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Mariana Quidel
Mariana Quidel
Senior Investment Director, Meridiam

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Mariana has over 15 years of experience as an infrastructure and energy professional. She is an Investment Director in Meridiam’s New York office where she focuses on business development in Latin America. Within her role, Mariana has been involved in several public bid procurements for district energy and transportation projects, as well as private developments in the transition energy sector, leading all phases of the investment process. Prior to joining Meridiam, Mariana was a vice president at Macquarie in the infrastructure and energy team where she was responsible of transaction execution and financial structuring for projects in the Americas, with a focus in Colombia and Mexico.
Meridiam was founded in 2005, with the belief that the alignment of interests between the public and private sector can provide critical solutions to the collective needs of communities. Meridiam is an independent investment Benefit Corporation and an asset manager. The firm specializes in the development, financing, and long-term management of sustainable public infrastructure in three core sectors: sustainable mobility, critical public services and innovative low carbon solutions.
Working in this organization
Recent Activities
Mexico GRI Infra & Energy 2024
9th October
Ciudad de México
Angel Navarro
Anne Colbert
Armando Gomez
Blanca Rodriguez