™s ā€˜35 under 35ā€™ list in 2018. Sahil is also an avid sportsman, and was a member of the Indian National Squash team.
Sai Krishna Bharathan
Sai Krishna Bharathan
Sai Krishna Bharathan is a senior partner at AZB & Partners and has been with the firm since 2004. Sai has over 22 years of experience and his practice areas include advising on foreign investment with particular focus on the real estate and allied sectors, formation of offshore and domestic funds, joint ventures, acquisitions and foreign investment in general. On the funds side, Sai regularly advises major offshore and domestic sponsors, fund managers and investors in relation to establishment of funds, managed accounts and the like. Sai offers particularly extensive experience of significant funds-related deals in the real estate and allied spaces.
Sandeep Chanda
Sandeep Chanda
Managing Director IndiaPanattoni - India
Sandeep Chanda is Managing Director India at Panattoni. He has over 18 years of work experience in Real Estate investment, asset management, land acquisitions, fund management and investors relations in India. He has concluded private equity, land and joint venture deals across product lines including Residential, Office, IT Parks and SEZs, Industrial & Warehousing in tier I cities in India. Sandeep over the years has been part of transactions that translates to an equity deployment of over USD 700 million. Sandeep has been one of the founding team member of Embassy Industrial Parks and he has been instrumental in setting up a Warehouse and Industrial development JV platform (USD 250 mil) between Warburg Pincus and Embassy.
Sandeep Runwal
Sandeep Runwal
Managing DirectorRunwal Group
Mr. Sandeep Runwal is the youngest alumnus of IIM B & a fellow member of the India Advisory Board of Harvard Business School. Taking over the reins of the business in 1993 as Managing Director of the Runwal Group ,He has been pivotal in the accelerated growth of the Group the last 2 decades & has driven path-breaking collaborations in the real estate business - partnerships with Warburg Pincus & GIC. Feats that have led to him being felicitated as a Young Turk by CNBC.His ā€œNEVER-SAY-DIE-ATTITUDEā€ & insightful and studied approach to the business has resulted in Runwal rank amongst the top 50 Real Estate & Infrastructure companies in India by Construction Week. As a people person, Sandeep lays great emphasis on nurturing relationships.
Sanjay Bhutani
Sanjay Bhutani
A management professional with 28 years of experience in various fields like IT/ Telecom, Business Development, Sales & Marketing, Cloud and Data Center Build, Vendor Management, Customer Service, Business Processes and many others. Expertise: ā€¢ Ideating the Vision and Mission of companies by adding a sense of purpose to their operations. ā€¢ Planning, blueprinting and profitable execution of Data center, Telecom & IT projects, SMEs and Cloud Business. ā€¢ Proficiency in dealing with big data and analytics ā€¢ Large data center build & Operations, Business Planning and Investor Process. ā€¢ Built strong networking relations with OTTs, Global Telecom Operators in key international markets to enhance global presence.
Sanjay Dutt
Sanjay Dutt
MD & CEOTata Realty
Sanjay is the MD & CEO of TRIL and Tata Housing with over 28 years of experience in the Real Estate Development and Consulting space. He is managing 20 ongoing projects across 13 cities in India, Sri Lanka & Maldives, incl. Commercial, Retail, Hospitality and Residential as well as infrastructure projects incl. 3 rope ways, 4 roadways & a Metro project in Pune. Previously, he was CEO India Operations & Private Funds with The CapitaLand, a multinational Alternative Asset Management Company. Sanjay spent 23 years with top 3 global real estate consulting companies. He was MD South Asia at C&W (2001-2008 and 2012-2016), also CEO Business with JLL (2008 ā€“ 2012) and was one of the founder member of CBRE, India (1996-2001).
Sanjay Kumar Bansal
Sanjay Kumar Bansal
Managing PartnerDevansh Construction
Shri Sanjay Kumar Bansal, Aged about 41 years is the Managing Partner of M/S. Devansh Group. He is an MBA from T.A.Pai Management Institute (Manipal) and was adjudged as ā€œBest Student Manager Award ā€œfor South India by AICTE. Since last 18 years, he is using his Experience and Expertise in Construction Industry, He is Highly Disciplined, a Practitioner of Vipasana Meditation and a Perfectionist, He was an Executive Committee Member of CREDAI Hyderabad from 2013-15.
