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Guilherme Augusto Duarte de Faria
Guilherme Augusto Duarte de Faria
President, COPASA - Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais

Introduction by GRI

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Public Administrator from Fundação João Pinheiro. Executive MBA in Oil and Gas from AVM Integrated College. Postgraduate in Public Management and Urban Legislation from Universidade Cândido Mendes.
Specialist in Public Policies and Government Management, career civil servant of the State of Minas Gerais, worked in the management of state-owned companies in Minas Gerais linked to the State Secretariat of Economic Development and its subsidiaries. Has experience in public service regulation, administrative and financial management, project management, and a track record in economic development with a focus on energy, environment, and mining sectors.
Working in this organization