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Bonnie Ko
Bonnie Ko
Managing Director, Head of Capital Markets, Activum SG UK Advisors Limited

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Bonnie is a Managing Director at ActivumSG focusing on the group's debt capital markets activity. She has over 19 years of experience in RE including sourcing, structuring, and distributing a range of RE debt products. Prior to joining ActivumSG in2016, Bonnie worked at Deutsche Bank and Morgan Stanley in origination, structuring and syndication roles across European RE debt products, including senior loans and mezzanine tranches. She moved to London in 2003 with Credit Suisse to help build their European CMBS team and began her career with Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette in New York in 2000. Bonnie holds a BS in Economics (Finance/Real Estate) from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
ActivumSG was founded by Saul Goldstein in 2007 to invest in niche opportunities in German and Spanish real estate related sectors
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Recent Activities
Europe GRI 2024
10 - 11 September
Aart Visser
Abhishek Jha
Abigail Shapiro
Adam Buchler