Sanjoy Paul
Sanjoy Paul
Executive DirectorTCG Real Estate
Executive Director in TCG Real Estate. 28 years of experience in Indian Real Estate. Have worked across all the key markets in India ie Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata and NCR. Specialises in two asset class ie Commercial and Residential. Have a deep understanding on land matters & regulations, product positioning, project management, leasing and asset management. Have been responsible for starting TCGā€™s RE operation in all 6 metropolitans. Have been a key member of 400 mn USD RE Fund. Prior to TCG Sanjoy was a Project Manager at India Habitat Centre (1.1 mn sft mixed-use development). Developer & RE Fund
Sasi Mundakkal
Sasi Mundakkal
VP-Sales & MarketingGowra Ventures
Seshadri Rangarajan
Seshadri Rangarajan
CFOAliens Group
I am an alumnus of IIT Delhi (B.Tech 1993-97) and IIM Ahmedabad (PGDM Full time 2001-2003).
I have over 16 years of experience in corporate finance, investment management, private equity, financial advisory, business consulting and investment banking with focus on real estate. I have worked on all aspects of corporate finance including financial planning & analysis, business plan preparation and modelling, MIS systems and fund raising. I have worked as part of financial advisory, project finance and private equity teams, on all aspects of transaction management, in Ernst & Young, Axis Bank, Nomura and Old Lane. I am currently the CFO of Aliens Group and am focussing on financial management of the Group and fund raising initiatives
Shaifali Singh
Shaifali Singh
Vice PresidentDivyaSree
With over 16 years in diverse aspects of Real Estate, I possess significant cross-geographical and cross-functional experience across real estate consulting, transactions and design & project management. My experience spans stints with a multinational real estate services agency, a leading Indian developer, a global retail giant and an architectural design and project services firm. For large part of my career, I have managed budgets and led profit centres helping me build a wellā€“ rounded profile as a team player, with exposure to Business Development, Client Relationship Management, Marketing, Sales, People Management, Project Management and Finance.
Shaishav Dharia
Shaishav Dharia
Development DirectorLodha Group
Shashank Jain
Shashank Jain
Leader- Real Estate DealsPwC
Shashank is a Transaction Services (TS) Partner, and focused on Real Estate Sector for PwC India, based out of Mumbai, India. He has over 15 years of professional experience in financial due diligence (both buy side and vendor assistance), valuations and preparation and review of financial projections/business plans, etc. He was been involved in significant number of cross border transactions, both outbound (especially in the US and Europe) and inbound investments in India on behalf of both strategic and financial investors. He has demonstrated an in depth understanding of the keys to successfully serve the sophisticated requirements of financial and strategic buyers. Shashank has been working in the Real Sector for almost over a decade.
Shashidhar Reddy
Shashidhar Reddy
Shashidhar Reddy joined KKR as a Principal in 2016 in KKRā€™s India real estate investment platform. Prior to that, he was a Vice President in Real Estate Fund of Kotak Investment Advisors Ltd and with TCG Real Estate. He holds an M.B.A from IIM, Calcutta and a dual degree in Civil Engineering from IIT, Kharagpur.
Shhyam Singhania
Shhyam Singhania
ChairmanEnarr Capital
Chairman of Enarr Group, a boutique investment bank, Mr. Shhyam Singhania has more than 30 years of experience in Textile, Media & Entertainment and Agriculture. Mr. Singhania with a team of sector professionals set-up Enarr Media and Entertainment Fund and Enarr Agri Fund in the year 2011/12. He is a General Partner at Enarr Venture Capital Fund, a proposed hybrid structure venture capital fund investing in start-ups. Mr. Singhania has hands on experience producing movies that provide a platform for genuine talent. We back films that are meaningful, theme based and packed with passion and commitment. Mr. Singhania has a graduate degree in business and commerce from the University of Mumbai and post graduate degree in marketing and finance.
Shiv Parekh
Shiv Parekh
Founder, hBitshBits
Shiv is an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BS in Engineering Physics from Stanford University. He is the founder of hBits, Indiaā€™s most experienced real estate fractional ownership platform, backed by Raycon Infrastructure, an Indo-German real estate and infrastructure joint venture. hBits is democratizing and digitizing investments in commercial real estate with a goal of building a global digital exchange for real estate. hBits has an AUM of Rs 100 crore and has customers from across India as well as NRIs from Singapore, Gulf, Europe, UK and USA. Its team comprises of ambitious graduates from Harvard, Stanford and IIMs as well as experienced professionals from top corporates like HDFC, HSBC, Piramal and Knight Frank.
