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Pedro Lira
Pedro Lira
Founding Partner, Natureza Urbana

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Architect, urban planner and entrepreneur with over 15 years of work experience in several countries.
Founder of Natureza Urbana, an office with dedicated attention to projects involving nature and the city, and partner at the Altar, a platform of hospitality experiences that connect you with what matters.
Throughout its trajectory, it has built extensive experience in coordinating and developing architectural projects, urban studies, feasibility studies and public-private partnerships, urban and city planning projects, tourism development planning and masterplans, ecotourism and parks, among others at the federal, state and municipal levels, in Brazil and abroad.
Its performance stands out for its significant variation in scale, its entrep
A Natureza Urbana atua em todo Brasil e exterior de forma multidisciplinar nos campos da arquitetura, urbanismo e planejamento, priorizando a conexão com o território e com as dinâmicas e potenciais de cada lugar. Impulsionada pela transformação das cidades e territórios, em ambientes urbanos, rurais, naturais, ou na transição entre eles, desenhamos novas relações e experiências, entre as pessoas e a natureza. O propósito de ressignificar lugares e transformar vidas inspira nosso dia a dia.