Are you actively seeking investments, transactions, or project developments in the German real estate market while trying to understand what the competition is doing?
After another economically and geopolitically turbulent year, investors are trying to understand the current market stand. This is the perfect opportunity to discuss pressing matters like inflation, dealflow and investment risks in the real estate market. Join us and discover the best solutions to deal with market challenges and ensure value.
The 21st Deutsche GRI brings together the leading real estate investors, lenders, and project developers. The discussion format provides the opportunity to interact with each other easily and break the ice. Save time in finding new business partners, expand existing business relationships, and discuss the most pressing questions in the markets with your industry colleagues.
Closed-door discussions, keynote speakers, case studies, debates, presentations and insights.
Private Equity Investors, Fund Managers, Operators, LPs, Developers, Asset Owners and Lenders invested in the German real estate markets.
Unique Format

Tentative Programme

German Geopolitical Outlook
Offices Come Back
Mixed-use assets the answer to unlocking value?
- Primary vs. Secondary Locations – Stick to the core or find value on the fringes?
- Modern Concepts – Multispace offices: Future-proof or fad?
- Home Office Impact – Long-term trend or short-term blip?
- Rising Prime Rents – Opportunity for premium returns or masking underlying risks?
- Vacancy Rates – Growing concern or room for strategic play?
- Lease Extensions – Stability or sign of stagnation?
- Project Pipeline Delays – Supply crunch or hidden opportunity?
Co- Investment, JVs und Club Deals
Das Geheimrezept für Wachstum?
- Lokale Expertise – Goldene Eintrittskarte zum Erfolg oder nur ein Sicherheitsnetz für risikoscheue Investoren?
- Kooperative Strategien – Risikostreuung oder Risiko der Verwässerung?
- Asset-Klassen – Sind Partnerschaften in bestimmten Sektoren erfolgreicher?
- Skalierung vs. Kontrolle – Stärke durch Gemeinschaft oder Verlust des Aufwärtspotenzials?
Retail Investments
Experiential shopping defining the future or still room for prime locations?
- Prime Retail Assets - Time to up our game for better returns?
- Consumer & Tenant Demands - Experiential retail the new value driver?
- Mixed-Use Developments - Better profit margins or a risky balancing act?
- Core Cities vs. Secondary Markets - Play it safe or go where others fear to tread?
- Occupancy Rates - What´s the outlook for 2025?
Investment Cycle
Market rebound here to stay or still on shaky ground?
- Interest Rates – Squeezing margins or unlocking cash-buying opportunities?
- Investor Appetite – Momentum shift creating a rebound?
- Distressed Assets – High risk or high reward for savvy investors?
- Core vs. Value-Add – What´s the flavor of the year?
- Asset Classes - Which are the hidden gems for stable returns?
- NPLs & Insolvency Acquisitions – Favorable pricing and quicker deals?
- Public & Private Sector – Partnerships on the horizon or better to stick with what we know?
Ist Konsolidierung der Schlüssel zur Wertschöpfung?
- M&A, das Comeback-Kid - Können strategische Deals den deutschen Immobilienmarkt neu beleben?
- Großer Fisch, kleiner Fisch – Welche Akteure stehen 2025 im Fokus für Übernahmen?
- Kaufkraft oder Überlebensstrategie – Ist Konsolidierung ein Werttreiber oder nur ein Rettungsanker?
- PropTech-Umbruch – Fördert M&A Innovation oder erstickt es den Wettbewerb?
- Deutschlands Immobilien-Reset – Ist Konsolidierung der clevere Schachzug in einem erholenden Markt?
ESG & Innovation
Driving value up or just another box to tick?
- Net Zero Targets - Pipe dream or achievable goal for Germany’s real estate players?
- ESG Regulation - Friend or foe for real estate owners and investors?
- Green Bonds and Beyond - Is sustainable financing unlocking new opportunities?
- Future-Proof or Falling Behind - Who’s winning the ESG race in real estate?
- Data Collection - How to turn insights into action for building retrofits, decarbonization, and achieving Net Zero?
Hotels & Serviced Apartments
Schafft das Vertrauen der Investoren eine Marktrückkehr?
- Flex, Luxus oder Budget – Welche Hotelmodelle ziehen die Aufmerksamkeit der Investoren auf sich?
- Serviced Apartments – Eine stabile Investition oder nur ein vorübergehender Trend in unsicheren Zeiten?
- M&A im Gastgewerbe – Wer kauft, wer verkauft und wo liegen die Chancen?
- Branded Residences & Extended Stays – Sind sie die ultimative hybride Investition?
- Zielmarkt Deutschland – Sind internationale Investoren noch immer auf der Gästeliste?
- Next-Gen Hospitality – Wie sieht die Zukunft der Gästeerfahrungen und Betriebsmodelle aus?
Debt & Lending
Vorsicht walten lassen inmitten von Marktunsicherheiten?
- Zinsen, Risiken und Chancen – Verändert der Kapitalaufwand die Kreditlandschaft?
- Banken vs. Alternativen – Wer hält heute die Zügel im Kreditmarkt?
- Refinanzierungsblockaden – Sind fällige Kredite eine tickende Zeitbombe oder eine goldene Gelegenheit?
- Distressed oder nur ein Test – Wie navigieren Kreditgeber durch fällige Kredite?
- Grenzüberschreitendes Kapital – Fließt internationales Kapital nach Deutschland oder sucht es sicherere Zufluchten?
Opportunistic & Value Add Investments
Answer to unlocking distress?
- Distress - Where are the hidden gems in today’s market?
- Risk-Adjusted Returns - Are opportunistic plays worth the gamble?
- Buy, Build, or Break Up - What’s the winning strategy for value-add investors?
- Debt, Equity, or JV - What's the right capital stack for bold moves?
- Lessons learned - What can we learn from the biggest value-add success stories?
Klaus Franken
Logistics & Light Industrial Investments
Long-term stability or short-term boom?
- E-Commerce & Last-Mile – The hottest assets right now?
- Key Hubs – Paying a premium for location or finding value off the beaten path?
- Innovation – Modernity worth the price tag or opportunity in older assets?
- Tenant Demands - New trends taking over or more of the same?
- Supply Chain Investments – Strategic move or too niche?
- Digitization, AI and Proptech - Is it the future of the asset class or can we do without?
Residential Assets
Favourable winds ahead or stuck in a pit?
- Supply & Demand - Rising costs creating a gap or opening doors to new opportunities?
- Regulatory Hurdles - A bump on the road or a full-blown roadblock?
- Flexible Living Spaces - Smart play for portfolio diversification?
- DACH Outlook - Holding its ground or sailing close to the wind amid economic challenges?
- Tenant Demographics & Demands - Building for today’s needs or future-proofing for tomorrow?

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