Shobhit Agarwal
Shobhit Agarwal
Shobhit Agarwal, MD & CEO of ANAROCK Capital Advisors, is a visionary entrepreneur and one of the prominent faces in the Indian real estate market. With a profound experience of over 22 years in real estate investments, he has been instrumental in leveraging Indian RE to the global Capital Market platform. At ANAROCK Capital, he steers the strategic direction for RE Investment Banking Advisory through various investment verticals to serve the best interest of his clients. His in-depth knowledge coupled with his long-standing relationships with developers & capital providers has resulted in multi-billion dollar deals. In his past role, he had a successful 17-year stint at JLL India where he led the Capital Markets division with aplomb.
Siddharth Sangal
Siddharth Sangal
PrincipalProprium Capital Partners
Somit Bandyopadhyay
Somit Bandyopadhyay
Director's OfficeK Raheja Corp
Sridhar Pinnapureddy
Sridhar Pinnapureddy
Founder&CEOCtrl S
Mr. Sridhar Pinnapureddy is a First Generation Entrepreneur and Founder of CtrlS Datacenters, Cloud4C. Today the Group has presence in 25 Countries and 50 locations worldwide serving Fortune 500 Global Multinationals. He has steered over 200 innovations and credited with launching First Rated 4 Data Center in India. Mr. Sridhar has been recognized for his good work in business as well as social initiatives, and is a recipient of several awards including E&Y Entrepreneur of the Year (Finalist) Award, Rajiv Gandhi Shiromani by Global Economic Council (GEC), Business Transformer of the Year Award, TV5 Business Leader Award, Best Entrepreneur of the Year, Outstanding Entrepreneur of the year (APEA), Karamveer Puraskar among others.
Srinivasa Rao Aravapalli
Srinivasa Rao Aravapalli
CFOMy Home Constructions
A.Srinivasa Rao is a CA (1992) and presently working as CFO with My Home Constructions Private Limited, Hyderabad (My Home), a leading Company in Residential & Commercial Construction and is part of My Home Group, Hyderabad with various other businesses such as Cement, Logistics, Education, Media etc., Srinivasa Rao, during his 28 years of working experience, associated with various industries including Electronics & Communications, Security Printing, Cement, Oil & Gas and currently into Construction. Experienced in raising Loans, managing taxation & treasury, implementation of SAP, part of Senior think tank of the Group in Strategic Business decisions and occasionally participates in seminars / workshops and writes articles.
Sudeep Singh
Sudeep Singh
Co-founder and Chief ExecutiveMPowered
Sudeep Singh is the Founder & CEO of Mpowered; a firm that specialises in Asset-Management Solutions. He has been a serial entrepreneur for over a decade and has carved a diverse and interesting professional path for himself. Prior to launching this first-of-its-kind venture, Sudeep held the CEOā€™s office at BlackRock backed GoWork, one of Indiaā€™s most popular co-working campuses, which he built from the ground up. He raised a whopping USD 53Mn for the business from prestigious Investors including BlackRock and CLSA Partners. An insatiable quest for Technology, unprecedented Strategic Business acumen and an undying Entrepreneurial Spirit are attributes that define his personality.
Sudhanshu Kejriwal
Sudhanshu Kejriwal
Co-founder & Managing PartnerEverVantage
Sudhanshu is a Managing Partner at EverVantage and heads the Capital Markets and Investment Banking verticals across asset classes. He has gathered over a decade of experience in fund raising and deal structuring. Sudhanshu is the go-to specialist in capital advisory to Real Estate and Hospitality developers nationwide. He has single handedly raised over 1.5 Bn USD in the real estate sector.
Sudheer Perla
Sudheer Perla
Managing DirectorTABREED
Sudheer is the India Country Manager for Tabreed, the worldā€™s largest listed district cooling utility headquartered in Abu Dhabi that currently provides sustainable cooling as a service to over 250 million square feet of real estate developments through the 75 district cooling systems the company operates across the GCC countries. Having commenced his stint with Tabreed in a corporate finance role successfully completing its extensive $1.7 billion restructuring and recapitalization plan in 2011, he has since worked in a variety of roles from regional asset management, business development to managing the companyā€™s M&A activities up until early 2019.
