Your application for a Courtesy Membership is under review

We have just received your information and we will get back to you shortly. Check out the steps below:

Information sent


Application in analysis


Feedback email


Complimentary access activated

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* I confirm that I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of GRI Club
Nicolas Jaramillo
Nicolas Jaramillo
Presidente, Constructora Conconcreto S.A.

Introduction by GRI

Send a brief message to your Account Manager, who will be happy to assist you
Sucessful Registration! Our team will reach out soon to proceed with the next steps.
Your Introduction Request was successfully sent.
Soon your Account Manager will get back to you regarding this request.

Schedule a Meeting

Please propose 2 slots that are convenient for you. Feel free to add a short comment to make the connection easier
Sucessful Registration! Our team will reach out soon to proceed with the next steps.
America/Adak (GMT -10:00)
Your Private Meeting suggestion was successfully sent.
You'll receive an email with the confirmation.
Compañía de servicios de construcción con 50 años de presencia en el mercado colombiano. Lider en la construcción de proyectos de infraestructura tales como centrales hidroeléctricas, túneles, carreteras, viaductos, puentes, puertos y aeropuertos. Grandes fortaleza en proyectos industriales, comerciales, sedes institucionales y proyectos de vivienda. Compañía inscrita en la bolsa de valores de Colombia (oferta publica en 2010) con un alto compromiso en la seguridad de sus trabajadores.
Working in this organization