Your application for a Courtesy Membership is under review

We have just received your information and we will get back to you shortly. Check out the steps below:

Information sent


Application in analysis


Feedback email


Complimentary access activated

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* I confirm that I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of GRI Club
Vitor Wjuniski
Vitor Wjuniski
Director, Stuhlberger Construtora e Incorporadora

Introduction by GRI

Send a brief message to your Account Manager, who will be happy to assist you
Sucessful Registration! Our team will reach out soon to proceed with the next steps.
Your Introduction Request was successfully sent.
Soon your Account Manager will get back to you regarding this request.

Schedule a Meeting

Please propose 2 slots that are convenient for you. Feel free to add a short comment to make the connection easier
Sucessful Registration! Our team will reach out soon to proceed with the next steps.
America/Adak (GMT -10:00)
Your Private Meeting suggestion was successfully sent.
You'll receive an email with the confirmation.
Engenheiro, Sócio Diretor da Stuhlberger Engenharia, Gestor da Área Comercial, Empreendedor. Contribui ativamente na evolução de sua empresa buscando conquistas de sucesso e parcerias com grandes incorporadoras e fundos imobiliários.
Mais de 2 milhões de metros quadrados construídos contam uma parte da história da Stuhlberger. A outra parte, a parte mais importante, são as milhares de histórias de vida que ajudamos a construir há mais de meio século. Seriedade na gestão de qualidade, no relacionamento com parceiros e fornecedores e principalmente respeito ao momento de vida do cliente que decide adquirir um imóvel. Construir histórias de vida é o que faz a nossa diferença, a nossa marca de qualidade.