Sumeet Agarwal
Sumeet Agarwal
ConsultantApollo Global
Sunil Gupta
Sunil Gupta
Co-Founder, Managing Director & CEOYotta Data Services
Known as the ā€˜Data Center Man of Indiaā€™, Sunil has built and operated the most third-party data centers in India. His efforts have been instrumental in Indiaā€™s data center growth story and have been recognized in the industry in the form of numerous accolades on domestic and global platforms. Sunil has been featured in the illustrious Data Economyā€™s APAC 50 list and is one of the 100 personalities to watch out for in the next decade who are posed to heavily influence the direction and transformation of the global data center and cloud markets.
Sunil Mehta
Sunil Mehta
Sunil is a Partner and Risk assurance leader for the Real Estate & Infrastructure sector in the West. He has 20 years of Advisory and project management experience, including last 13 years in the Real estate sector. He has worked with 75+ Real Estate & Infrastructure Companies (including PE funds, ARCs, NBFCs & IPCs) across India and overseas, in the areas of Project management, Asset Monitoring, Investors reporting, Technical due diligence, Business Process Design & automation, Internal controls, internal audit, ERP implementation, Customer experience and Revenue assurance.
Sunir Ramchandani
Sunir Ramchandani
Head - Construction Realty Funding and Asset MonetisationTATA Capital
A Real Estate Finance Professional with diverse experience, Sunir has been with ICICI Group since 2001. Over the past 19 years, he has worked in various roles with the Mortgage Business, working on developer relations, corporate & branch linked business, credit underwriting, Risk Management etc. He also worked with the Real Estate Transaction Services team at ICICI HFC, and led the business to a manifold growth during his tenor with the team. He currently manages the Construction & Realty Funding Business and the RE Asset Evaluation & Monetisation Business for ICICI Bank.
Suraj chhabria
Suraj chhabria
Co-Founder & Managing PartnerAltstar Capital
Suresh Maramreddy
Suresh Maramreddy
Managing DirectorApollo Global
Mr. Maramreddy is responsible for sourcing, underwriting, executing and managing real estate investment transactions for Apollo Global Management in India. He has over 17 years of experience in RE PE, portfolio analytics, strategy and research. Prior to joining Apollo in 2010, he was VP with Citi Property Investors (ā€œCPIā€) Asia Pacific. Prior to that, he worked for two years in CPIā€™s New York office researching more than 100 global property markets. Prior to joining CPI in 2003, he was with Property & Portfolio Research (ā€œPPRā€), Boston. He received an M.B.A. from Clemson University in South Carolina, USA and holds a Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Mr. Maramreddy is a CFA charter holder.
Suresh Patel
Suresh Patel
Managing DirectorGreenscape Group / Greenscape Developers
Takuya Odagiri
Takuya Odagiri
DirectorMitsubishi Corporation
Tariq Vaidya
Tariq Vaidya
MD - Real EstateNV Capital Services
Tariq is the Managing Director & CEO of New Vernon Capital, with a demonstrated history of success in the real estate Private Equity space. He has spent over 25 years in the Real Estate industry. He was instrumental in setting up Knight Frank in India and ran their Advisory and Corporate Real Estate functions before joining NV Capital Services in 2005. Built up a commercial real estate portfolio of ~8.5 mn aft and successfully exited ~6.5 mn sft to global and domestic institutional investors with arguably some of the best returns in the industry.
Thirumal Govindraj
Thirumal Govindraj
CEORMZ Corporation
Holding a graduate degree in Bachelor of Arts and with 20 years of Sales experience out of which 15 years in the Real Estate space working with CBRE one of the largest International Property consultants in the world in multiple markets of Bangalore, Chennai and Mumbai, he has worked on some of the largest Leasing as well as Built To suit transactions for some of the largest corporate in India, like Honeywell, Shell, ANZ, HP, Cognizant, HSBC to name a few. HE joined RMZ Corp in the year 2012 as a Leasing Director. He is currently the Managing Director of the group and is a Member of the Board and the Executive Committee, he is responsible for the complete commercial Business of the RMZ group.
Tripti Navani
Tripti Navani
EVPShapoorji Pallonji
Ms. Tripti Navani is currently Vice President Credit & Markets at Shapoorji Pallonji Finance Private Ltd ā€“ a wholesale lending NBFC of the SP and SSG Group. Other than assessing various credit deals she also manages the treasury role. She also handles various other roles in the company as the principal officer of the POSH Committee. She joined Citi in 2007 and has acquired a wide range of experience in the areas of credit research, strategic planning and management, fund raising, project finance, treasury, and credit operations. She has worked with various companies like Citi, Kotak, and IndoStar
Varun Chawla
Varun Chawla
Co-Founder91 Springboard
Varun is the Co-founder of 91springboard, one of the biggest coworking communities in India. He is responsible for creating fun and lively spaces that have supported over 3,000 businesses in their growth journey. He conceptualised 91springboard in 2013, a time when the term Ƨo-working was alien to India. HE played a key role in setting up the Goldman Sachs equity research operations in Bangalore. Under his leadership, the team grew to 120 employees in a span of 18 months.In 2018-Chosen by Google Google for Entrepreneurs Program.He graduated in B.S. Applied Economics & Management from Cornell University. He also holds a Project Management certification for Executives - 2019 from XLRI
Varun Singh
Varun Singh
Director - AcquisitionsAllianz Real Estate
Varun Singh is a Director in Allianz Real Estate Asia Pacific and heads the India & Southeast Asia business. Prior to joining Allianz in 2019, Varun was leading Singapore real estate acquisitions for JPMAM. He was directly involved with and led investments in Singapore across all sectors for JPMAMā€™s flagship Strategic Property Fund Asia, an open-ended core fund focused on Asia Pacific gateway cities. Previously, Varun spent 9 years investing in Indian real estate market focused on equity and debt investment opportunities. Varun graduated from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay with a bachelorā€™s degree in Computer Science, and received his MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta.
Vijay Kandhari
Vijay Kandhari
DirectorKhushi Developers / BKP
Vikas Chimakurthy
Vikas Chimakurthy
CEO, Kotak Realty FundKotak Alternate Asset Managers
Vikas Chimakurthy joined the Kotak Investment Bank in 1999 and has over 21 years of work experience in the financial services industry. Vikas moved to Kotak Realty Fund in 2007. He is a Chief Executive Officer at Kotak Realty Fund where he oversees fund raising and investments and divestments. Prior to Kotak Realty Fund, Vikas was in the M&A team of Kotak Investment Banking. His last role in the investment bank was as the head of the real estate and energy sector verticals. He had set up the coverage of the realty sector for Kotak Investment Banking. He has led several M&A transactions across sectors such as energy, telecom, technology, media and chemicals.
Vikas Rana
Vikas Rana
Zonal Business Head-WestICICI BANK
Vinamra Srivastava
Vinamra Srivastava
Chief Sustainability Officer (Designate)CapitaLand Limited
Vinamra Srivastava was the Chief Executive Officer, India Business Parks for Capitaland. Vinamra oversees investments, development, operations, asset management and strategic planning for the business parks in India, and leads the expansion and enhancement of the Groupā€™s portfolio of assets in the country. He was previously based in Singapore heading Group Corporate Strategy & Development. He contributed to the successful Ascendas-Singbridge post-merger integration process and played a key leadership role to develop the India strategy.
Vineet Sekhsaria
Vineet Sekhsaria
Managing Director and Country HeadPrologis India
Vineet joined Morgan Stanley in Augā€™2007. Vineet relocated to India in June 2011 after spending a no. of years with MSRE in New York. - Vineet has experience underwriting transactions in opportunistic and core real estate and restructuring legacy deals. - Prior to joining MSRE, Vineet worked at Deloitte Consulting in the Strategy and Operations Practice helping Fortune 500 companies restructure and grow. - Vineet has an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago and a Bachelors degree in Economics from Miami University.
Vinod Rohira
Vinod Rohira
MD & CEOK Raheja Corp
Equipped with an MBA from Booth School of Business, Chicago, and a law degree from the Mumbai University, Vinod began his career with the K. Raheja Corp, over two decades ago. A fine example of his work philosophy has resulted in building brand ā€˜Mindspaceā€™ ā€“ with the idea of establishing world-class business districts; a concept which has completely revolutionized the Commercial Real Estate sector in India. Having led the development of Grade A commercial real estate across the country, and the listing of Mindspace Business Parks REIT on the Indian stock exchanges, his current focus is on driving the commercial businessā€™ strategic operations with an emphasis on stakeholdersā€™ management and business development.
Vithal Suryavanshi
Vithal Suryavanshi
PartnerKotak Alternate Asset Managers
Vivek Anand
Vivek Anand
Yash Gupta
Yash Gupta
Managing PartnerYGR
Yash Gupta has started his own companies called Yash Gupta Real Estate LLP and Blue Sky Ventures, Indiaā€™s first PropTech fund. Before being MD and country head at HINES he has served as the CEO of Silverglades, a mid-sized Indian real estate developer. In the 90's, he ran Doorvani Cables - a manufacturer of telecommunication ancillaries. He was a consultant with McKinsey & Company in New York (and New Delhi) for 5 years and Pricewaterhouse Coopers in Chicago for 2 years. He has a Masters in Business Administration from Harvard Business School, Boston and Bachelor of Science in Industrial Management from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh.
Yesh Nadkarni
Yesh Nadkarni
Managing Director, Real EstatePiramal Capital
Yesh Nadkarni (Mumbai) joined KKR in 2015 and is head of KKRā€™s India real estate investment platform. Prior to joining KKR, he worked in J.P. Morgan's principal investing group, the firmā€™s balance sheet investing platform, where his last role was to oversee the groupā€™s Asia-Pacific (ex-China) real estate investing business. Prior to J.P. Morgan, Mr. Nadkarni spent over ten years working in a variety of roles focusing on real estate investing and advisory areas across India, Southeast Asia, and Australia. He holds a Masters in Finance degree from London Business School and a Bachelor of Engineering degree from India.
29/07/2020 | 15:00 - 16:00 | IST (GMT+5:30)

Office Supply and Demand Trends in Key Indian Cities - Predictions to Reality.

Office space may emerge from the coronavirus pandemic with a blend of old and new trends, the office of the future may now be the office of the past.  How will the leasing landscape change for the office sector across six major cities in India? How will companies think about distribution of office locations, less centralisation and more hub and spoke approach? Are offices likely to see headwinds until a new norm is found? 

  • Impact of the pandemic on office demand/supply in six major cities of India- Net absorption/Vacancy/Completion and Rent 
  • Business Continuity Plans for Occupiers 
  • Is Consolidation and acquisition in the flexible operating space going to gain momentum ?
  • New lease agreements and conditions - operating hours, cessation of business 
  • Force Majure clauses and Insurance conditions

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30/07/2020 | 15:00 - 16:00 | IST (GMT+5:30)

COVID-19 and its impact on the hottest alternate asset class: Data Centres

The emergence of a new business environment in the wake of Covid-19 is expected to boost cloud services and digitisation as companies overhaul their digital infrastructure to deal with new ways of working.  Higher penetration of e-commerce, digital payments and widespread deployment of Big Data, apart from policy level push for data localisation, had already started spurring demand for data centres before COVID-19 struck. Sectors such as banking, financial services, logistics, transportation, e-commerce, media and entertainment, along with large-scale digitisation efforts within government, are driving the growth. 

  • What are the policy initiatives and trends in this asset class that will change the course of demand ? 

  • How will the operations of the data centres evolve in the times to come? 

  • What will the contribution of this fast growing asset class be on the real estate of the future in Indian cities?

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Sectoral Club Partners
+91 88800 00220
Mumbai | Maharashtra | India
CoWrks is Indiaā€™s largest and fastest growing large-format coworking space provider. Established in 2016, it has become home to several leading entrepreneurs, a launch pad for startups and a work hub for millennials in large enterprises and Fortune 500 companies. Headquartered in Bangalore, CoWrks currently operates out of five cities, and is spread across 2 million sq. ft, with a community of over 23,000 members. CoWrks caters to all demographics of the workforce with an array of membership options, including flexible and dedicated desks, customizable private studios and even virtual membership. CoWrks is driven by data and technology, providing a sophisticated visitor management system, a private social networking app, digital meeting room booking, and more. With 24*7 access to select workstations, a sweeping gamut of amenities, and unique networking opportunities, the co-working space is creating a culture that boosts creativity, productivity, cross-collaboration &knowledge sharing
Gurgaon | India
Colliers (NASDAQ, TSX: CIGI) is a leading diversified professional services and investment management company. With operations in 65 countries, our 18,000 enterprising professionals work collaboratively to provide expert real estate and investment advice to clients. For more than 28 years, our experienced leadership with significant inside ownership has delivered compound annual investment returns of approximately 20% for shareholders. With annual revenues of $4.5 billion and $99 billion of assets under management, Colliers maximizes the potential of property and real assets to accelerate the success of our clients, our investors and our people.
Mumbai | Maharashtra | India
With a legacy of 15+ years of experience, passionate team with specialized market knowledge, EverVantage is present across major cities of India, serving 200+ clients. Our services include Capital Markets, Hospitality Advisory, Leasing Land transactions. We have raised over INR 100+Bn for Capital Markets, while closing 50 Mn+ sq. ft of Leasing and Land trades. Our proptech platform enables buyers and lessees to seamlessly and smartly search and transact across asset classes.
Bangalore | Karnataka | India
Katerra is a technology driven global company optimizing the way buildings are designed & constructed through tested systems & approaches to bring more efficiency in our projects. Katerra offers end-to-end building products across Residential, Commercial Office Buildings, Hotels, Malls, Hospitals, Schools & Industrial Parks. Founded in 2015 by Michael Marks, Katerra has 700+ projects in progress & 6 factories globally. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, Katerra is present across America, India, China & the Middle East with 7,500+ professionals experienced in design, technology & construction. Katerra utilizes offsite manufacturing at its factories to save time & cost. Katerra's unique design approach links standardization with customization to provide efficiency without sacrificing design freedom. In India, Katerra is working with Indira Canteen, Infosys, Embassy, Vaishnavi, Lulu Mall, Bosch, KMCH Hospitals, GEMS Schools & others to deliver design & construction solutions.
+91 91 79 3091 7000
Mumbai | India
At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. Weā€™re a network of firms in 158 countries with more than 2,36,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at In India, PwC has offices in Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi NCR, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai and Pune. For more information about PwC Indiaā€™s service offerings, visit PwC refers to the PwC International network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate, independent and distinct legal entity. Please see for further details.
Gurugram | Haryana | India
Founded in 1998 and listed on the Dubai Financial Market, Tabreed is a global leading UAE-based investor, developer and operator that provides energy-efficient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly district cooling solutions through long term cooling as a service concessions. Through its 75 plants, thermal storage facilities and chilled water distribution networks, Tabreed currently delivers over 1.1 million refrigeration tons of sustainable cooling to over 250 million square feet of air-conditioned area in the cities the company currently operates in. Technology agonistic; using a variety of energy or heat rejection sources and with 20 years of operational excellence, Tabreed remains the partner of choice for organizations interested in benefiting from environmentally friendly cooling solutions that support the sustainable development goals.
Mumbai | India
Tata Group forayed into the real estate business over 35 years ago. Tata Housing was formed in 1984 and Tata Realty and Infrastructure Limited in 2007. The two companies were consolidated in 2018. TRIL has a strong presence across segments in 15 cities. Cumulatively, the company has a total of 53 projects (delivered & under construction), residential spaces of over 20 million sq ft, Commercial spaces of around 12 million square feet, Retail spaces of about 1.3 million square feet.
Mumbai | Maharashtra | India
We are a Technology-Enabled Architecture, Engineering, Planning, and Design firm creating the Intelligence Based Architectural and Design solutions for Sustainable Buildings, and Efficient Infrastructure for Tomorrow. The company has Energy Modelling & The Sustainability Concept at the core of its Designs. We leverage the knowledge of the work environment as a tool to solve organizational challenges. We understand issues companies face as they attempt to effect change through the built environment and with our Technology Adaptive and Enabled Design solutions we are able to combine an organizationā€™s strategy, space types and sciences to create interdisciplinary facilities that lead to innovations and creative breakthroughs he proposes designs that are at the convergence of engineering, efficiency, and wellness. OUR NICHE: Architectural Design Interior Architecture Design Engineering Procurement Commissioning (DEPC)
Mumbai | India
Welspun One logistics Parks (WOLP) is an industrial real estate platform, that seeks to provide an integrated investment, asset, and development management solution focused on the logistics & warehousing sector in India.

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The eMeetings are designed to provide value to our global membership, using simple and powerful technologies that bring leaders together. In a world where time is of the essence, we build insights, stimulate capital sourcing and enable deal flow. We discuss global entry and exit strategies with varied perspectives from the comfort of your own home or office.

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